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A paranormal erotic romance novel. Meet the supernatural masters of passion and seduction, feeding upon the erotic dreams and pleasure of humankind.

Rico is an angry and discontent incubus warrior. He was lured into bonding a succubus queen that he never desired. Now he is being hunted, along with his black-winged brothers. Barely managing to keep themselves fed, they fight to protect each other, and the human women who now depend upon them.
Never has such a covey existed before, with incubi males mated to mortals. Such breeding practices have been illegal among the incubi for millennia. Rico’s queen mother would have destroyed any males in her covey that attempted such a thing, and now Rico understands why.
Human women are weak, they can’t fly, and they force the covey to remain in one place for much longer than is safe. Rico is desperate to break his bond to the succubus who now commands him, but to do so, he’ll need to seduce a woman of his own. It’s a dangerous gamble. If he allows things to go too far, he might find himself in an even worse predicament...mated to a mortal.
Terra is a cop who lost her husband to the corruption which now fills her city. She is bitter and keeps her emotions locked up tight behind a hard-ass demeanor. Determined to put an end to long string of serial killings, she finds herself face to face with a supernatural evil unlike anything she could have ever imagined.
When a monstrous, black-winged incubus saves her life, the last thing she planned was to end up in his bed. Now she is drawn into a clash of desires with a sex demon as they team up to battle an inhuman adversary, and gain reinforcements from the most unlikely of sources.

Please note: This book is intended for readers 18 years and older, there is strong language and explicit sexual encounters, including mild bondage and BDSM references. As the legends suggest, both incubus and succubus demons feed upon sexual energy stolen from sleeping humans. While this might suggest questionable consent, they are actually very generous and considerate lovers.
Celeste Hall's Seduction series:
#1 Ethan (now FREE!)
#2 Kye
#3 Rico
#4 Gavin
#5 All The Queen's Men
#6 The Brothers Sin
The Seduction Series Boxed set: The first five erotic stories in one collection!

An erotic tale featuring: Incubus, Succubus, Sex demon, Demon lover, Supernatural lover, Alpha Male, Demon mate, Incubus hunter, Romantic adventure, Romantic suspense, Bondage, BDSM

PublisherCeleste Hall
Release dateDec 5, 2011

Celeste Hall

Celeste Hall is a passionate writer of paranormal and erotic romance with over twenty-five titles to her credit, including Beware of Wolves, the Kitty Coven series, and her ultra-sexy Seduction series. If you're looking for a sizzling escape from the pressures of a long day, her alpha hero incubi will make you purr.Celeste believes that a great book can do more than offer an afternoon's pleasure, it can change your life. She is absolutely addicted to happy endings. Her favorite stories will often include elements of the paranormal or fantastical, but they will always have a romantic heart.When not writing, Celeste enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors. She also enjoys photography, graphic design, a variety of artistic mediums, gardening, horseback riding and geeking out online - especially on Facebook.You can find a full list of her books by visiting:

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    Book preview

    Rico - Celeste Hall


    Seduction Series, book #3

    By Celeste Hall

    Be careful what you dream...

    After the betrayal and slaughter of his family, Rico chose the life of a rogue, every moment fueled by pain and rage. He had no intention of ever joining another covey, but was lured in by a young queen in heat. Now he finds himself bonded, and chafing at the restrictions she is placing on him. He is just itching for a good fight but he never expected to find it in a headstrong and ambitious young woman.


    Seduction Series, book #3

    Copyright © 2014 by Celeste Hall

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Please purchase only authorized editions.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    All sexually active characters in this book are 18 years of age or older.

    Also by Celeste Hall

    ~ Seduction Series ~

    A paranormal erotic romance series, best read in the following order…





    All The Queen’s Men

    The Brothers Sin – Coming Soon!

    ~ Kitty Coven Series ~

    A paranormal romance series, best read in the following order…

    Something Wicca This Way Comes

    The Bare Witch Project

    Love’s a Witch

    A Yowling Yuletide

    Cheaper By The Coven

    ~ Savage Throne Series ~

    A historical romance series, best read in the following order…


    Fidelity – Coming Soon!

