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Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry
Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry
Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry
Ebook70 pages2 hours

Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry

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Whether she's talking about loss of privacy in the Internet age, "Gone are the days when people only knew things about me that I wanted them to know. Now I can be Googled – and without benefit of lubrication," or growing up Catholic, "Sticking a symbol of a brutally murdered dead guy over the bed of an impressionable young child and telling her 'He died for your sins' kind of messes with a kid for life," Jayne Martin's debut book of humor essays will have you laughing out loud from page one. A sharp observer of a world changing faster than new versions of the iPhone, Martin has gleaned this collection from over two years of posts on her popular blog aptly titled "injaynesworld… where nothing is sacred," where she takes on everything from private parts to politics. With a voice that is both unique and accessible, Martin has crafted a body of work that will appeal to readers of all ages. A funny, fresh, often outrageous compilation, this book is most definitely "Suitable For Giving."

PublisherJayne Martin
Release dateDec 7, 2011
Suitable for Giving: A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry

Jayne Martin

Jayne Martin is an unapologetic, bleeding heart liberal who writes about everything from politics to private parts on her blog injaynesworld. A TV movie writer, her credits include "Big Spender" for Animal Planet, and "A Child Too Many," "Deceived By Trust," and "Cradle of Conspiracy" for Lifetime. Jayne is the author of the book of humor essays, "Suitable for Giving... a collection of wit with a side of wry."

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    Book preview

    Suitable for Giving - Jayne Martin

    Suitable for Giving

    A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry

    By Jayne Martin

    Copyright 2011 Jayne Martin

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To Mom

    For all those times I neglected

    to say ...

    Thank you


    To Margaret Andrews, whose book Sticky Readers should be on every writer’s bookshelf. Thank you for your technical expertise, which made this book a reality and saved me from languishing forever in digital hell. And to the loyal and supportive readers of my blog, injaynesworld, many of whom are also some of the best writers I’ve ever had the pleasure to know, thanks so much for your friendship and encouragement. A writer needs an audience, because when a tree falls in the woods and there’s no one around, it really doesn’t make a sound.

    Contents ...

    The Economy Is Kicking My Ass

    Solo at Sixty

    Junk Mail Blues

    The Reluctant Traveler... Or Hell No, I Won't Go

    Cruisin' With the Top Down

    Don't Drive Over the Wet Cow Paddies

    Serving Guilt With a Twist of Lime

    Like Mother, Like Daughter

    Out of My Hands

    A Disposable Society

    Private Parts

    What's That Sucking Sound?

    If I Was a Rich Girl

    That One Special Dress

    Stalking Nora Ephron

    Bitter - Party of One

    Downsizing for Dummies

    Wherein I Tempt Fate...And Lose

    Suitable for Giving

    The Economy Is Kicking My Ass

    The Time For Service light has been on in my car now for three months. Any time now I expect to see the Hey – I Need A Little Attention Here, light, followed closely by an angry, flashing I Told You So. My car is not the only area of my life suffering from neglect. I’ve taken to wearing hats whenever I leave the house so as not to expose the two inches of gray roots seeping from my scalp. As luck would have it, I live in a rural area where cowboy hats are considered acceptable attire everywhere, but sometimes I throw on a baseball cap just to change things up a bit. I do have to say I’m happy to see that torn jeans are considered high fashion at the moment because that’s pretty much the condition of all of mine and I fully expect to be mistaken for Jennifer Aniston any day now.

    Fortunately, I’ve never required an abundance of food. We have chickens on the farm where I live and they provide a steady supply of eggs. There’s a veggie garden, too, and several fruit trees. What we don’t grow here is easily pilfered from the lands of surrounding farmers, but except for the occasional splurge on a jar of Bacon Bits, meat is a thing of the past.

    Being single has some financial advantages in these lean times. Nobody on Facebook cares if I shave my legs, so I save on razors. Also, the bushes growing on my limbs keep me warm in the winter when I can’t afford heat, and I’ve discovered

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