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Coaxing Kate
Coaxing Kate
Coaxing Kate
Ebook32 pages31 minutes

Coaxing Kate

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Kate goes on a cruise to get away from a bad situation and ends up meeting the strangely flirtatious Nell, a lithe brunette who seems intent on preying on her vulnerability. Can Kate resist the woman's seduction? Or... does she even want to?

An intense tale of lesbian seduction and domination.

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PublisherLexie X
Release dateDec 6, 2011
Coaxing Kate

Lexie X

Lexie X is an author of erotic fiction interested mainly in first times, domination, and seduction. You can follow more erotic works by her at her blog at

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    Book preview

    Coaxing Kate - Lexie X

    Coaxing Kate

    A Virgin Lesbian Sex Tale

    By Lexie X

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2011 by Lexie X

    If you like this story, you might enjoy Prison Pussy.

    Follow more of my work at

    My Smashwords author page can be found here.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Coaxing Kate

    Kate sipped her champagne and tried not to frown. She eyed the couples on the dance floor with a mix of envy and resentment. She could see the evening amber ocean through a nearby window, and she watched it flow by instead of thinking about her divorce and the ex-husband that was supposed to be on the cruise with her. She never expected to be divorced and alone at twenty-five, but, as her best friend had blurted out over two bottles of wine, that's what you get for getting married at eighteen.

    She wasn't sure how to feel. His affair had hardly been the only thing wrong with their marriage, and she still had her figure for the most part... but she couldn't help feeling unattractive compared to all the other women her age running around with toned bodies and a huge head start on dating experience. She'd dyed her hair blonde for this cruise to try to give herself a confidence boost, but nobody had seemed to notice her so far.

    Hey there, someone said behind her, and she turned to find a lithe brunette carrying a camera. Picture of you and your husband?

    Oh, no... Kate replied, flustered. He's sleeping back in our room...

    The woman gave an understanding laugh.

    I'm Nell, the cruise photographer, she said, offering her hand. There's always a few women on these trips by themselves.

    Kate shook her hand, surprised by the thin woman's firm grip.


    Nell nodded.

    Troubles at home, straying husbands, that sort of thing, she guessed, her tone empathetic. But the cruise was paid for months ago, so...

    Kate sighed and let go,

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