    ~ Standalone novels and novellas ~

    Lady Silence

    Prison of Dreams

    Simple Musings

    His Pale Prisoner

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    Secret Admirer

    For a full list of books, including short stories and anthologies, please visit

    Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter while you’re there!

    Creatures of the Night

    Vampyren are born of Lilith and sired by a demon. The offspring were corrupted by the demon’s blood, which carried the taint of hell and continues to infect any creature unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. They are grouped by covens - like witches.

    Lilin are born of Lilith and sired by an angel. They are grouped by coveys - like quail. The female are succubi. The males are incubi.

    Incubi outnumber succubi by nine to one, it is an evolutionary flaw developed by the need for numerous males to protect a single female when she is of breeding age, similar to bees protecting their hive queen.

    Lycan are born of women and sired by Cain, after the curse was placed upon him. They are creatures with heightened emotional states, capable of extreme violence as well as extreme devotion. They are grouped by packs - like wolves.

    Chapter One

    Thin and lithe, Terra climbed the rock like a delicate spider, the rope falling away behind her like a bit of colorfully spun silk.

    Far below came the others on her team, but their weight held them back. She was lean and hard, strong and keen eyed for tiny bumps and crevices that would give her grip.

    Pushing herself higher and higher, embracing the ache in her muscles that promised she would be very sore tomorrow. Rising high above the foothills until the city was spread out below her, a distant glimmer of silver and black beneath the relentless sun.

    But here, so high, the cool wind licked the sweat from her skin and drove away the heat.

    She was a part of the rock, part of the earth. No longer was she a prisoner of the stink of human corruption below her, that sea of hatred and greed which had stolen the life of her husband.

    He was a good man, a strong man, but not strong enough to survive a bullet through the back of his head. He’d been just another execution at the hands of the vicious killer that had recently moved into a city which had once seemed so quiet to her.

    She knew better now, but the knowledge had come too late. He was dead and she was alone. Just as alone among the thoughtless crowds below, as she was here on the rock.

    Reaching the top of the cliff face, she pulled herself over the edge and stood up, to stare down at the vast expanse below. The wretched city stretched out beneath her, with the cold empty heavens above.

    A ray of sun broke through the growing clouds, casting a golden sheen over the city. There was something unearthly, almost angelic about it. But there was no god, there couldn’t be. No god could allow the level of corruption that dwelt in the festering valley she called home.

    She had witnessed that black tide of sin flowing down every street and alleyway, leaving a waste of broken and dead bodies behind.

    Her husband had been one of the few men that still fought to protect the people from the terror she knew was out there. It was a cancerous progression of violence, which crept out of the shadows to destroy both the innocent and guilty with equal relish.

    Like this Campus Killer, as the media was now calling him, a sicko that was hunting down victims that lived alone.

    His tally was up to four confirmed kills, but there were at least half a dozen unsolved missing person reports filed within just the last month, and any number of them might be the killer’s work as well.

    The bastard had an M.O. unlike anything she’d ever seen before.

    Most serial killers had a set look or type of person that they hunted.

    Ted Bundy liked girls. He would play on their sympathy by pretending to be injured, lost or stranded. When they attempted to help him, he would incapacitate them and drag the girls off to a secondary location before killing them.

    He was tough case to crack because of how he learned to hide his trail and move around to new kill zones. Even after being charged in Utah, he’d escaped to kill again. But he’d had a ‘type’ of victim, and stuck with it. Bundy didn’t fly all over the charts from infant to geriatric like the Campus Killer seemed eager to do.

    Admittedly, the Campus Killer had earned that title because of the number of murders mapping around the Tornridge Community College campus. But each victim was entirely different than the next.

    A soccer mom of four, visiting her college son, had been the first. She’d vanished somewhere between her van and her son’s dorm room. Her body was found the next day, hidden in the apartment complex’s maintenance shed.

