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Club Cugine: Where You Live Life By Your Own Rules!
Club Cugine: Where You Live Life By Your Own Rules!
Club Cugine: Where You Live Life By Your Own Rules!
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Club Cugine: Where You Live Life By Your Own Rules!

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Joey Rigatoni always tries to use the system against itself; when he does things get exciting!

PublisherCarmine Cush
Release dateNov 25, 2011
Club Cugine: Where You Live Life By Your Own Rules!

Carmine Cush

Carmine grew up in a very cohesive neighborhood with a strong Italian heritage on the west side of Niagara Falls NY. He tended Bar for 14 years at all High End Night Clubs, one of which was the Playboy Club of Buffalo. Carmine has seen many things first hand that most will only read about in a book or watch on film.

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    Book preview

    Club Cugine - Carmine Cush

    Live the Dream that is

    Club Cugine

    Where you live by your own rules!

    By Carmine The Cush

    Published by Carmine The Cush at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Carmine The Cush

    For questions or comments feel free to contact the author at


    Smashwords License Notes

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    CAUTION! If you are an anal rule follower or extremely politically Correct you may find this book offensive.

    Disclaimer: all of the charachters in this book are fictional. Any similiarity to any person living or deceased is purely coincidental.

    Chapter 1: CLUB CUGINE

    Club Cugine was no ordinary Club. All of the members were referred in. You see without a reference from a Founding Member or a Charter Member there was no way you got in. All of the workers at the Club were independent contractors all of whom had to have at least one reference from a member that would vouch for their credibility. You see Club Cugine did not have employment applications; they did not run credit reports or back ground checks. You only needed someone with integrity to vouch for your integrity and reliability. The workers actually paid the club an affiliation fee to work there. You see, most people that worked at the club were generating at least $1,500.00 cash a week in gratuities from the members. As independent contractors, the workers did not receive a w-2 , in fact whether they reported their income or not was up to them.

    Club Cugine was on a 60 acre parcel in upstate New York. The northern portion of the parcel the club was on butted up to Lake Ontario with approximately a mile of prime lake front. The Club Complex was surrounded by a 15 foot privacy Wall. The parcel included an 18 hole golf course. Adjacent to that was a Marina for Club Members only; with dock space for 60 boats up to 100 feet long.

    The Night Club portion was done in the most elegant style and no expense was spared.

    What was most unique about Club Cugine was its emphasis on security and privacy.

    As you pulled up to the main entrance gate a security camera with the latest in Auto Plate recognition software; the same used by the US Customs dept. scanned the vehicle. If a vehicle was not recognized it was diverted to an outside reception area. Once a member’s vehicle was verified the gates to the main entranced opened to a 60 foot driveway that had 8 steel beams 4 feet high blocking the final approach at this point the vehicle was scanned by a second system for the member’s Radio frequency Identification chip that was imbedded in the Club’s membership card. Once this second system verified that a member was in the vehicle only then were the steel beams lowered into the ground and the vehicle was able to approach the main entrance.

    Once in the compound as a member’s vehicle pulled up to the veranda; a security curtain was automatically drawn around the vehicle so that the vehicle and the occupants were not visible from the main gate. The security curtain was also made of the latest anti-spy material as no electronic surveillance would penetrate it; not infrared heat sensors, laser or sound.

    As you walked into the Club lobby entrance you were scanned by a second camera system and greeted by Massimo and Arturo. Both of them were 1st cousins of Charlie and both came in directly from Palermo Sicily.

    If the cameras did not authenticate who you were; you could not enter. Massimo and Arturo would make certain of that.

    The main building had windows and doors that were sheathed in an ultra-fine copper mesh which prevented any electronic transmissions. The club had a very strict policy of no cell phones or camera’s allowed on premises.

    As it was opening night the club was packed with members and their prescreened guests.

    Joey and Charlie were at the main bar which had the latest in smoke eater technology. Joey Rigatoni was a heavy cigarette smoker and Charlie Numbers hated cigarette smoke. So the two had the bar designed so that they could both have a drink together without irritating each other. The smoke eater technology alone was $100,000 for just the bar area.

    You know you’re Fucked Up said Charlie Numbers to Joey Rigatoni. It was opening night at Club Cugine. The Club was the culmination of an idea the two had discussed for 18 months every morning at the gym and 35 Million Dollars of investment capital. It was Joey’s off the wall ideas and Charlie’s expertise with money that was the perfect formula to make their dream become a reality.

    Joey turned to Charlie and said What did you say? I did not hear you over the music.

    Charlie replied You know you’re fucked up

    What do you mean? Said Joey

    We put this whole thing together just because you wanted to be able to smoke at the bar said Charlie.

    Joey responded well balls, as my brother Johnny used to say you have to dream it before you can scheme it"

    It was true; the original motivation to start a Private Club was inspired by Joey’s frustration with all of the new laws against cigarette smoking. He saw those laws as the beginning of a new form of unnecessary government control instigated by the new politically correct bleeding heart liberals. These were the same people that wanted more and more government entitlement programs. Joey saw these programs as a major flaw in today’s society. It seemed to him that no one wanted to work anymore. They all wanted big Brother to handle everything for them; from child rearing to dealing with life in general. It was easier to get welfare, Medicaid and food stamps then it was to get a small business loan. The current political machine seemed to be encouraging this trend to get votes. It was becoming easier for the masses to whine about how tough their lives were and take the government handouts instead of stepping up and taking responsibility for their lives.

    Joey and Charlie were both sitting at the Bar. Joey was admiring the craftsmanship of the Mahogany bar with its hand rubbed finish and the soft leather trim. The bar stools were all hand crafted mahogany and were all upholstered in high quality grain leather with antique brass nail head trim. The bar used only the finest crystal glassware. Joey found it to be a sacrilege to drink a really fine wine or a 20 year old scotch whiskey from anything less. The ashtrays in the club were all crystal as well.

    Joey, you know you look like a pimp with that faggy pocket square Said Charlie Numbers sarcastically.

    Joey always dressed to the 9’s. His suits and dress shirts were always tailor made from the finest imported fabrics. His shoes were always the imported Italian made slip-ons.

    Joey’s trade mark though was the fact he always wore a silk tie with a matching silk pocket square.

    You’re just jealous because I look better than you replied Joey

    I just don’t understand why you always have to be different. You got to admit you do come up with some off the wall ideas remarked Charlie

    Joey replied Well balls, my father always told me the difference between just being alive and really enjoying life was how you do it. It’s called style. Most people eat, I like to dine. Most people talk, I like to converse and the best thing he ever told me was if you are going to do something , do it well – always do things 1st class or don’t bother at all. As he blew smoke intentionally in Charlie’s direction.

    You know you are an asshole, now I am going to stink of cigarette smoke all night! How can you smoke those things anyway? Said Charlie with obvious annoyance

    Joey just laughed and took another drag of his cigarette.

    At that moment the night club manager, Laredo DelVecchio, Joey’s goumbadie came up to them and said Hey JR we have a problem.

    What kind of problem? asked Joey?

    There is a crowd outside protesting and there are several TV crews out there trying to get past security. Some of the members are complaining their goumadies can’t get through". Replied Laredo

    Well tell all the limo drivers to use the Marina entrance to the club, but only the ones with goumadies and only our drivers. Said Charlie Numbers

    Club Cugine was truly a unique Club. You see all of the members had girlfriends, or special lady friends that were known as a group as the goumadies and the Club offered a special Limousine Goumadie pick up service. In addition, the Club had a very discriminating membership policy. Club Cugine was not known for being politically correct.

    As Laredo went to call all the limo drivers on their specially programmed

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