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The Waters Edge
The Waters Edge
The Waters Edge
Ebook184 pages3 hours

The Waters Edge

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In Feb 1678, one of the first and most notable Christian allegories was written by John Bunyan. Since then many other great spiritual and Christian allegories have followed yet none as great as the Pilgrims Progress. Bunyan’s ability to transport the reader into his spiritual world where conscious meets truth is also the main focal point of the Waters Edge. It will transport you from the natural into the spiritual through it's many alegories,prophetic truths and Christian foundations that are being challenged in todays society. The Water’s Edge like the Pilgrims Progress is a type of moral compass for anyone who desires to step out of the boat in faith or are adrift in the sea of life or just enjoy Christian allegories. The Water’s Edge is a story about one man and his journey through the open seas and the adversities of the spiritual life. The Water’s Edge is filled with adventure, mystery, and Christian truths.

Release dateDec 12, 2011
The Waters Edge

Benny Humphries, Jr

The AuthorPastor Benny Humphries grew up in Akron, Ohio. He was born again the November 14,1997 at the age of 29. Three months he began a ministry in Lakeland Florida calledMy Brother’s Keeper, a rehabilitation center for men and women that fought withsubstance abuse. Pastor Benny Humphries was also a volunteer minister in theDepartment of Corrections (Prison) in Polk County, Florida. Shortly afterwards he wascalled to North Carolina to study in the Biblical Institute of now Morning Star University. It was during this period of time that the Lord to Peru Benny in the spirit through adream two consecutive nights to Peru.In 1999 he came to Tarapoto for a crusade. Returning to the E.E.U.U the Lord spoke tohim about returning to Peru full time. Pastor Benny Humphries is the founder andPresident of the ministries Deeper In Love Ministries and the Exodo Church in the city ofTarapoto - Peru. He is the Author of several books, and proprietor of an ChristianElementry School in Tarapoto. Pastor Benny Humphries is married to AlexandraTanchiva Vela De Humphries.

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    The Waters Edge - Benny Humphries, Jr

    The Waters Edge

    Benny Oliver Humphries

    Copyright © 2009 Benny Humphries

    Published by Benny Oliver Humphries on Smashwords

    Title page design by Benny Oliver Humphries Jr.

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    * * *

    This book is dedicated to my wife Alexandra, and children, Jaira, Jendaya, Jolene, & Yeshaya. My brothers and sisters, Anthony, Kim, Tonya, Kevin, and Mattie Humphries.

    Thanks: To all my wonderful friends in the body of Christ who have been there for us over the years with your prayers and support. My spiritual children: May you find strength in moments of need and rest in the Father.

    Special thanks to:

    Teresa Pemberton Nathan Plowman

    Pansy Surrency Margarit Montoya

    Mark Devito James Montoya

    Bryan Cockfield John Rust

    William Morford Rick Joyner

    Scott Thomlinson Carlos Marino

    Prim Richard Maisenbocker

    Jacky Berry Becky Mainsenbocker

    Dania Lee Allen Robertson

    Pat Cockfield Jeremy Weber

    Paul Hauser Marcela Thomlinson

    Tony Humphries Karen Humphries

    For all the seeds sown in hope and love.

    * * *




    Chapter 1: No Denial

    Chapter 2: Pushing Off

    Chapter 3: The Island Of Dark Night

    Chapter 4: Island Of Unforgiveness

    Chapter 5: The Base Of The Mountain

    Chapter 6: Slippery Slope

    Chapter 7: The Ships Are Coming

    Chapter 8: The Black Mass

    * * *

    This book was started in 1998. 70% of the book was written that year and then shelved. I'm not sure why so much time has passed. Since then I have written other books, but I was unable to pick this one up over the past 11 years. It wasn't until this past year that I was released to pick it up again. The book is a reflection of what I have experienced and things that have been revealed to me. Some of the contents came by dreams but not much. There were times that I was literally there and could see what I was writing, and then there were times that what I was writing came as impressions or visions. This book is prophetic in nature. God speaks to his people prophetically in many ways. Act 2:17, 18 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: Dreams, prophecy and visions are evident signs of the Holy Spirit working in his people, all of which will only increase in the times to come.

    The hardest part for me was interpreting accurately through words what I was experiencing. The ability to transmit this clearly did not come easy for me. I also knew towards the middle of this first book that this would be a trilogy. Please note that this first book of this trilogy deals with allot of heavy warfare and reveals levels of darkness of the enemy and the enemy in the church. As the series progresses each book will become more redemptive revealing our power and the plans of God over all the darkness that is and is to come upon the earth. It does get better. The enemy has been defeated.

    * * *

    The Author

    I grew up in the inner city of Akron, Ohio. I was born again November 14,

    1997 at the age of 29. Three months later I began a ministry in Lakeland Florida

    called My Brother’s Keeper, a rehabilitation center for men and women dealing with

    substance abuse. I was also a volunteer minister at the Department of Corrections (Prison) in Polk County, Florida. After a year I was called to North Carolina to study in the Biblical Institute of now Morning Star University. It was during this period of time that the Lord called me to Peru through a two detailed dreams. In 1999 I came to Tarapoto Peru for a crusade where I met the women that was in my second dream. We were married 6 days later. Later I would find out that before she was born again that she had been studying 4 years to become a Nun. Upon returning to the E.E.U.U the Lord spoke to me about returning to Peru full time. Since then I have founded Deeper In Love Ministries and the Exodo Church in the city of Tarapoto Peru. I have written 4 other books which I also hope to publish. We have a small Elementary School, several churches, a TV program and 5 wonderful children.

