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Lost River Carnival
Lost River Carnival
Lost River Carnival
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Lost River Carnival

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Lost River’s Carnival is a story about a woman who worked at a newspaper and through her work came to care for two different men, but fell in love with only one. The story follows her through her thoughts and emotions as she deals with her daily life. How a misunderstanding causes her to lose the man she loved. She nearly loses her best friend, Ginger, and is put in a position to take care of a man that doesn’t even remember who she is, or does he? Do they belong together after all? Did fate step in and do the right thing? Only time and turning the pages of this must read will answer these questions and more.

PublisherHeidi Johnson
Release dateDec 11, 2011
Lost River Carnival

Heidi Johnson

Heidi was born in Chicago, Ill. in 1972. She always liked writing poetry and one boring night decided to try her hand at a short story, however the book had other ideas. Now we find that Lost River's Carnival grew to Lost River Chronicles as four books are emerging from one short story. Spending a lot of time revising her books is a passion that she can't seem to step away from. Perfecting the emotional pull this series has on her readers is a challenge that she has placed upon herself. Even in the rawest form, many praises were sung about these books. Readers were begging for the next chapter as they try to help edit. However, most got so lost in the story that editing soon took a back seat. This energy and demand only fueled Heidi on to keep writing and worry about editing later. Now done with her second book, she can't take it anymore and is taking a break while she attempts to get all her edits easy task.

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    Lost River Carnival - Heidi Johnson

    Lost River’s Carnival

    By: Heidi J Johnson

    Lost River’s Carnival

    By: Heidi Johnson

    Copyright © 2010 Heidi J Savory

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    ISBN: 978-1-105-50840-0

    First Printing: February 2012

    HJohnson Publishing

    Paoli, In 47454


    I am dedicating this book to my ex-husband Thomas Savory, for without his challenging me I probably never would have taken on such a project.

    I want to say thank you to a number of people for being very supportive and understanding when I was less than perfect and put writing ahead of almost everything else. Without their love and support this book would not be possible.


    Thomas, whom I mentioned earlier, Terri, Heather, Jessica, Bobbie (My Understanding Daughters) and Ingrid (My Devoted Mother) for being a great family and giving me encouragement when I needed it most.

    Lewis, Chrystal, Kristy, Dale, and Tony for your many aspects of helping me type, edit, and advertise my book. You guys make a great team and I am proud to call you friends.

    I can’t forget my wonderful cousin Jenny who spent hours on the phone with my ex-husband helping him make my dreams come true with this book, a special thanks goes out to you.

    1. The Threat

    2. The Barnes Sisters

    3. The Lie

    4. Life or Death

    5. The Affair

    6. The Coma

    7. Grand Theft Auto

    8. The House Guest

    9. Haunted

    10. Cramped Quarters

    11. Where is Everyone

    12. Could You Be Pregnant

    13. Not Again

    14. Make It Stop

    15. Twins

    1. The Threat

    It was a hot day in June, 1999 in the small town of Lost River, Arizona. The sun was sliding behind the majestic mountains when the annual carnival started to stir, and a tall sexy brunette began her undercover mission.

    Her rich chestnut hair hung down to her firm, well-rounded derriere. Her fit, slender build, drew undivided attention wherever she roamed. This eye candy of a woman worked at the local newspaper, The Gossip Starts Here, as an undercover columnist. Her easy going boss, Henry, decided that with her beauty and popularity she could get the juiciest gossip, but only if no one knew what she was doing, so she had to remain undercover.

    Lost River was very unusual, especially for a small town, in the fact that it had a permanent carnival as part of its landscape. If you were outgoing, it was a great place to meet people. If you just wanted to hide from them, this was a great place to do that too.

    As the few noisy rides at the carnival began to buzz, the only kiddy ride, The Truck Track, hauled a full load of kids around for its usual ten laps. More kids began to line up loudly waiting for their turn. The three adult rides The Scrumbler, The Speeder and The Zinger, were fully loaded too, as kids and young adults scrambled to get in line for their turn. Girls were giggling and gossiping about boys, while boys were talking about cars and girls. There were ten game booths, which had various prizes and skill levels.

