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MEK Robot War
MEK Robot War
MEK Robot War
Ebook112 pages1 hour

MEK Robot War

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About this ebook

MEK is a story about the far future... Far into the distant future mankind has moved into the stars. Only he has left his body behind him. The universe is populated by machines. Thinking machines, MEK. And the ghost in those machines is man.

Commander Tom Black is part of a new breed of hero who commands the Dark Clan MEK Fleet. He wants to save the world. So it can be a fit place to bring up the children he wants to have with the lovely Russian beauty Natalia Andropov.

It happened gradually but peoples minds where copied into computers. When the end of the world came the people disappeared because they could not survive in the new world but the machines lived on and conquered new worlds.

They went to Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. They didn’t stop there they left in vast armada’s for different solar systems. The machines could live forever all they needed to do was replace their parts when they wore out.

Outside the Earth are worlds run by machines. The machines are run by people who have long since died. They live on in virtual worlds where they have bodies and go about their business as if nothing has changed. The virtual world is the world of the late twentieth century.

The MEK clans have territories.

Dark Clan - are dark heat resistant robots from Mercury. They have fleets of dark strong shielded battle cruisers. It trades in advanced weapons and technologies.

Green Clan - green chemical resistant robots that can survive on the planet Venus. The planet has vast cities carved into mountains. Venus has large chemical corporations and mining companies.

Blue Clan - the home world the weakest clan as the world has been almost mined out. The surface still has vast polluted oceans, deserts and is in the middle of an ice age. The forests and jungles are gone. Some of the main cities still survive.

Red Clan - the red planet. Mars was the first planet to be colonized and is the richest and most war like of all the clans.

Gold Clan - the gas mining clans of Jupiter. The clans live in vast floating cities and
on the Jupiter moons of Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

White Clan - control Saturn the ring planet and its moons. This has proved to be a very lucrative location as it contains precious metals and diamonds. They also control Neptune and Uranus. Battle hardened robots able to survive in the freezing temperatures of the out planets.

Exploration is still going on in the outer reaches. Several interstellar ships have been sent out, but nothing has been heard from them. So most of the fighting is for control of the solar system.

Man has lost it’s humanity but has one last chance to get it back. The Dark Clan has perfected human cloning and want to rebuild the Earth. They want to replant the Forrest's and jungles, re-freeze the polar ice caps, clean up the air. Make the Earth a place where people can live again.

The other Clan’s are against this plan. They want to explore the galaxy. The Dark Clan go to War with the other Clans and so begins the MEK Robot War.

MEK short for Mekanoid, the first go anywhere, do anything Robot, made by MEK Corp.

It’s inventor Mary “MK” McKenzie, is still alive and well living in the Net, in Digital Los Angeles, the movie capital of the Net. She got feed up designing Robots after a hundred years, “Anyway the MEK’s do a better job of designing themselves”, she gave it all up and became a movie producer.

She still has a controlling interest in MEK Corp, the company she started to produce MEK’s. Sometimes referred to as the Mother of Robotics.

Release dateOct 25, 2011
MEK Robot War

Harry McGeough

Harry lives in London. He is a computer programmer. He ran an Internet web hosting company and now writes books and movie scripts. His first movie is called Pub Crawl about drinking and gambling in Camden Town. He is working on making a movie of, so if you like the book go see the movie... but the book has better special effects.

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    Book preview

    MEK Robot War - Harry McGeough


    MEK is a story about the far future... Far into the distant future mankind has moved into the stars. The universe is populated by machines. Thinking machines, MEK. And the ghost in the machine is man.

    It happened gradually, but peoples minds where copied into computers. The machines could live forever. All they needed to do was replace their parts when they wore out.

    They live on in virtual worlds where they have bodies and go about their business as if nothing has changed. The virtual world is the world of the late twentieth century.

    When the end of the world came the people had already disappeared, the machines lived on and conquered new worlds. They went to Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter.

    Nano people have been created by the Dark Clan of Mercury. They look like people, they feel, they have sex, they eat and they breath. Minds can be uploaded into the Nano bodies. It feels like you have been re-born.

    A vast Dark Fleet of Battle Ships leaves orbit from Mercury. There are hundreds of ships and they are heading to the Earth to take it back for the new Nano people.

    A huge dark battleship flies away from the Sun. Mercury is in the background. Fighters launch from the ship.

    The fighters hurtle in formation towards a small fleet of red green and blue battle ships.