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    As a new Christian, the Holy Spirit spoke to me daily, even greeting me in the morning. I had one of the best honeymoons that a person could dream. I was so in love with the Lord and he is so in love with me. God used me to speak prophetically, and accurately, into many people's lives. There are some things in the book that I wrote about back in 1998 that didn't even occur to me to be important at the time. When I picked up the book last year to start working on it, it was

    then that I realized that I had mentioned 9:11 not as a date but as a time. The secular world would call this a premonition. However Christians know otherwise. The Lord wants us to know through him things of importance that we could not otherwise know.

    For example, Jackie and Dennis Rippy had become good friends of mine during my time at Morning Star Ministries, and when Dennis was in the last stages of cancer I was in Peru. One day while I was in my home, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that Dennis had just passed. I immediately called Jackie, back in the United States. She was surprised to hear from me and even more so to know that I knew that he had passed. Her exact words were He just passed a few minutes ago, you are the first person that knows that he is has gone to be with the Lord." and she wept. She said that she knew that it was God that had me call at that moment. She was home alone but I was able to be there to comfort my good friend, even though I was in another country.

    The prophetic vision of this book should in no way be used to establish new doctrine. God has clearly given us the Scriptures for doctrine. The prophetic visions in this book may shed light on some Scriptures; they may also be used to reveal the condition of many believers and parts of the body. As you read this I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal his heart. I am not asking that you agree with every perspective but at least keep an open heart and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal what you are to take from this book. There are levels in our walk with the Lord and the Bible is clear on this. We know that there were 120 disciples in the upper room on the day of Pentecost yet Jesus poured himself out most on the twelve. Of those twelve, only three-Peter, James and John- were taken up on the mountain and allowed to see the transfiguration of Jesus. Of those three, it is believed that John was the closest of all. What is revealed here are levels, of faith, or levels of glory. 2Co 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith. Here again we have levels in the Christian faith and in our understanding of spiritual things. Not all believers will do great things or win a lot of people for Jesus because we know that the seed that falls into good grounds produces fruit- 30, 60 and 100 fold, three different levels.

    How deep does the rabbit hole go? Very deep, you may stay at the top looking down wondering what would happen if you jumped in yet never jump or you may be tumbling down the rabbit hole experiencing wild and crazy things in God. No matter what level you are on, I believe there is something for you in and at the Water's Edge.

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    Benny Humphries

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    The warning signs have been posted in the conscious of man. Since the beginning of time, notice has been given to men who inhabit the earth but reject its creator knowing that in the end so shall it be as it was in the beginning before the doors of the ark were closed shut, sealing the fate of man in the just judgment of a just creator, yet many continue to deny him. Ignoring the truth that is appointed once for man to die and then the judgment. For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

    The moral decay of our society continues to breed in procession the sons of disobedience, who broker in the selfishness of the flesh. Moving like greed on wheels, we have sharpened the carnal appetite of man to the point where he can touch any part of the world with a desire.

    Instead of building the Kingdom, we build egos the size of stadiums yet stadiums void of power where the multitudes are dumbed down into fragments of truth. We have cyberly connected the world to every twisted impulse, lubricating even the driest of desires with the oil of free will, and the ambition to do what thou will. The vision statement of Satan himself. While the world basks in the false light of complacency the enemy of God's creation Satan has been busy opening the doors of the consciousness of men to a spiritual world order where like Nimrod, his desire is that all will be of one mind to deny the creator. Synching the creature and the created in the same vein to become one with the promise of becoming his own god, and it just keeps coming faster and faster. What we have boarded is a runaway train, with millions of souls riding to destination damnation. Stopping only long enough to transfer blame and profit from pain. Selling self love the all natural opiate and religion of this age and the ages to come. Luk 17:24

    There are many things in life which determine the paths we may choose. Your present position, or state in life that you are in right now, was determined by three basic things. One: the circumstances that have taken place, two, the decisions that you made in those circumstances, and the unseen hand of God guiding you towards his will. Behind each decision we make there is an influence positive or negative. There can be no understanding, revelation, repentance or advancement until we come face to face with our decisions we have made or continue to make and the consequences thereof. The Water's Edge is a journey into the spirit, where time is washed into purpose and purpose into Jesus Christ; where circumstances provoke decisions that open the door to preordained destiny according to the word of God, exposing the ways of the enemy and the truths of the kingdom.


    There are many keys on the ring of life, however there is but one that will unlock man's heart and free his mind to be at peace, allowing him to fulfill his preordained destiny. This key is death. We will speak more about this shortly. In our journey for the answers that so easily beset the carnal mind, we have all used the available keys to unlock doors that have led to the dead en streets of the soul in the dark kingdoms of this world. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Because many have bowed their knee accepting the keys which the enemy offers. They open doors leading to dead ends, door of which some spend the rest of their lives trying to close. Doors that they wish they had never opened. For everything that is true and just, there is a counterfeit. It is this counterfeit Satan who waits behind the tree of knowledge of good and evil in anticipation for the next rebellious heart, knowing that all are born into sin and that all will indirectly search for him, following his ways and accepting the superficial temporal pleasantries of now in exchange for eternity's bliss. From the lips of death many do kiss.

    At this point I must pause to ask you this: At what door do you find yourself behind, walking through, trying to close or open? What key do you find yourself holding or what key are you searching for? Is it the key of love, wealth, happiness, success, fame, promotion, peace, healing, power, wisdom or maybe direction?


    There are many keys on the ring of life. However, there is one in particular that many refused to use. They shy away from this key or ignore it altogether, not because of where it will take them but because of the price they will have to pay en route. This key I

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