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Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story)
Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story)
Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story)
Ebook36 pages41 minutes

Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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What would you do for a million dollars?

Risk averse expatriate life insurance agent Bob Proctor has to steal back the head of famed American legal thriller author to claim a million dollar bounty from a retired Mexican drug lord. He soon finds himself way out of his depth on the back roads of Mexico. Army snipers, wild dogs, gold Cadillacs, one-handed Narcos. The whole enchilada.

"Bring Me the Head of John Grisham" is a loco literary story. With enough twists to give you whiplash.

Can the timid Proctor become fearless?

'The books of the future may not meet all the conventional criteria for literary value that we have today, or any of them.' Time Magazine

"Ruthless, contemporary take on Sam Peckinpah's weird, horrifying film that somehow transcends its unlikely material." Gary Hughes

'Riveting, snarling thriller with some brutal twists and turns.' Garth Hableton

'Absorbing, bizarrely spellbinding and strangely humorous.' Alex Guerrero

This is a work of fiction. While many of the characters portrayed here have counterparts in the life and times of John Grisham, the characterizations and incidents presented are products of the author's imagination.

'I have no idea where this filthy little thriller came from. It just kept assaulting me until I wrote it down, wrote it out. I guess it's all about courage. If you like stories that spin out of control down south of the border, you'll love this one.' Stefano Boscutti

Release dateOct 22, 2011
Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story)

Stefano Boscutti

STEFANO BOSCUTTI is an award-winning writer and director.He loves stories about true mavericks and outsiders who want to change the world. Larger than life characters who either wildly succeed or go down in flames. (Often both at the same time.) Boscutti's stories are usually laced with humor and a ton of irony.

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    Bring Me the Head of John Grisham (Short Story) - Stefano Boscutti

    'The books of the future may not meet any of the conventional criteria for literary value that we have today.' Time Magazine


    Stefano Boscutti

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Stefano Boscutti

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Discover more titles by Stefano Boscutti at

    This is a work of fiction. While many of the characters portrayed here have counterparts in the life and times of John Grisham, the characterizations and incidents presented are products of the author's imagination.



    Please don't look at me like that.

    JOHN GRISHAM'S head gives me one of those looks. It sits tilted upright in a metal bucket of salted ice, strapped in the passenger seat of a stolen police car. The one I'm driving down some crumpled dirt road. I'm heading into the desert country around Coahuila, away from La Pesca and a thousand bad decisions.

    I'm almost certain I didn't cut off your head. Mind you, not a hundred percent certain, because my memory's a little fuddled. Statistically? Say, somewhere between sixty-three and sixty-seven percent. Maybe a little higher.

    I try to make sense of the creased road map. Everything is written in Spanish, and my Spanish is not good.

    I straighten my filthy glasses and try to lean forward to switch on the air conditioning, but the seatbelt holds me back. I undo it, lean forward, and press the button twice. Nothing.

    I wipe sweat off my brow with the back of my hand. My limp tie is pulled loose. My shirt and suit can't remember the last time they saw a dry cleaner. My shoes are scuffed like my soul.

    I've got a cigarette in my shirt pocket. I've been saving it for a special occasion.

    I've been drinking a lot of tequila. That's where I heard the story about the million dollar reward for your head. I was drinking in a bar. Not sure about you, but to me that's a lot of money. Yes sir, a lot of money.

    John Grisham's mouth is level

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