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Bronwyn's Stand: Choosing Love Series Book 1
Bronwyn's Stand: Choosing Love Series Book 1
Bronwyn's Stand: Choosing Love Series Book 1
Ebook280 pages4 hours

Bronwyn's Stand: Choosing Love Series Book 1

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About this ebook

Bronwyn Barrister has her life in order. She has loyal friends, a successful business, and a family who loves her beyond measure. She has everything she has ever had the courage to dream for. One man, however, has begun to threaten it all. She sent him to prison for eleven years, but now he's free to exact his revenge. With menacing phones call and vile threats, he stalks her. He is a monster from her past, the past she tries to hide.
When Vincent Lane and his team are hired by Bronwyn's uncle to keep her safe, he finds himself drawn in by her beauty, strength, and wicked intelligence. And when he allows himself to look beyond the surface, he discovers the woman behind the defenses; a woman who strips him bare and makes him want more than he has ever wanted in his life. As the stalking and danger escalate to arson, Vincent is torn between ecstasy and terror. He must find a way to stop this madman before it's too late.

PublisherE Kelly
Release dateDec 13, 2011
Bronwyn's Stand: Choosing Love Series Book 1

E Kelly

E Kelly lives in Eastern Maryland with her husband, amazing daughter, and the weirdest dog on the planet. She is an avid reader and writer. She is currently at work on her newest series. You can contact Ms. Kelly as well as check out her latest releases at:

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    Book preview

    Bronwyn's Stand - E Kelly

    Bronwyn’s Stand

    E Kelly

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 E Kelly

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    About the Author

    Books by E Kelly

    Excerpt from Anna's Strength

    To all my friends, old and new, who told me I should do this. Thanks!

    Chapter 1

    She noticed him when he walked in, of course she did. It was her job, Bronwyn rationalized, to notice her customers. This man, however, didn’t feel like a customer. Instead, he left her with a sense of nervousness, an unreasonable desire to turn away. No man actually looked like this in real life! He was well over six feet, dark hair, and light eyes. Despite the stylish Armani suit, he made her think of knights on white chargers, damsels in distress and covers of cheap romance novels. Possibilities, she thought at first. Nonsense, she corrected almost immediately. He was simply a man who might buy a book, nothing more and nothing less. Fixing a smile firmly in place, Bronwyn moved forward to greet him.

    Good morning. Welcome to Another Story. It was a standard greeting she had delivered countless times. She continued to smile brightly as he studied her. Thoroughly studied, she thought, even though his eyes never left her face. It was a neat trick she might have appreciated another time or place.

    Can I help you find something? she added.

    Actually, I think I’ve found it, he answered smoothly. He’d been given an accurate description, five feet three inches, dark shoulder length hair and green eyes that managed to communicate intelligence, interest, and warmth. What the description didn’t include was that her petite frame included a well-toned curvaceous body that made a man’s hands itch to touch and that her eyes were the color of the hills of Ireland. Vincent was instantly captivated. Damn, he whispered in appreciation.

    Although she continued to smile, he didn’t miss the frost that over took the warmth. He didn’t blame her. He had surprised them both with his comment. Chancing a smile, he held out his hand.

    Vincent Lane, Ms. Barrister. If I could have a few moments of your time, there is a private matter we need to discuss. Perhaps you have an office where we might not be disturbed?

    Bronwyn’s first reaction was to remove her hand from his and step back. I’m sorry, Mr. Lane. You must have me confused with someone else. We have never met and, therefore, could not possibly have a private matter to discuss.

    It has to do with your father.


    No. What?

    No. We cannot discuss Robert Barrister. Not privately. Not publicly. With that said Bronwyn turned on her heel and walked through the rows of books to the back of the store. For a moment, Vincent stood still, shocked and silent. Not exactly the smoothest of introductions, he thought as he started to follow her. He was brought up short, though, when a man stepped into his path.

    I don’t think Wyn wants to talk to you, the man said. He was big, both taller and broader than himself. The look in his eyes was determined and with just enough mean to coerce a lesser man into backing down. This was the dragon guarding the gate Vincent thought as he stood his ground.

    I will talk to her, he started. This can’t just be about what she wants anymore. With this said he stepped around the man and went in search of Bronwyn. He neither commented nor acknowledged the fact that Bronwyn’s protector followed him closely. Vincent found her in a back room; sitting at a desk piled high with what he thought might be invoices. Taking a quick breath, he tried again. Excuse me, Ms. Barrister. I do need to talk to you.

