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Trixie In Spain
Trixie In Spain
Trixie In Spain
Ebook130 pages2 hours

Trixie In Spain

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About this ebook

I have great news for my readers and my publisher has graciously agreed to help me get this new ebook published so that I can inform you all of my joyous news. I know my readers cannot enjoy my trip to Spain as much as I did but if you and your love one can share even a portion of what it felt like to be once again in my “brother and sister-in-laws” arms, how it felt to be in the embrace of the hot Spanish lady Delfina, or share a portion of how I felt with an even hotter Spanish man between my Feel what I felt, the heat, the passion, the pure animal lust. Feel that and I have accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. So I invite you to share in my news and to make yourself mine.
Oh, in case you are wondering...apparently I am that flexible.
Other ebooks available by Trixie T
Training Trixie
Trixie and Krissy
Trixie's Girls
Trixie's Tricks
F&R, Virgin Blood
F&R, Family Love

Release dateDec 5, 2011
Trixie In Spain

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Book preview

    Trixie In Spain - Trixie T

    Trixie In Spain

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright December 5, 2011 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    GREAT NEWS…and it all started when I landed in Spain for my summer holidays; holidays that I am to spend with my brother Doug and Sister-in-law Donna. I am looking forward to this for a number of reasons, the least not being that I have not seen either Doug or Donna since the company my brother works for shipped Doug to Barcelona just before last Christmas, making it around nine months since I have seen either of them.

    Okay, so he is not really my brother but he came to live with us when we were both children and as far as I am concerned that makes us brother and sister. Best of all and brother or not, there is nothing brotherly or sisterly in the way we enjoy having sex with each other.

    Most of the flight over, I have been preoccupied with the thought of making love to Doug and my sister-in-law Donna. But now that I am finally grounded and made it past customs its time for the shocking truth; I’m just too freaking tired to care. I know, me too tired for sex…I can’t believe it either.

    I am two months shy of my twentieth birthday but even at twenty, I will not be of legal age to drink back home, but in Spain…now there is something to look forward to and another reason why I intend to enjoy my time in Spain.

    So I am in Spain, I feel like hell after a couple of hops and the only real saving grace is that I am here to see Doug and Donna and not Susan for I’m sure she would give me hell for the way I look.

    How I look and the realization of what how I look can do I can thank Susan for and the truth of the matter became apparent once again when I got through customs much quicker than some that were in line before me and who are still trying to get through. I do look older than the picture in my passport but the guy was so busy looking at my nipples trying to poke a hole through my blouse that I probably could have given him any old passport. So I am through customs but I still feel like hell and I am more than ready for a nice hot bath and something to drink.

    I dread to think what Susan would think of me if she saw how I looked right now.

    You may wonder why what Susan may think of me at any given time matters to me so much. For me it is a no brainer. Not only do I and will I forever love Susan, not only is she my one true love in life up to now but she is also a love that I can never have. Susan, her husband, and I have discussed and Susan and I openly acknowledged our love for each other in front of her husband but in the same breath, Susan acknowledged her very deep love for her husband. The end result is that if and when we meet we will fuck each other like there is no tomorrow and that Susan’s husband will not stop us from doing so…and god forbid if he decides to join us, for I surely will not turn away his huge cock but that will forever be the extent of our relationship.

    Much of my love towards Susan I am sure is because she was my first. No, I am not talking about my first woman; I am talking about my first sexual encounter. Okay you want me to say it I’ll say it, she popped my cherry and with a freaking cucumber at that, and then proceeded to teach me how to properly make love to women and men. It was during that this that I learned that I love to be fucked…oh god how I love it, how I crave it, need it…sigh.

    In between all the fucking, Susan taught me how to be a lady. She turned me from a slob her words, to a woman presentable in any society. It is all about the clothing and attitude she told me repeatedly until I started to believe it. She gave me my foundation on the use of makeup and an even firmer foundation on behaviour, but most importantly, she taught me I was beautiful and to believe it.

    Thinking I am beautiful was perhaps the hardest part of my training but my exercise program of late, that includes weight lifting and which gave me the unexpected result of firming my large D cup breasts has done wonders for my self-esteem. My overly large breasts were always an issue of contention with me as I was growing up but with their firming and the firming of the rest of my body, I have become much more comfortable in my skin.

