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The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes
The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes
The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes
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The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes

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Some samples: • In September 2008, James Meeks, a Baptist minister and state senator, organized an impressive act of activism. He led a boycott of Chicago Public Schools by nearly 1,000 students and instead bused them to two affluent North Shore schools. His purpose was to show the differences in funding and quality of education in the schools in different areas of Illinois. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune, “In a funding system fueled largely by local property taxes, New Trier Township spent nearly $17,000 per student in 2005-06 and Sunset Ridge spent about $16,000, while Chicago Public Schools spent an estimated $10,400 per pupil.” A post by Paul Tough at highlighted just how good New Trier Township High School is, calling it “a public school with four orchestras, a rowing club, a course in ‘kinetic wellness,’ and AP (Advanced Placement) classes in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Latin, and Chinese.” The students from Chicago Public Schools were mainly black, while the students in New Trier Township High School were mainly white. Mr. Meeks said, “If they can call an emergency session for capital projects, they can call an emergency session to deal with education. This is human capital. This is a 30-year problem, the system of funding education.” 2) At Ponce de Leon High School in Holmes County, Florida, some students taunted a senior because she was a lesbian. She asked a teacher’s aide for help, the teacher’s aide informed principal David Davis, and Mr. Davis told the student that it was wrong to be gay, and he informed her parents that their daughter was a lesbian—her father wanted to kick her out. Other students wanted to show support for the lesbian student, so they started wearing gay-friendly T-shirts and started writing “Gay Pride” on their bodies. The principal responded by banning these forms of free speech. A brave heterosexual student, Heather Gillman, who has a lesbian cousin, responded by writing the school board, which backed up the principal’s ban on free speech. She then sued the school board. Federal Judge Richard Smoak, a Republican appointee, came to the rescue, and in the 2008 court case Gillman vs. School Board for Holmes County, he stated, “The robust exchange of political ideas is essential in a vibrant, progressive society and is precisely the type of speech that is sacrosanct under the First Amendment.” The ban on free speech was lifted at Ponce de Leon High School in Holmes County, Florida. In fact, the judge ruled, “Defendants are ordered to take such affirmative steps necessary to remediate the past restraints of the expression of the support for respect, equal treatment and acceptance of homosexuals, including but not limited to notifying in writing the Ponce de Leon High School student body and the middle school students and school officials within Holmes County school district that students are permitted to express support for, respect, equal treatment and fair acceptance of homosexuals....” 3) Patrick Henry advocated the independence of America from the rule of Great Britain. On March 23, 1775, he made a famous speech that ended, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” The ending words so resonated with the American spirit that some soldiers had the words “LIBERTY OR DEATH” put on their uniforms. Such speeches also earned Mr. Henry the nickname “Son of Thunder.” (Some anecdotes are thought provoking rather than funny.)

PublisherDavid Bruce
Release dateNov 25, 2011
The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3: 250 Anecdotes