    I believe I said no already, Bronwyn corrected. She didn’t even bother looking up from her work when her coworker grabbed Vincent by the arm and began dragging him from the room.

    Your Uncle Jacob sent me.

    Wait, was her only response as she studied him. Slowly she picked up the phone and began to dial. The man holding Vincent stopped trying to rip his arm from its socket, but did not release his grip. There was a very tense moment as the two men stood glaring at one another. Bronwyn’s voice interrupted the silent battle. Uncle Jacob. Good morning. Did you send a man to see me? She turned her back to Vincent and listened. Six four, about 195 pounds, dark hair, grey eyes. Looks like he can handle himself…You did send him. Why in heaven’s name would you…? What are you up to now, Uncle…? Fine, I’ll hear him out…Yes. I’ll call later. Bye. After hanging up the phone, Bronwyn turned back and looked at Vincent with both curiosity and hostility, but her words were for her friend. It’s okay Jack. You can go back up front now.

    Reluctantly, Jack released Vincent. If he gets out of line, you only have to call me, he threatened.

    If he gets out of line, I’ll kick his ass, Bronwyn assured him. Returning to her seat, she stared up at Vincent. Okay Mr. Lane. Let’s get this over with. I have a business to run.

    Vincent took the remaining seat in the room, even though she hadn’t offered it. That was a very detailed description for someone you’d only just met.

    I learned at an early age, Mr. Lane, that it’s important to read a person quickly and not miss any of the details. The details can make or break you. Now if you’d just state your business, I’d appreciate it.

    Vincent began. Your uncle has told me that you’ve been getting threatening phone calls for the past three weeks. You have received these phone calls here, as well as at your home. He is concerned for your safety. Jacob has hired my company to check into this matter and to watch out for you during the course of our investigation.

    Define watch out for.

    I’m to act as your bodyguard.

    For how long?

    Until everyone is satisfied that the threat to you has been eliminated.

    You’ve absolutely got to be kidding! she said in exasperation. Standing abruptly, Bronwyn began to pace the small office, her angry steps eating up the confined space. She dressed professionally, as he did, but there was no mistaking the distinctly feminine cut of her suit jacket or the click of her high heels on the wooden floor. Despite the circumstances, Vincent had to admire the way she moved, fluid and sexy. It was the kind of walk that caught a man’s attention and imagination. She paused in front of him. There is no threat! she continued. There is only one man. One man who is angry because I don’t do what he tells me to do anymore. One man does not constitute a threat nor warrant a bodyguard.

    He does when that one man has already made multiple attempts on your life. All color drained from Bronwyn’s face. Her emerald green eyes went wide in shock. Gone was the enraged sex goddess of his brief, but inventive, fantasy. Instead, Bronwyn looked fragile and alone. Vincent silently cursed himself, realizing too late that words could hurt just as profoundly as fists. He felt like an ass as he watched her collect herself. She looked everywhere, but at him. Twice she opened her mouth to speak and twice she closed it. Slowly she walked over to gaze out the window. After a few moments of awkward silence, she turned back to Vincent.

    I appreciate you coming here today, Mr. Lane, but your services are not necessary. Carefully, she took a deep breath, before she continued. I’ve been taking care of myself for quite some time now, and I will continue to do so, alone. I’ll call my uncle and let him know, so that you will be compensated for the time and effort you’ve already put in. Goodbye. Bronwyn turned her back on him then and silently concentrated on maintaining her composure. What could her uncle have been thinking to send this paperback playboy to stir things up? Things that she had spent considerable time and effort burying. Bronwyn had spent years rehearsing and telling elaborate lies to hide what she truly was. Even those closest to her didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle. She had always been so careful and now this well-intentioned stranger was threatening everything she had built. How could Bronwyn possibly explain the need for a bodyguard without telling her friends everything? She couldn’t, she decided. Vincent Lane would have to go.