    The second victim was a door to door salesman that nobody even knew was missing until his body was discovered decomposing inside a vacant apartment, after complaints about a foul smell were made by nearby dwelling students.

    The third victim was a college boy living alone in a top floor room. He was killed in his own bed. His body was left there to be found by a friend who hadn’t seen the kid for several days, and had stopped by to make sure everything was alright.

    The fourth victim had been an elementary age kid who’d cut through the complex to shave some time off from his walk home, after a late night movie at a friend’s house. That one had been the worst for Terra.

    It had been hard for her to see that tiny little body curled up in the bushes near the complex’s Olympic sized swimming pool. The kid looked like he could have been sleeping. But he’d had his neck broke and every drop of blood in his body drained out through a series of cuts on his throat, just like the others.

    That was one thing all the victims had in common.

    The killer might knock them around a bit first, but it always came down to a broken neck and complete absence of blood.

    The missing blood was the key, she could feel it.

    The Richard Trenton Chase murders were a good place to start. He’d been nicknamed the Vampire of Sacramento for his obsession with drinking the blood of his victims.

    Chase had started out by killing animals and feeding on their raw flesh and blood. There was a possibility the Campus Killer could have a similar background.

    She needed to contact the humane society, animal control, and talk to some of the beat officers to find out if any bloodless animal corpses had been found within the last few months – or years. It was possible the guy had been feeding on animals for awhile now, and only recently made the leap from four legged victims to two.

    She’d want to check with child protective services as well. It was a long shot, but violent adult behavior was usually created by a shitty childhood. There was a chance he might have a record as a previously delinquent minor.

    It would be a mountain of paperwork to sift through, but if his bloodthirsty behavior had started before he reached eighteen, she might just get lucky and find some reference to it.

    Terra took another look at the sky. Those clouds were just gray enough to offer the chance at a bit of rain. They could sure use it. The weather had been so dry lately you could barely form a good spit.

    From her perch on top of the cliff, she could see her car parked off to one side below. There were some teenagers in the parking lot now, playing around with ropes and equipment. In a few minutes the rock wouldn’t belong to her anymore, it would be swarming with noisy kids.

    The few officers that shared her appreciation for climbing, and had joined her for this outing, were still a few good minutes behind her. They wouldn’t reach the top before the kids started up, which meant they’d all have to wait for anchors to be cleared before they could start back down.

    Snarling a curse, she gave a few tugs on her belay rope, and began reeling it up when it was released by the sergeant who was holding it.

    She was done for the day.

    Thinking of the Campus Killer had left her feeling bitter and angry. She had no patience for waiting until two groups had reached the top so she could get back down to the ground.

    Coiling the last of her rope on top of the cliff, she found a good anchor and secured a quick draw to it.

    Making a loop in the rope near harness, she pulled gloves out of her pouch and pulled them on. With the loose end of the rope in her gloved right hand, she walked to the end of the cliff, and then straight out over it.

    A forward facing rappel was uncomfortable in climbing gear, and her rope was old enough to make it potentially lethal, but she was feeling particularly pissed off right then and welcomed the danger.

    She was at a full run when she passed her own group and heard her team leader shout out a cursed response. The rope sizzled against her glove, but she only ran faster. The earth was rushing toward her face, the teenagers below scrambling away from what must surely look like a suicide in motion.

    By mid-rock she was at full speed, the stone screaming along beneath her so fast her sprinting legs could barely keep up. Just three seconds - maybe four - and the teenagers would get their suicide.

    She pulled the rope across the front of her hips, tensing the muscles of her thighs and hips to keep from spinning sideways at the sudden brake. Roughly twelve feet up from the ground, she kicked off the rock and released her grip on the brake rope.

    Arching her back, she twisted upright and then landed hard. She ducked quickly into a roll over one shoulder to take the shock off her legs. Then rolled all the way over and back up onto her feet, unsnapping the rope from her carabiner and allowing it to fall out of her hand as she

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