David Bruce

I would like to see my retellings of classic literature used in schools, so I give permission to the country of Finland (and all other countries) to give copies of my eBooks to all students and citizens forever. I also give permission to the state of Texas (and all other states) to give copies of my eBooks to all students forever. I also give permission to all teachers to give copies of my eBooks to all students forever.Teachers need not actually teach my retellings. Teachers are welcome to give students copies of my eBooks as background material. For example, if they are teaching Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey,” teachers are welcome to give students copies of my “Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’: A Retelling in Prose” and tell students, “Here’s another ancient epic you may want to read in your spare time.”Do you know a language other than English? 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He has also retired from teaching English and philosophy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.SOME BOOKS BY DAVID BRUCERetellings of a Classic Work of Literature:Arden of Favorsham: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Alchemist: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Arraignment, or Poetaster: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Case is Altered: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Catiline’s Conspiracy: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Devil is an Ass: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Epicene: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Every Man in His Humor: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Every Man Out of His Humor: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Fountain of Self-Love, or Cynthia’s Revels: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Magnetic Lady: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The New Inn: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Sejanus' Fall: A RetellingBen Jonson’s The Staple of News: A RetellingBen Jonson’s A Tale of a Tub: A RetellingBen Jonson’s Volpone, or the Fox: A RetellingChristopher Marlowe’s Complete Plays: RetellingsChristopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage: A RetellingChristopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus: Retellings of the 1604 A-Text and of the 1616 B-TextChristopher Marlowe’s Edward II: A RetellingChristopher Marlowe’s The Massacre at Paris: A RetellingChristopher Marlowe’s The Rich Jew of Malta: A RetellingChristopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine, Parts 1 and 2: RetellingsDante’s Divine Comedy: A Retelling in ProseDante’s Inferno: A Retelling in ProseDante’s Purgatory: A Retelling in ProseDante’s Paradise: A Retelling in ProseThe Famous Victories of Henry V: A RetellingFrom the Iliad to the Odyssey: A Retelling in Prose of Quintus of Smyrna’s PosthomericaGeorge Chapman, Ben Jonson, and John Marston’s Eastward Ho! A RetellingGeorge Peele: Five Plays Retold in Modern EnglishGeorge Peele’s The Arraignment of Paris: A RetellingGeorge Peele’s The Battle of Alcazar: A RetellingGeorge Peele’s David and Bathsheba, and the Tragedy of Absalom: A RetellingGeorge Peele’s Edward I: A RetellingGeorge Peele’s The Old Wives’ Tale: A RetellingGeorge-A-Greene, The Pinner of Wakefield: A RetellingThe History of King Leir: A RetellingHomer’s Iliad: A Retelling in ProseHomer’s Odyssey: A Retelling in ProseJason and the Argonauts: A Retelling in Prose of Apollonius of Rhodes’ ArgonauticaThe Jests of George Peele: A RetellingJohn Ford: Eight Plays Translated into Modern EnglishJohn Ford’s The Broken Heart: A RetellingJohn Ford’s The Fancies, Chaste and Noble: A RetellingJohn Ford’s The Lady’s Trial: A RetellingJohn Ford’s The Lover’s Melancholy: A RetellingJohn Ford’s Love’s Sacrifice: A RetellingJohn Ford’s Perkin Warbeck: A RetellingJohn Ford’s The Queen: A RetellingJohn Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Campaspe: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Endymion, the Man in the Moon: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Gallathea, aka Galathea, aka Galatea: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Love's Metamorphosis: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Midas: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Mother Bombie: A RetellingJohn Lyly's Sappho and Phao: A RetellingJohn Lyly's The Woman in the Moon: A RetellingJohn Webster’s The White Devil: A RetellingJ.W. 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GuideWilliam Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: A Discussion GuideWilliam Sleator’s Oddballs: A Discussion GuideComposition Projects:Composition Project: Writing an Autobiographical EssayComposition Project: Writing a Hero-of-Human-Rights EssayComposition Project: Writing a Problem-Solving LetterTeaching:How to Teach the Autobiographical Essay Composition Project in 9 ClassesAutobiography (of sorts):My Life and Hard Times, or Down and Out in Athens, OhioMiscellaneous:Mark Twain Anecdotes and QuotesProblem-Solving 101: Can You Solve the Problem?Why I Support Same-Sex Civil MarriageBlogs:https://davidbruceblog429065578.wordpress.comhttps://davidbrucebooks.blogspot.comhttps://davidbruceblog4.wordpress.com

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    The Most Interesting People in Politics and History, Volume 3 - David Bruce

    The Most Interesting People in

    Politics and History, Volume 3:

    250 Anecdotes and Stories

    David Bruce

    Dedicated with Love to Reuben Saturday

    Copyright 2009 by Bruce D. Bruce


    Cover Illustration by Reuben Saturday


    This is a short, quick, and easy read.

    Anecdotes are usually short humorous stories. Sometimes they are thought-provoking or informative, not amusing.


    Educate Yourself

    Read Like A Wolf Eats

    Be Excellent to Each Other

    Books Then, Books Now, Books Forever


    Do you know a language other than English? If you do, I give you permission to translate this book, copyright your translation, publish or self-publish it, and keep all the royalties for yourself. (Do give me credit, of course, for the original book.)

    Dedicated to Carl Eugene Bruce and Josephine Saturday Bruce

    My father, Carl Eugene Bruce, died on 24 October 2013. He used to work for Ohio Power, and at one time, his job was to shut off the electricity of people who had not paid their bills. He sometimes would find a home with an impoverished mother and some children. Instead of shutting off their electricity, he would tell the mother that she needed to pay her bill or soon her electricity would be shut off. He would write on a form that no one was home when he stopped by because if no one was home he did not have to shut off their electricity.

    The best good deed that anyone ever did for my father occurred after a storm that knocked down many power lines. He and other linemen worked long hours and got wet and cold. Their feet were freezing because water got into their boots and soaked their socks. Fortunately, a kind woman gave my father and the other linemen dry socks to wear.