    Bronwyn…? Vincent had moved to stand behind her as she stood at the window; close enough that he could smell the light fragrance she wore. I’m beginning to realize that I’m not exactly a welcomed addition to your life. He reached, ignoring the tensing of her shoulders, and slowly turned her to face him. Don’t like to be touched, do you, he thought as he took a careful step back. You might want to consider something before you send me packing. Your uncle hired me for two reasons. One, he thinks that your father poses a very real threat, and from what little he’s told me so far I’m inclined to agree with him. And two, he doesn’t want you going through this by yourself. He knows that you’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, alone. But Jacob doesn’t want you to be alone, this time. He feels partially responsible for what happened before. He thinks that if he had paid more attention you wouldn’t have suffered at the hands of your father. When Bronwyn opened her mouth to interrupt, Vincent held up his hand to stop her. This is his way of making sure that you are not put at risk again. Don’t take this away from him.

    It’s not necessary, you know, she said as she turned away from him again. It’s a waste of both time and money to have you protect me when I’m perfectly capable. But…


    But, if it keeps my uncle from worrying, I can hardly refuse. Can I?

    No, I don’t believe you can. He smiled at her now as he took in her rigid stance. He could all but feel her frustration. I promise I’ll try not to interfere with your routine any more than I have to.

    Bronwyn sighed deeply as she answered. I guess that will have to do then. Somehow, she would just have to figure out how to keep her uncle happy and her secrets to herself. So, Mr. Lane, she said as she turned to look up into his eyes, how do we start to protect this body of mine?

    I suggest we start with lunch.


    We both need to eat and I’m sure you’d like to have this discussion somewhere that we couldn’t possibly be overheard. Therefore, we eat lunch, out. He held out his hand for her to take. Ignoring his offer, Bronwyn went to her desk and picked up her purse instead.

    Well then, let’s go.

    Chapter 2

    After orders had been placed, Bronwyn sat back in her chair to study her lunch companion. So tell me about your company.

    There are five of us. We’ve been in business for about a year and a half now. We worked together before this, too. We secure buildings, both private and public.

    Buildings, not people?

    Yes, just buildings. You’re our first personal protection case. First and last I should say. Vincent, too, leaned back in his chair. For the first time he was able to look his fill. She was absolutely lovely, he thought. Not like the polished, sophisticated women he often spent time with. Bronwyn was warmer, somehow more alive. Knowing some of what she had been through as a child, what she had survived, only added to her appeal.

    Why me then? Why the exception?

    Simple, really. My father plays golf with your uncle. Apparently, they discussed your situation at the club Monday morning. My father called me Monday night and asked if I’d look into it. I talked to the guys this morning. We did some preliminary checking and here I am. She wasn’t happy with the idea. Her eyes had taken on a flat, cold tone that Vincent found perversely appealing.

    What do you mean? Just exactly what was discussed?

    The basics and nothing more. I assure you.

    Define the basics, Bronwyn continued.



    Vincent took a minute to study Bronwyn attentively. You don’t like the idea of anyone talking about you, do you? Without waiting for an answer, he continued. Specifically I was told that you and your younger sister were removed from your father’s custody when you were just ten years old and Laura was eight. You were both removed because of suspected and then later verified child abuse. I know there was a trial and that your father was convicted and sent to prison for eleven years. You and Laura were sent to live with your Uncle Jacob and Aunt Kim. It is suspected that Robert is the one behind the phone calls. That is specifically what I was told. Should I also tell you what I have inferred from this information? Again, Vincent didn’t wait for an answer, but continued on. He leaned in to tell Bronwyn the rest. I have inferred the following: One, you don’t refer to Robert Barrister as your father. Probably haven’t since the first time he hit you. Two, if he got eleven years for what he did then the abuse was extreme and documented in some way. Three, your friends, at least very few of them, know about your past. And finally four, you are now well and truly pissed. With everything said, Vincent waited for the fall out. She hadn’t moved at all during his confession and there were no outward signs that she had even heard him. Confused, Vincent leaned in further to study her eyes. Where he had expected anger, he saw only pain. The kind of pain that would swallow her if she let it. But she didn’t. Instead, she stared back at him, thoughtfully weighing her words. Finally she spoke.

    My private life, my past, belongs to no one but me, Mr. Lane. I’ve worked hard to keep it that way. You will not interfere.

    Your secrets are safe with me Bronwyn. I will discuss this case with only my men and you and yours.

    No. Do not tell my family anything, she insisted.

    Your uncle is the one who hired me. I will not keep information from him; information that he needs to have; information that might keep you safe. You ask too much of me, Bronwyn.

