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Job has cut himself off from his heart since he ran away from home at sixteen. After his best friend committed suicide he realized the risk was too great. Only Lucy, Chloe, Oscar and Charlie, his stray kittens seem to be able to break through the walls he has built.

Charles is getting over the death of his first love from cancer. He promised Danny he wouldn't stay broken forever but has had a hard time following through. Could the guy he sees feeding stray kittens near his apartment every night be the one to heal his broken heart? Could he be the one to break down Job's walls? Find out if these two men will be Broken forever or if perhaps love can heal them.

Release dateNov 29, 2011

Kathleen Hayes

Kathleen Hayes is a bit of an all around geek. She has mastered the art of procrastination, is owned by two crazy cats and is excited to have just added a fellow super geek to her clan. Kathleen loves to explore worlds – whether in her head or on page. She welcomes you into her worlds and hopes you have as much fun there as she does!She writes M/M Romance and poetry. Check her out at her blog, Romacing the Word! She loves to hear from y'all so if you have questions/comments/feedback comment on her blog, message her on goodreads or email her at

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    Broken - Kathleen Hayes



    Kathleen Hayes


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    Kathleen Hayes on Smashwords


    Copyright © 2011 by Kathleen Hayes

    Thank you for downloading this free eBook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form, with the exception of quotes used in reviews.

    Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    Adult Reading Material


    For Leah.

    **Written as a part of the Hot Summer Days anthology for the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads. Visit them at**




    Chapter 1 – Watching

    I was staring out my window trying to tell myself it wasn’t because I was waiting for him to come out. It was either stare out my window or stare at my wall. My gaze swept across what my landlady, Mrs. Liu, liked to call a courtyard. It was really just a patch of mud in the middle of the four buildings that made up the apartment complex. Where the water came from to make it mud instead of dirt was something I didn’t want to contemplate as it hadn’t rained in ages and there was no way Mrs. Liu was going to pay to water the dirt in hopes that grass would magically appear.

    I watched as a group of four kittens wandered from under the stairs to the building just to the left of mine. Mrs. Liu tried like crazy to get rid of the cats that infested the courtyard and she never could figure out why they wouldn’t leave. It was because every night, after she went home, he came out and fed them.

    My beautiful stranger lived in the building with the kittens and my back window had the perfect view of the steps up to the door. Every night I watched as five feet eleven inches of pure man sat on the steps and cuddled kittens. He was covered in tattoos and looked a little over 30 years old. He had gorgeous green eyes and dark brown hair that looked like it might curl if he would just grow it out a bit. He looked rugged and determined, like he hadn’t had an easy life but wasn’t going to give up anytime soon. Over the weeks

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