    My mother, Josephine Saturday Bruce, died on 14 June 2003. She used to work at a store that sold clothing. One day, an impoverished mother with a baby clothed in rags walked into the store and started shoplifting in an interesting way: The mother took the rags off her baby and dressed the infant in new clothing. My mother knew that this mother could not afford to buy the clothing, but she helped the mother dress her baby and then she watched as the mother walked out of the store without paying.

    My mother and my father both died at 7:40 p.m.

    Chapter 1: From Activism to Death


    • In September 2008, James Meeks, a Baptist minister and state senator, organized an impressive act of activism. He led a boycott of Chicago Public Schools by nearly 1,000 students and instead bused them to two affluent North Shore schools. His purpose was to show the differences in funding and quality of education in the schools in different areas of Illinois. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune, In a funding system fueled largely by local property taxes, New Trier Township spent nearly $17,000 per student in 2005-06 and Sunset Ridge spent about $16,000, while Chicago Public Schools spent an estimated $10,400 per pupil. A post by Paul Tough at highlighted just how good New Trier Township High School is, calling it a public school with four orchestras, a rowing club, a course in ‘kinetic wellness,’ and AP (Advanced Placement) classes in French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Latin, and Chinese. The students from Chicago Public Schools were mainly black, while the students in New Trier Township High School were mainly white. Mr. Meeks said, If they can call an emergency session for capital projects, they can call an emergency session to deal with education. This is human capital. This is a 30-year problem, the system of funding education.

    • In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. took his nonviolent movement protesting injustice to Birmingham, Alabama, in an attempt to desegregate the city. On May 2, hundreds of black children marched in the street for their rights. Unfortunately, water hoses were turned on the children, and police arrested 959 boys and girls. Nevertheless, in the long run justice triumphed and Birmingham was desegregated. Because of such actions as this, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been honored in many ways, including winning the Noble Peace Prize. On 20 January 1986, the United States first observed the national holiday known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Also, trees have been planted in his honor in Israel, and hospitals, bridges, and libraries have been named after him. In addition, over 100 postage stamps have paid honor to him worldwide.

    • In 2008, voters in California passed Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage. (Because of the new law, gay couples and lesbian couples could not get married, but it was OK if a gay man married a lesbian.) Inspired by a proposition that allowed a slim majority to take away a civil right of a minority, students at Princeton University decided to attempt to pass their own Proposition 8—one that forbids freshmen from using the sidewalks. According to gay pundit Andrew Sullivan, They don’t hate freshmen—they just want to protect the sidewalks. Proponents of Proposition 8 say that freshmen are equal, but they should be kept separate. After all, allowing freshmen to walk on sidewalks is a violation of traditional sidewalk values.

    • Books were important in Jesse Jackson’s life. While he was a child, his mother worked as a maid for a white family. She used to find books and magazines in the white family’s garbage, dig them out, and take them home for young Jesse to read. As an adult, Mr. Jackson attended the University of Illinois in Urbana on a football scholarship. While at home in Greenville, South Carolina, one summer, he went to the public library to do research, but he was not allowed in the library because he was black. This angered him, and the following summer he organized a protest against the library. Television showed him and seven other students being arrested in his first protest for civil rights.

    • As AIDS-education activist Kate Barnhart demonstrated outside a board of education, a reporter for a Catholic TV station interviewed her. The reporter asked if she used condoms, and she answered no. Hearing this, the reporter thought that this was a contradiction in Ms. Barnhart’s position, so he asked, You mean you don’t use condoms during sex? Ms. Barnhart explained that she doesn’t have sex. The reporter then asked, Well, since you believe in abstinence, would you recommend that other young people do as you do? She replied, Sure, I would recommend that all young people spend their time out here on the streets demonstrating for AIDS education.

    • Gay rights advocate/stand-up comedian Margaret Cho spent some time in 2009 on location in Peachtree, Georgia, where she worked out at a gym whose magazine rack was filled with magazines from Focus on the Family, an organization that would be happy if the world lacked gay sex. Ms. Cho used to bring other magazines and put them in the rack to hide the Focus on the Family magazines, but soon the Focus on the Family magazines would be visible again. So to bring visibility to the gay rights cause, she started wearing pro-gay rights T-shirts, including ones that showed two women kissing and ones that advocated gay marriage.

    • In the late 1980s, gay men in New York City created the organization AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, or ACT-UP, to advocate increased AIDS research and to protest discrimination against gays. Members of ACT-UP have done such things as chain themselves to the fence surrounding the White House in an attempt to force the government to be aware of the AIDS problem and to act to solve it. The slogan of ACT-UP is Silence Equals Death. In other words, ignoring the problem

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