    All the booths were full of voices shouting, Step right up and win your honey a prize!

    Some patrons were drawn to the carnival solely by the sweet aroma of the food booths. The biggest seller was the funnel cake, selling at $3.25 each, these yummy treats, coated lightly with powdered sugar, are as big as a dinner plate.

    Heaven, our undercover brunette, walked around the buzzing carnival eavesdropping on random conversations. It wasn’t long before her ears began to fill with the sizzling news about the town’s ‘Sexiest Bachelor’. Since Heaven was titled ‘The Sexiest Bachelorette’ of the previous month, she couldn’t help but ask questions, for her column of course. Questions like, Do you know him personally?, How old did the paper say he is?, Is he currently seeing anyone? And, what’s his name again?

    Even though Heaven already knew the answers to these questions, she needed a way to start up a conversation. The answers that she got from various people were very different from each other and very different from the truth.

    Actually, his name was Matt, he was thirty, and he was not seeing anyone. Not bothering to correct them, Heaven just asked more questions, after all if they thought he was spoken for, it would give her a better chance to get close enough to him to get more information. Next, came the real work, ‘what kind of information would make good gossip, and yet not hurt him? After all, from what she's heard, he’s a nice guy, but the paper needs good gossip.’ So Heaven walked off to find Mr. Wonderful.

    She got on the Zinger because she could have sworn she saw Matt do the same, but just as the ride started, she saw him walking to the Scrumbler. Frustrated, she sat back and prepared herself for the ride as best she could.

    It was very hard for her to concentrate with all the screaming in her ears and flinging back and forth in the Zinger as it quickly took off. Her black dress became plastered against her from the force of air that suddenly hit her as the ride came to full speed. She once again tried to look around hoping to keep an eye on Matt, so she could catch up to him when the ride was over. She could feel a twinge in her gut as everything spun around her so fast, and then she remembered why she didn’t normally go on these rides. They’re ten times worse than a car, for getting motion sickness. At this point, she was just grateful that she had a light lunch. For the moment, she forgot about Matt and concentrated on making it through the ride.

    ‘He better be worth this!’ She thought as she left the ride and rushed to the nearest trashcan. After a few minutes, Heaven felt warm, caring hands help support her trembling body.

    ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘I’m making a fool of myself.’

    Before she could say anything though, she heard a deep sexy voice, Are you going to be okay, Miss?

    Heaven felt the blood rush to her face making her very hot and aware of herself.

    Uh-huh, I think so.

    Embarrassment began to come over her all at once as everyone and everything else seemed to fade into the background, and she felt weak again. She looked up, straight into the strong chiseled face of Matt. Her nerves were getting the better of her as once again she lost control and had to lean back over the trash can. He was even more gorgeous than she had remembered. His slender six foot four inch frame stood over her protectively.

    "Are you sure you’re going to be Ok?"

    Then he placed one strong, yet gentle arm around her waist for reassurance while the other arm kept her from falling.

    Heaven stood up as she tried to pull herself together and save what little dignity she had left.

    "I’m going to be Ok. I was just trying to find someone, I thought he was on the Zinger, but I was wrong. By the time I figured that out it was too late, I was stuck for the ride, and...I don’t even do well as a passenger in a car. That’s why you found me here. I’m sorry that our meeting had to be over a trash can."

    Quickly Heaven felt so at ease talking to him, like an old friend. Maybe it was because he wasn’t judging her, but just listening. Matt just smiled at her and nodded in a knowing manner that made her feel so much more at ease.

    You know, they say that only people with higher than average I.Q.’s are susceptible to car sickness, He teased.

    Suddenly Heaven realized that she was a woman with a need for compassion and companionship, not just a woman on a mission. Her heart thumped at the implied compliment. She felt herself blushing as she thanked him for his help and headed to one of the many food stands to get something to drink.

    He followed her asking, Why are you running? I won’t bite you, I promise.

