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Stomper To The Rescue
Stomper To The Rescue
Stomper To The Rescue
Ebook37 pages24 minutes

Stomper To The Rescue

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Stomper is a St Bernard who lives with Rob and Cathy Jackson. While using home made skis, Cathy has an accident but it a strange boy called Barry who comes to the rescue. What is the connection between Barry and the pit bull that bites off two fingers of a girl in the street? Can Cathy and Rob solve the mystery? They have no chance without a little help...
Stomper To The Rescue is a short novel ideal for teenagers with a sense of adventure - and a sense of humour.

PublisherJeremy Taylor
Release dateDec 19, 2011
Stomper To The Rescue

Jeremy Taylor

I've been writing since 1984, had my first book published in 1989 and have published another 55 books since then. I write mostly for teenage learners of English but also write a lot of short stories.

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    Stomper To The Rescue - Jeremy Taylor


    Jeremy Taylor

    Copyright 2011 by Jeremy Taylor

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    We need more snow! said Cathy.

    Rob looked up at their snow tower. It was three metres high. Then he went to the top corner of their garden and started making a big ball of snow. We’ll make a world record snow tower! he shouted to his sister.

    I don’t think so, said Cathy. I looked in the Guinness Book of Records. The tallest snowman in the world is over twenty three metres tall!

    Okay, we’ll have the biggest snow tower in the village.

    Cathy climbed up the ladder and put more snow on the top of the tower. Hello Stomper!

    Stomper barked at Cathy. Stomper wanted to play in the snow as well. But the day before he had got totally wet so today he had to stay inside.

    Rob’s ball of snow got bigger and bigger. He pushed it slowly towards the snow tower. Come on Cathy, help me. If we can push it a little bit more then it will roll down the slope to the tower.

    Rob and Cathy pushed the big ball of snow. It was hard work but then the ball started to move on its own. As it moved faster it picked up more snow. It was rolling towards the snow tower.

    Oh no, I hope it isn’t going to...

    It did. Rob’s ball of snow grew to about one metre in diameter. It hit the snow tower in

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