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Calm Effects: Cannabis Infused Sauces!
Calm Effects: Cannabis Infused Sauces!
Calm Effects: Cannabis Infused Sauces!
Ebook150 pages40 minutes

Calm Effects: Cannabis Infused Sauces!

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Calm Effects: Sauces has over 76 cannabis infused sauces, marinades and dressings that will make any dish a wonderful and tasty meal. Complete with nutritional facts and easy to follow recipes. All the recipes are of the highest quality with a powerful dose of cannabis infused into each. You will love there simplistic nature.

Included in this book are the 5 mother sauces, Bechemel, Espagnole, Hollandaise, Tomato and Voloute.

Ingesting cannabis avoids all of the problem associated with smoking this herb. When cannabis is legalized this will become the most common way to use it. Many people say that by ingesting cannabis it is a more intense effect and lasts much longer. This is why cancer patients love it!

PublisherBryan Johnson
Release dateDec 5, 2011
Calm Effects: Cannabis Infused Sauces!

Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson and Maria Hartman are from Shasta County, California and have five children and three grandchildren. Our youngest child moved back home last year with a health condition, which required her to have a recommendation for the use of Cannabis. Starting the cooking of Cannabis was thru trial and error until the opportunity arose to write a cookbook from the requests of others that had tasted the foods we had prepared. Bryan being a Culinary Arts Major and Maria Hartman helping with the preparation of the foods to an delicious flavor they wrote the first book "Calm Effects, The Beginning which covers some sweets and treats, this book covers a different version of appetizers that came straight from their kitchen onto paper for you use, enjoy!

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    Book preview

    Calm Effects - Bryan Johnson

    Calm Effects

    Cannabis Infused Sauces, Dressings And Marinades

    76 Unique Recipes

    Complete With Nutritional Facts

    Easy To Understand Recipes


    This book contains information about illegal substances, mainly cannabis and its derivative products. We must emphasize that marijuana is a controlled substance in much of the world. It can carry very heavy penalties that may threaten your livelihood. This book is for reference and educational purposes.

    The use of these recipe is at your own risk. We do not take any responsibility for the use of cannabis and do not condone any illegal use of these recipes.

    Calm Effects

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

    given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please

    purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not

    purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of

    this author.

    Bryan Johnson and Maria Hartman

    Published by Bryan Johnson and Maria Hartman At Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Bryan Johnson and Maria Hartman

    Sauce Facts

    In 200 A.D. the Roman Empire used highly flavored sauces often containing as many as a dozen ingredients used to mask the natural flavors of the food. The most striking common ingredient was a condiment called garum, or liquamen, a fermented fish sauce like that of Indo China, along with plentiful amounts of honey, herbs, spices and olive oil. The most commonly used seasoning was liquamen, the nearest equivalent today being a very strong fish stock, with anchovies as its main ingredient. This was so popular that it was produced in many towns in the Roman Empire. Sometimes so many ingredients were used in a sauce it was impossible to single out any one flavor. A chef noted at the end of one of his recipes for a particularly flavorsome sauce, No one at the table will know what he is eating. These sauces were usually thickened with wheat flour or crumbled pastry. Honey was often incorporated into a 'sweet-sour' dish or sauce.

    Mother Sauces – mother sauces they are the five sauces required to make unlimited sauces based on it. Antonin Careme, also known as father of French cuisine after research found that a large number of sauces can be categorized under five sauces, all the sauces can be made on a small group of sauces made with few ingredients and a simple recipe, they were termed as mother sauces or basic sauces. If we know the recipe of these mother sauces we can make a large number of other sauces known as derivatives.

    Learn these five sauces and you will be able to create anything.

    The five Mother Sauces are:

    1. Bechamel Sauce/ white sauce

    2. Veloute Sauce /blonde sauce

    3. Espagnole Sauce/brown sauce

    4. Hollandaise Sauce (butter)

    5. Tomato Sauce (red)

    Earlier French sauces and constructs had been named for royalty, but now they took on the identity of their creators or some celebrity of the period. The old cuisine was, along with its promoters, replaced by the new school of French cuisine.

    When you think of French food you must think of sauces for it is the art of stock and sauce making that defines French food and French chefs. A carefully constructed French sauce is usually developed in several stages and requires attention at each stage to balance all the components. Some French sauces function to contrast while others help to extend

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