    She blushed and they both laughed and ordered their drinks.

    So why are you hanging out here at the carnival anyway? Heaven asked innocently.

    Oh I was hoping to find someone to enjoy the day with. When I first saw you, I thought you could use a caring hand, but now I think you could be that someone I was looking for. Matt paused, Wait, you were looking for someone, weren’t you? I should really let you go find him. He quickly added.

    Actually, she began, to tell you the truth that someone I was looking for was you. She continued, blushing yet again. I heard some people talking about you and thought I should find you and ask a few questions, to verify what I heard.

    Well, what have you heard? He asked inquisitively, Nothing bad I hope.

    No, not really, I just heard that you were seeing someone, that your name is Bob and that you’re twenty-five. Heaven lied, trying not to let it show.

    Matt chuckled his response, Hardly, I’m still on the prowl so to speak, my name is Matt Cunningham and I’m thirty. While we're on the subject, what’s your story?

    Well let’s see, my name is Heaven Hoppe, I’m single and I’m thirty-three. I came to the carnival to try to get to know some people. My work keeps me so busy that I barely have time to do anything for myself.

    Oh. What do you do that keeps you so busy? Matt questioned.

    Heaven was afraid that he was going to ask that, and still she was caught off guard.

    Thinking quickly though, without wanting to lie to him, she replied, I do research for various projects around, hoping he wouldn’t ask for more details than that. Unfortunately he did.

    Stammering around, finally she answered, It’s a bit of a secret. My job requires me to be secretive about almost everything. I wasn’t even supposed to tell you what I have. Quickly she changed the subject with, How on earth did a good looking, tender hearted gentleman like you make it to thirty without being snatched up by some pretty young thing?

    Well, he replied, "I can’t say that no one has tried, but I can say the right one has never applied for the position, so to speak."

    "Oh, Ok! So then, let me ask you something else. What qualities would ‘the right person’ have?"

    Hmm, I’ve never really thought about it like that before. I’m not really sure. She can’t smoke, that’s a big NO! She must like animals and children. She’d have to have a sense of humor, that’s a must. She must be self-confidant and self-assured. She must be a bit out going and like to try different things. As for deal makers or breakers I think that’s it.

    What about age, does that make a difference?

    I’ve never really thought about that either, but I guess that within reason it doesn’t matter, so long as we agree on things and have mutual interests.

    What do you do for a living, anyway? She asked.

    Matt’s response was almost too quick. I’m a web designer and I do computer repair on the side. So basically I get paid to sit at home and be a ‘computer geek’.

    I don’t see you as a geek. You seem kind, tender, understanding and easy to talk to. Any woman in her right mind would try to snag you up in half a heartbeat.

    Matt blushed, as he replied, It’s so kind of you to say so.

    Well Matt, I only call it like I see it. Unfortunately though I have to get home and walk my dog, she is very precise in her needs. If I ever have to work late, I’m afraid of what I’ll come home to.

    Can I walk you home? Matt offered with a smile.

    Heaven was kind of hoping to get away from Matt for a while so she could clear her head and get her questions in order, but before she realized it, she was accepting his offer.

    On the long walk they began talking about the weather, the carnival, the government, and pets. They talked about everything except what her readers wanted to hear about. When they finally arrived at her house, Ginger, Heaven’s Miniature Collie, was waiting patiently at the door with her leash, for Heaven’s return.

    Impressed, Matt said, Wow. You must have her trained well.

    "Actually she has me trained. If I’m not home within 20 minutes of the usual time then I find various problems in surprising places. Like three weeks ago I had to take a detour and ran up on an accident. I was an hour late and found my favorite red Stilettos under my bed chewed to bits. Then there was a time two months ago I was only thirty minutes late and found Ginger had peed in my satin slippers."

    "Ouch! I don’t know that I would have ever kept her if she was doing that. You’re braver than I am." Matt replied.

    Heaven rambled in defense, Well I have just learned to work around that, and make sure that I’m home in plenty of time to take her on her walk and go back to work if I need to.