    So right now I am dragging a suitcase behind me, I have my long black almost waist length hair tied in a ponytail, my usual blue eyes feel bloodshot, my tight skirt is wrinkled, my wrap-around blouse a mess, my legs trembling with weariness and my feet sore in their six-inch high heels. I know I have a lot to learn about traveling but this is my first time. I feel a mess and if Susan saw me now she would surely give me hell. Luckily, it is my brother and sister-in-law waiting for me and being family, they are more likely to cut me some slack. Even reassured, I wince for I still don’t enjoy being seen this way after two years to learning better. It feels like I am sliding backwards and I have no intention of going back.

    I really have to learn this travelling thing but at least I’m not stuck in customs like some of the others. Oh God and don’t forget to call Sina before going to sleep tonight. Sina…I think I am falling hopelessly in love with her. She is starting to take the place of Susan…that is good…isn’t it Trixie?

    A shout breaks into my thoughts. I look up and there is Doug and Donna waiting for me. Trying to forget my misery and my current line of thoughts, I make my way over to them as quickly as possible. When Doug crushes me into an embrace, I can’t help myself, my lips goes to his and a very seductive kiss ensues.

    Thank heaven I may not be broken after all.

    Wow, welcome to Spain Trixie and if I knew I would get that kind of welcome I would have been more demanding in my earlier attempts to get you here! Doug states almost breathlessly when we end the kiss.

    How sweet of you to say so, now let me give that wife of yours a proper welcome. I guess my breathing is not doing all that well either.

    Not like that one Trixie. They may have legalized same sex marriage here but there are still some very heated opinions on the issue so I can wait until we get some privacy. Donna pipes up.

    I gather Donna into a hug but refrain from giving her the same hello that I just gave her husband.

    Come on you two. I’ll take your bags Trixie.

    Thanks Doug. So what are you driving, some little buggy? I warn you I’m not climbing into a back seat today!

    Both Doug and Donna laugh at my statement, then Donna takes me by the hand and we follow Doug out of the airport. Donna pulls me to a stop just outside the door and I turn my face up to the sun. The temperature is hot but being a California born and raised girl, not nearly hot enough to please me, but oh my god so much hotter than where I currently live. Expecting Doug to take off to get his car or hail us a cab I am happy simply closing my eyes and letting the heat soak into my bones.

    Such nice weather here. I mummer.

    Yes, at least that is one benefit of living here. Donna replies sounding disgruntled.

    I look quickly to Donna for that last statement was contrary to her usual perkiness. Doug’s boss had transferred Doug to Spain around nine months ago, mostly due to his knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. Doug always loved Spain and anything to do with Spain and probably still does, but obviously, Donna does not feel the same way. I am about to ask her about that when Doug recaptures our attention.

    So are you going to get in or what?

    I look to where he is pointing. Then look back at him then Donna with disbelief. You guys didn’t have to go and do something like that for me!

    I am looking at a long and very white limousine and there is a guy dressed in a very stiff and proper uniform holding the door, obviously waiting patiently for us to enter. I notice that Doug is no longer lugging my baggage so I presume that it has already been packed away in the trunk.

    I wish I could take the credit for this but the car belongs to the company. When I asked my boss for the day off and he found out that I was coming to pick up my sister he insisted on me using it. Doug smiles bashfully.

    The company treats him very well Trixie. He can get almost anything he asks for. Once again, Donna does not sound her cheery self but she is trying.

    Come on Donna, seems like we need a girl talk so let’s get home. I take hold of her hand and pull her into the limo.

    Donna follows me inside and Doug takes up the rear. The door closes and the first thing I ask is if the limo has anything to drink. Doug produces a bottle of wine, obviously Spanish by the unfamiliar writing on the bottle, As Doug goes about opening the wine and pouring us each a glass I turn to Donna.

    So what’s the matter Donna? I ask now that we have some semblance of privacy and no longer able to wait until we get home.

    Nothing really…I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a downer on your first day here.

    I give her an arched eyebrow look.

    Donna squirms under my look for a time; Doug is grinning.

    It can’t be that bad

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