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Twenty Funny Stories: Book Five
Twenty Funny Stories: Book Five
Twenty Funny Stories: Book Five
Ebook50 pages52 minutes

Twenty Funny Stories: Book Five

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About this ebook

Funny situations from going bald to check-out lines; aging problems, and going to the post office. Maybe you have "short" genes or want to know how to plant a lawn - This book will solve none of those problems, but it will make you laugh about them.

Release dateOct 23, 2011
Twenty Funny Stories: Book Five

Margaret Radisich Sleasman

I have many interests, love reading mystery books, anything about tigers, and grandkids (not particularly in that order). I wrote a Bible study and am pretty much unmoveable in my literal biblical view - so don't try. I am attempting to write a couple mysteries one for adults and one for pre-teens. I edited and published a monthly historical newsletter, "The Pacific Northwest Croatian" for seven years and learned much about my people during that time. I have been writing on Helium since July of 2009 and Faithwriters since December 2009. I found the humor section and discovered that humor may be my niche, but my first love is writing Christianity articles. I have five grandchildren. I have five children, grown - but not grown up. We have a German Shepherd (Kobe)and a potbelly pig (Porky). Spent 35 years of my life making concrete lawn ornaments. I am Croatian, my husband is German... a family of stubborn, but silly people. That's about it.

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    Twenty Funny Stories - Margaret Radisich Sleasman


    By Margaret Radisich Sleasman

    Published by Margaret Radisich Sleasman at Smashwords

    Copyright: 2010 Margaret Radisich Sleasman:

    All Rights Reserved

    This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    This book is dedicated to my family, relatives, and the Croatian friends in the community in which I grew up. The Croatian sense of humor is probably the best in the world as far as I am concerned. We may be a strange group at times, but have a zest for life unparallel to any other nationality that I have met.

    None of these stories are true; maybe a sentence or two and then I enlarged it to my viewpoint. I hope that others will chuckle and not find my writing insulting, that was not my intent.

    After you read these stories, you will know without a doubt what you suspected all along, I am totally insane. Laughter extends your life, so laugh with me or at me; God bless you all.


    1. Writing

    Having fun with my writing in the humor category

    I love to write even when I have nothing to say, I just start typing and when something coherent comes up on the page, I am happy. People who have read my stuff have commented that they thought I was insane. This has to be a plus; for example, Stephen King: there is no doubt he is insane and look at the money he rakes in.

    I really have my doubts that I could write a whole book on my husband's underwear that would then be turned into a movie, but how will I know if I don't try. There are a vast number of subjects around my house that I could put in writing and I have experimented with some with success and others not so much. I like to share so I usually post an article or two on my facebook page and now most of my friends don't talk to me anymore, but I think they are just jealous; after all, who does not like to laugh.

    My husband tells me that if I keep writing either the white-coats or the DEA will storm our driveway and take me away. I assure you, I am not on drugs, and I am quite normal; well, perhaps a bit eccentric, but I am almost 69 years old, I am entitled to be a bit eccentric.

    My youngest son wants me to put my stories in a book and publish them, but Dave Barry already did that and he is much funnier than I am - sometimes. I am content to write on Helium, it gives me much needed practice with no pressure for deadlines, making my writing relaxing and enjoyable - besides, I have made $15.44 so far, my cup runneth over!

    I have tried a little political humor, but I am just too opinionated and end up slamming whoever I disagree with - it turns out not funny and would put my family in danger with the powers that be, I am better off staying away from that arena. I should just stick with puppies or underwear, or dead people and when I am irritated, my husband.

    When I run out of things to write, I go to my articles with plans to leapfrog them (which means editing to make them better), but end up laughing and saying, That is pretty darn funny! And then go off to look for another title to write under. I am probably not the only insane person writing on Helium, I think others just hide it better than I do. Writers are a unique group, and we play Scrabble pretty good too!


    2. Why I Love My Manufactured Home

    1My house might be cheaply made, but it fits my expectations and I am satisfied.

    The plain answer is that I like the wallpaper

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