    I suppose that’s okay, if your boss will let you go. I can keep her company for you while you work if you want. After all I work from home, so I would always be there for her.

    That’s a sweet offer, but she’s like a child to me. I wouldn’t leave my child with just anyone. I hope you don’t take offense or anything.

    No. I understand, but on the other hand you would find a babysitter for your child, right? Please, just give me a chance. I won’t even charge you anything, I just love dogs.

    Heaven hesitated and felt very uneasy. This guy seemed a bit desperate, and yet sweet, almost like he was trying too hard. Yet this would give her the ‘in’ she needed to get the scoop.

    She swallowed hard and answered, We can give it a trial run. I’ll bring over a list of rules for her when I drop her off in the morning. After one week we’ll reassess if it’s working or not. Is that fair enough?

    After a moment’s hesitation Matt agreed. He was intrigued by this woman and wasn’t sure why, but he was determined to find out.

    ‘There’s an odd air of self confidence about her, yet it’s far from conceit. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Hopefully things will work with Ginger, giving me a sure way to stay in Heaven’s life long enough to truly get to know her.’ Matt thought to himself.

    They both said how glad they were to have met each other and Matt headed home.

    As Heaven entered her cozy home that evening, she allowed herself to rethink the day. She blushed with embarrassment once again as the day’s events passed through her head. Heaven started thinking of all the could’ve, should’ve, would’ves.

    ‘I could have waited at the exit gate of the Zinger, but had I done that, we wouldn’t have met up and I wouldn’t get my scoop. Then again, I don’t know what my scoop is anyway.’

    With that Heaven headed to her beautiful, oak, country kitchen. She fed and watered Ginger, then sat down at her solid wooden table, with paper and pen in hand, for taking notes. Suddenly a few ideas began floating into her buzzing mind.

    ‘The public already knows his name, age, height, and relationship status. What they don’t know is his personal side, his hobbies, his favorite color, does he have any pets, what his favorite season is and why, is he looking for romance, and if so what qualities are a must, things like that.’

    At this point what she knew was that he was still on the prowl and what qualities were important, but it wasn’t enough.

    ‘Now the fun begins,’ she thought to herself. ‘How can I get all this information without being obvious?’

    The phone rang. Heaven, It was the voice of her boss, we have to move up the deadline on the story about Matt. I’m sorry, but we need your story by Friday.

    But that’s only three days away, Heaven pleaded, I thought we had a week. What happened?

    "Well to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure what happened. I got a call from my boss just seconds ago demanding a rush from all my writers. You aren’t the only one Heaven. I’m sorry if this puts a kink in your plans." Henry finished.

    It’s not your fault, Henry. It just makes it more difficult to get the scoop and to not be conspicuous, but I’ll figure it out, I always do. Heaven replied.

    With that they both said their goodnights and hung up the phone. Heaven began looking in the phone book for Matt’s number, since she had thought of a way to get a little more information.

    Unfortunately though his number was very difficult to find, he was listed backwards. Heaven only thought of that because her mom used to do that, so it would be more difficult to find. That in turn got Heaven to thinking, maybe he doesn’t want to be found, or called, or plastered in the paper. Heaven called him anyway, hoping that she wasn’t bothering him. Matt answered on the first ring which was unexpected, and caused Heaven to almost forget the reason for her call.

    Stammering she finally muttered, Uh, Matt. This is Heaven. I’m sorry to call you this late, but I got to thinking, Ginger has been an only pet for three years now and doesn’t interact well with other pets. I didn’t think…

    Matt interrupted her by saying, It’s okay. I have no pets of my own, anymore. My last one died a year ago and I haven’t been able to bring myself to replace him yet.

    Oh, I’m sorry you had to go through that. So, is that why you’re in a hurry to dog sit?

    I guess so. My Mac was a Collie too, so seeing Ginger brought back a lot of the fond memories that were beginning to fade. I used to take Mac to the park every day for lunch and play Frisbee. He loved it. I even got him to catch it in his teeth. There were times when I’d come home more exhausted than he was, but we always had fun, Matt began to fade off, sorry I’m babbling too much. You probably need to go and I’m just boring you with my sadness.