    She sighed deeply. Yes, she had somehow known Vincent wouldn’t agree to her terms. She had tried anyway. Not this man, though. This was a man that made his own choices, his own decisions and he wouldn’t give a damn if other people accepted or understood him. So she’d try for a compromise. Just my uncle then. And you agree not to share any information with him that you haven’t shared with me first.

    Vincent held out his hand. Agreed. They completed their bargain as lunch was served.

    As they drove back to her store after lunch, Bronwyn reflected on their conversation. She had learned that Vincent and his partners were ex military, former Navy SEALs. That meant they were good, very good. She wouldn’t have to question their abilities or her own safety if it came to that. It also meant though, that they would be determined. Vincent would be determined. And he already knew too much she thought as she turned to look at him now.

    We never got around to discussing the procedures for my protection, the dos and don’ts.

    Now that he had parked the car, Vincent turned so that he could look at her. Hell of a view he thought absently. The procedures are simple. Where you go, I go. To be exact, everywhere you go, I go. Everywhere, no exceptions. So, if you have a boyfriend that is going to object to threesomes, you may want to clue him in.

    No. No boyfriend to worry about.

    Vincent didn’t even attempt to hide his smile. Good. It makes things less complicated. Since I’m outrageously attracted to you, it will make things between us easier if I don’t have to go through some jealous idiot.

    Excuse me? Bronwyn questioned. You’re attracted to me?

    Outrageously attracted, Vincent corrected.

    Outrageously attracted, then. And you assume this means that there will automatically be something between us? Do you have any idea how impossibly arrogant that sounds?

    Vincent continued to smile and reached out to gently stroke his finger across her check. There was something vaguely possessive in his touch. Not arrogant, just honest. I don’t believe in hiding or ignoring my feelings.

    Well, okay then. In the spirit of not hiding or ignoring our feelings, I will work with you, Mr. Lane. I will allow you to follow me everywhere, if that’s what it takes to reassure my family. But that will be the extent of what is between us. I’m sure you must have a line of women somewhere waiting for a chance with you, but not this girl. Please, don’t take this personally. I’m just not looking for a relationship at this time. I hope you understand, she concluded. Bronwyn waited, not realizing she was holding her breath, for Vincent’s response.

    That was well done, Bronwyn. Just enough to let a man know the answer is no without being insulting. I bet that little speech has worked just fine in the past. He noted the brief look of surprise in her eyes that was quickly smothered. I wasn’t looking for a relationship either, but something about you pulls at me. No woman has ever done that before. I’m not about to turn away from that so you’ll just have to learn to deal with it, with me, because I’m not going anywhere.

    Bronwyn leaned back against the door of the car and let the silence stretch out between them. Why? she finally asked.

    Why what?

    Why me? she persisted.

    Vincent stopped to think before he answered. All of my life I’ve been lucky enough to witness loving relationships first hand. For the last ten of those years I’ve not only witnessed them, but envied them as well. He paused to look at Bronwyn as she openly gaped at him. Taking a deep breath, he finished it out. Simply put, I recognized you. My whole world honed down to just the two of us and I knew.

    There were tears in her eyes as Bronwyn finally spoke. You don’t even know me. I’m not what you think I am, Vincent. You’re attracted to someone who doesn’t exist-an illusion. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to disappoint you, but I’m not the one for you. With that said she quietly left the car and returned to her shop.

    It had been a long day for Bronwyn. Between Vincent’s hovering and his constant questioning, she had reached the limit of her patience. She was looking forward to going home to peace and silence. As she said goodnight to her staff, Bronwyn was not the least bit surprised to have Vincent fall in step beside her. She refused to acknowledge him in the least until they arrived at her car. Well goodnight, Mr. Lane. It’s been a … day. I guess I’ll be seeing you again in the morning.

    Actually, I’ll be accompanying you home. Remember, everywhere you go, I go. Vincent waited for Bronwyn to contradict him. When she didn’t, he completed his thought. I’ll ride with you and arrange for one of the guys to pick up my car. Bronwyn stood silently and watched him walk over to a dark grey Jaguar, pop the trunk, and lift out a small suitcase and garment bag. Ready when you are, Vincent commented as he walked back to her.

    Bronwyn looked from Vincent’s luggage to his eyes. You are not spending the night in my apartment, she challenged. I didn’t agree to that.

    "In fact, you did. I will work with you Mr. Lane. I will allow you to follow me everywhere, if that’s what it takes. That’s what it takes Bronwyn. We cannot simply assume that you’re safe in your own

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