    The fleet of Battleships launch their own fighters in response to the oncoming fighters. Some of the ships start firing canons.

    The fighters from the black ship break and attack the fleet. They fire mini-guns, canons and missiles. Heavy fighters follow the fighters and start an attack run with torpedoes.

    On the deck of the Red destroyer, robots are operating the ships equipment racks and looking at a large view screen. Captain Flame, a large red robot is ordering his crew about, taking charge of the attack.

    Do we have a fix on the enemy Battleship? asks Captain Flame.

    Yes Sir, it has just left planetary orbit and is heading towards the fleet. Our fighters have engaged their fighters, says the Sensor Robot.


    The Sensor Robot says, Sir, we are detecting other launches from the surface.

    How many? Captain flame asks?

    We have detected more than a hundred Battleships launching and ten large ships of an unknown configuration.

    What readouts do we get on the unknown ships?

    They are all much larger than the standard Battleships. They seem to be designed to hold bombers and heavy fighters.

    Captain Flame says, Relay the information to command.

    The Comms Robot says, The information has been sent sir. Awaiting orders.

    What do our simulation battle computers predict? asks The Captain.

    The Simulation Robot says, They are predicting our fleet will be wiped out sir.

    Orders from command sir says the comms Robot Move fleet back to base.

    Captain Flame says, OK order the fleet to move back to Venus base. Our fighters are to engage the unknown ships and cover our retreat. It is vital that more information is obtained on the new ships.

    It’s a waste sir says the Simulation Robot The ships will give us limited information and will be lost.

    Send the orders to the fighters and move the fleet says the Captain.

    The Fleet ships start to move off. A blue Battleship is rocked by an explosion from one of the attacking heavy fighters.

    A second torpedo explodes in the centre of the blue Battleship and it starts to breakup, with fires breaking out throughout the ship.

    The other ships in the fleet accelerate away leaving the stricken ship. Some of the red fighters break off their attack and head towards the Dark Fleet.

    The other fighters remain and dog fight with the Dark fighters.

    Small red fighters fly through the Dark Fleet. There are hundreds of Battleships.

    The lead red fighter afterburners towards one of the large carriers. Taking readings and sending the information back to red command.

    Guns from the carrier target the little red ship.

    The red ship dodges and weaves then it loops and spins around and enters the Dark Carrier.


    The red ship speeds through the Dark Carrier and lands on the runway and cuts its engines. The front of the ship detaches and a red battle robot walks from the fighter.

    It is soon surrounded by the black security battle robots.

    Surrender or die? says the huge black Battle Robot as it’s laser guide mini-guns aim directly at the Red Ace Pilot.

    Red Ace says I will comply. My mission was recon.

    You will follow us to the holding cell. Any resistance will be met with deadly force orders the Black Robot.

    The black robots march to a hallway and the red robot follows them.

    On Mercury in the Dark Command Battle Station Commander Tom Black, 40, a fit army type, with short black hair and shades, wearing a black uniform, is studying a huge computer screen, that fills most of a wall.

    The Commander is in charge of the Dark Fleet.

    He is a Nano. A new breed of human made from Nano Technology. They are as hardy as the robot MEK’s.

    His second in command is Lt. Commander Natalia Andropov, 35, a blonde haired Russian woman, is also dressed in the same type of close fitting black uniform.

    Finally the Dark Clan Mega AI’s have figured out how to download minds from the Net into Nano bodies.

    The Sun is visible through a window. It’s day on Mercury.

    Only MEK’s can survive the heat on the surface of the planet.

    Tom only has to think and his thoughts control the computers connected to the huge screen.

    The Blalck Queen, an African woman, wearing a long flowing black dress, enters the room through an automatic sliding door.

    How goes the War? asks the Black Queen.

    Tom says, Our fleet has met little resistance.

    What is the ETA with Terra? asks the Queen.

    Five hours says Natalia.

    Do the simulations still show us being successful? the Queen asks.

    Yes, we already have the other Clans wanting to negotiate Tom replies.

    Natalia says They don’t understand why we have sent a real Battle Fleet.

    The Black Queen says, They are stalling for time.

    Are you going to meet with them? asks commander Black.

    Why not, says the Queen it works to our advantage.

    Commander Black says, The Blue Clan control Terra. Our Intel shows that their planetary defenses will not hold. If we give them time by negotiating. They may use it to re-arm.

    Protocol needs to be maintained says the Queen. If we enter talks, they will try

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