    Heaven said very defensively, You’re not boring me for one thing and for another, I think it’s sweet. It says a lot about who you are as a person. The way you treat your pets, I mean. I think Mac had a very happy life and knew he was loved. Anyway, it’s getting late and I better get some sleep. Take care and I will see you in the morning.

    You too, I look forward to seeing you again. Sleep well.

    They hung up the phone and Heaven began to feel bad.

    This guy is obviously still hurting over his beloved Mac and even though what is written in The Gossip Starts Here, is always the truth, maybe he isn’t the one to do the story on, but then who?

    She struggled with this for hours before going to bed.

    Once Heaven decided to get some sleep, she went upstairs to her lonely master bedroom, where her single size bed felt more like doll furniture than a real bed. The massive room seemed to swallow her belongings.

    Once there Heaven slowly got undressed. First she unzipped her black dress and let the straps fall off her tan, satin shoulders. Then she reached over with her right hand and gently removed the strap from her arm. Next she took her left hand and removed the strap from her right arm and let the dress fall to the floor. Slowly stepping out of it with her right foot, she took her left foot and tossed the dress perfectly into the hamper, a trick she mastered a long time ago. As her dress landed, Heaven began wishing that she had someone to spend evenings with.

    ‘Not a summer romance, but real honest lasting love, the forever after kind of love.’

    This led her to thinking about Matt and wondering if he may be the one. She wanted the real love that you have to work for to make last, someone to cheer her on with her little talents.

    ‘I know it’s silly,’ Heaven thought to herself, ‘that kind of love is hard to find these days.’

    Heaven walked over to the mirror and admired her well-toned body before she headed to bed. As she crawled under the sheets, Heaven once again pondered her predicament. Matt seemed to be a very sweet and caring guy. She didn’t want to do anything that might upset him, no matter how honest the article may be.

    She began wondering, ‘Should I just tell him the truth and get his permission? Would he deny me and blab to the whole town to be on guard for me? Would he allow it simply because he likes me? If he does deny me, who would I write the scoop on? No one in Lost River is that interesting.’ She figured out the perfect solution. ‘If he did deny me, I could write about last month’s bachelorette. Then maybe he would see that I wasn’t out to hurt him.’

    With that comforting thought, Heaven started drifting off to sleep on her baby blue, satin sheets. She pulled her top sheet around her like it was the man she had always dreamed of, holding her tight. Part of the sheet lay high between her thighs and the other part lay ever so delicately over her breasts. Being proud of her problem solving skills, Heaven allowed herself to think of Matt as she drifted off to sleep. As her eyes got heavier her thoughts turned a bit more romantic than she thought they should be, especially having known him for such a short time. Though one cannot easily control their dreams, Heaven was intrigued to see where this was going. She just hoped that she could finally remember her dream, as it’s a rare treat.

    The dream started as the evening had started when Matt walked her home, they kissed, not a passionate one, just a friendly kiss on the cheek. Then as she offered out her hand he pulled her body in closer for another kiss, this time he aimed for her sweet, tender lips. Heaven amazed herself as she kissed him back. They took Ginger for a walk, hand in hand. She explained what she did for a living and why she couldn’t tell anyone. She explained that she had no intention of hurting him, just to inform the public, maybe it would help him find love. She went on to tell him of her back up plans.

    He thanked her for her honesty, and said I don’t need help finding love, I think I found it. Then Matt leaned in for yet another sweet brush with ‘heaven’.

    Once they got back from their walk, she invited him in and they talked a little more and began kissing. First Heaven unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time kissing his chest as she exposed it. Then she slowly slid the shirt off his, strong shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

    Heaven had only been touched by one other man in her entire life, but it didn’t even come close to feeling like this. It was pure lust, however this felt more like love, more like what she longed for.

    Matt’s hand tenderly brushed her satin shoulder as he kept her standing with his tender kisses. Next he walked her over to the bed and delicately lay her down as he continued with his magical

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