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The Perkins' Maid
The Perkins' Maid
The Perkins' Maid
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The Perkins' Maid

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Jessica is a voluptuous college student working as a maid to pay her way through college. The Perkins family is wealthy and powerful, and they provide Jessica with everything she needs, including letting her live in the guest house and providing her with a car. If they want her to wear a skimpy uniform as part of her duties, then she is only too willing to accommodate them!

"The Perkins' Maid" features the complete contents of all five stories in this series:

"Home Maid" - One evening the wife is away, and the master of the house invites her to have a drink with him. When he accidentally spills his drink on her, he insists that she use the master bath to take a shower, and then the sharing really begins!

"Hastily Maid" - Jessica is nervous and worried that the mistress of the house will find out she slept with her husband while she was gone away on a business trip. Eventually she finds that the wife does indeed know, and she wants the same attention that Jessica gave her husband!

"Head Maid" - When the Perkins brothers come to visit for the weekend, Jessica entertains first one and then both in her private guest house. It turns out two heads really are better than one!

"Tailor Maid" - When Mr. Perkins is running late for a personal alteration with his tailor, Jessica has to use every means at her disposal to keep the man waiting. With a body like hers, that proves to be no problem at all!

"Ready Maid" - Jessica helps Mr. and Mrs. Perkins throw a fabulous party, but the real fun doesn't start until after the guests leave!

(This collection contains mature subject matter and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. All characters depicted in these works of fiction are 18 years of age or older.)

PublisherSara Dunbar
Release dateDec 1, 2011
The Perkins' Maid

Sara Dunbar

Sara Dunbar has been writing fiction for over twenty years. She wrote her first erotica short story as a dare, and that triggered a number of others. She has since gone on to publish almost fifty different erotica titles, with no doubt many more to come.

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    The Perkins' Maid - Sara Dunbar

    The Perkins’ Maid

    Sara Dunbar

    The Perkins’ Maid

    Written by Sara Dunbar

    Published by Sara Dunbar at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011, Sara Dunbar

    All rights reserved.

    This story contains mature subject matter and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or part in any form by any electronic or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Any similarities between characters in this book and any person, living or dead, are purely coincidental and unintended.

    The Perkins’ Maid is a collection of five stories that were originally published separately. Now they have been combined in one source for your reading pleasure. I do hope you enjoy them!

    Home Maid

    I stopped and looked at my reflection in the mirror above the bar in the butler’s pantry. My little maid’s cap had slid down again, so I set down the feather duster and adjusted it, moving one of the hair pins a little closer to the middle to try to keep it in place. The silly thing was always such a nuisance!

    Once I had it positioned properly I took a moment to look myself over. One of the reasons I always had problems with the cap was because my thick, blond hair was pulled up into such a tight bun that it made it hard for the hair pins to really take hold. Personally, I preferred my hair down, but that was one of the rules for the job.

    I checked my makeup to make sure it looked alright. Couldn’t have myself looking like a tramp! That was another one of the rules: makeup had to be minimal and tasteful. As far as not looking like a tramp, well the uniform made that rather difficult!

    I ran my hands down across the front of my little French maid’s uniform, across my generous 38DD breasts and my firm, flat belly. With my hands at my side, the tips of my fingers extended just slightly below the hem of my skirt. I turned slightly so I could see the shape of my ass, and as I took it all in I smiled. I was only 22, and here I was wearing this cute little maid’s uniform and getting paid an obscene amount of money just to keep this place tidy. What a gig!

    I turned back to the mirror and looked into my own blue eyes reflected there, and I could hardly believe my luck. I had started working for this maid service during my Junior year of college. My roommate turned me on to it and told me she was making great money. The thought of having to clean someone else’s house didn’t turn me on, but then neither did my tuition payments! Besides, I finally convinced myself, it beat the hell out of being a stripper!

    I had been working for the Perkins family for two years now, and they had always made me feel very much like a part of the family. I mean, I didn’t have meals with them or celebrate holidays with them, but they were respectful and not condescending like some families I had heard about. Mr. Perkins had even given me a cute little car for a graduation present after I graduated from college. He said he’d done the same for each of his kids, and it seemed right. Of course, who was I to say no?

    The Perkins family consisted of the dad, Henry, and his wife Maria. They had two sons who were both off at college somewhere in the east, and they only came home on the holidays. That meant I had this great big house to take care of and only two people who were hardly ever here to mess it up. Like I said, what a gig!

    Mrs. Perkins was a buyer for a big clothing chain, so she was always travelling from one city to another. It seemed like the only times I ever saw her was like every other weekend and the holidays. Mr. Perkins had developed some kind of software and then sold the company for like a billion dollars, so he really didn’t work much. I mean, he had lots of hobbies and stuff, but he didn’t really have a real job.

    About a year ago the Perkins’ offered to let me move into the guest house, rent free! Again, who was I to say no? They already paid me more than I could have gotten with any job I would have landed with my Fine Arts Degree, and then they went and gave me a free place to live on top of that. What a life!

    I stood there in front of the mirror thinking about all of this and how I had come to be here, and naturally I just smiled. I mean, what girl wouldn’t love my life?

    I turned away from the mirror and went back to my dusting. The house was a little over 5000 square feet with five bedrooms, five baths, two family rooms, a study, and a library. That was a lot of dusting! Even so, like I said, there was hardly ever anyone here to mess things up, so the biggest part of my job was the dusting and a little laundry every few days.

    I made my way into the library and started dusting the desk and a couple of reading chairs and a table of magazines. I was pretty much lost in a daydream, as usual, trying to figure out what I was going to do for the weekend. I finished dusting in the library and left to make my way to the study. As I walked out into the hall, lost in my own thoughts, I ran headlong into Mr. Perkins and his glass of bourbon on ice.

    Oh dear heavens, he exclaimed. Are you all right?

    Mr. Perkins was a big man, I mean, not fat big, but tall big. He stood over six feet tall and had the same build he had sculpted as a college quarterback. I mean, he was solid, so I just literally bounced off of him and fell backwards on my ass! Of course, his drink managed to spill all over the front of my uniform before I ended up on the floor, but other than that I guess I was okay.

    I looked up at his large, brown, puppy dog eyes and just smiled. Yes, I’m fine; I just wasn’t watching where I was going!

    Nonsense, Jessica, he said as he bent over and offered me a hand. I was reading the paper as I was walking and didn’t pay attention to where I was going. It was entirely my fault!

    I took his hand and he literally lifted me up on my feet with a single tug. I had always thought that he had kept in pretty good shape for a man in his fifties, but I had no idea he was so strong! His hair had started to turn mostly grey, but at least he still had a full head of it. Most guys his age were bald and round, but Mr. Perkins most definitely did not fit that stereotype!

    Thank you, I offered as I stood there in front of him, the front of my uniform soaking wet and reeking of alcohol. I looked up into Mr. Perkins’ eyes and I noticed that they were not looking back into mine. No, his eyes were looking down my now-soaked cleavage and taking in the sight of my nipples pushing through the fabric of my uniform. What can I say? An ice cube or two between the tits can really make your nipples hard!

    I looked down at the front of my uniform and then used my hands to smooth out the front of it, feeling the wet

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