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Ebook55 pages52 minutes


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Terence is all alone in his hometown in the midst of the zombie apocalypse. But he's a loner and that suits him just fine. But when he traps the reanimated corpse of his ex-girlfriend he vows to get to the bottom of the mystery as to why she's there and not hundreds of miles away with her family. He discovers a thriving survivor community, but something worse than he could have guessed.

Release dateNov 10, 2011

Gerald Dean Rice

Okay, my last biography was loooooong and boring. I didn't realize how dull it was until I actually tried to go back and read it. Blah-blah-blah. Anyway.I'm Gerald Dean Rice. Used to be Gerald Rice--I suppose I still am, but all future works shall include my middle name. It's a rebranding thing.I've always been into horror. When I was in kindergarten my mother took me right from school to see Creepshow. I saw a ton of stuff I shouldn't have when I was a kid.I got a book of ghost stories when I was 11 for Christmas. These were the days before YA novels, unless you picked up one of those namby-pamby VC Andrews books. Okay, scratch that; I've never actually read a VC Andrews book.But the more I read and the older I got the more I wanted to write my own stories. I tried my hand at writing comic book stories with my best friend in high school, but we had no clue how to break into comics. I submitted my first story to Cemetery Dance back in 2000. It took somewhere around 7 months for the to respond.I was so proud even though they'd rejected me. The truth of it was it wasn't a very original story and it was very straightforward. There was a whole lot I didn't know about writing back then. But I learned pretty quick and have since had stories published in print and on-line.My first novel, "The Ghost Toucher", was published in 2010. It was born out of several failed novel-writing attempts and I'm immensely proud of what I created. I've since put out a couple short collections of my own and a few zombie shorts.My newest project, "Fleshbags" was just published. I kind of had a "In Treatment" thing in my head like when Paul's patients have some aspect of them reflected in his personal life. I blended my characters that way (tough to explain what I mean). But it's definitely something different than you've ever read and I'd suggest giving it a try.

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