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The TruStory: The Forgotten Chronicles of WE, volumes 1 and 2
The TruStory: The Forgotten Chronicles of WE, volumes 1 and 2
The TruStory: The Forgotten Chronicles of WE, volumes 1 and 2
Ebook60 pages39 minutes

The TruStory: The Forgotten Chronicles of WE, volumes 1 and 2

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About this ebook

Written originally for fourth graders who couldn't sit through a reading group, the story grew to be a teen fantasy, futuristic and earthy, with details of life and living that we usually hide from children. The True Story presents the message that life is good enough, clean enough, kind enough, as it is, as two teens rollerblade their escape from an orphanage back to their tribe.

PublisherLoanda Cullen
Release dateDec 27, 2011
The TruStory: The Forgotten Chronicles of WE, volumes 1 and 2

Loanda Cullen

As a former ex-patriot in Britain, my birthplace, I've finally settled back in Marin County, California, USA, to seek and disseminate germs of Peace.My published writing in magazines, a textbook, and many parenting websites, as well as readings in London pubs,got good reviews. I am finally ready to tackle the family legacy of my mother who passed away in 2006, more relevant today than ever: go 99%, wake up 100%!Okay, grandkids had something to do with it...

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    Book preview

    The TruStory - Loanda Cullen

    THE TruStory:

    The Forgotten Chronicles of WE

    Volume I and Volume II

    By Loanda Cullen

    Copyright © 2011 Loanda Lesser Cullen


    Published by Loanda Lesser Cullen on Smashwords, 2011

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not

    purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting this author’s work and writings.


    Volume I: ORIGINS

    Chapter 1 The beginning

    Chapter 2 How the Boys Show Themselves in Us Now

    Chapter 3 The story of cooperation: Building Shelter (attachment).

    Chapter 4 The story of anger, sadness and the jealous twins: Building Vessel (empathy)

    Chapter 5 The story of accomplishment: Building Hammocks (appreciation.)

    Chapter 6 The story of Sailing: Predictions (consequences- Natural and Logical)

    Chapter 7 The story of banishment and the return: Building Self-Discipline (Time In and Time Out)

    Chapter 8 The story of Differences

    Chapter 9 The story of similarities

    Chapter 10 Conclusion The Four Boys and the Poles of the Earth, melting.


    Chapter 11 The Sun The Moon and The Stars at Bedtime

    Chapter 12 Dreams

    Chapter 13 Screens

    Chapter 14 Cleans

    Chapter 15 Intestines, Food, and Drinks

    Chapter 16 Getting Well

    Chapter 17 Happiness

    Chapter 18 Making

    Chapter 19 Needs

    Chapter 20 We belong to the Earth We belong to the Earth




    Chapter 1. The Four Boys

    Once long ago but very near, four boys lived in San Rafael. One boy lived in a cave in the mountain. One boy lived in a tree. One boy lived on the plain. And one boy lived by the river.

    The boy who lived in the cave was warm all spring and summer and halfway through the autumn. His cave was cold in winter, but sheltered from the freezing rain and frost. He ate the snakes, grubs and roots that burrowed into the cave, and dressed himself in the mud of his cave, and snakeskin shoes and hats. WHITE EAST

    The boy who lived in the tree was cool and shaded all summer long, and most of the spring and autumn. In the winter he would pile his trees fallen leaves into a soft matt and cover fallen branches he’d weaved until he had a soft nest. He’d shiver most of the time, but he could stay pretty dry. All summer long he ate fruit and seeds from his tree and an occasional bird’s egg he could grab. and dressed himself in feathers and sticky tree gum. YELLOW-GREEN NORTH

    The boy who lived on the plain lounged in a meadow full of flowers for the summer and spring, jumping and playing with the deer and the sheep. Winter and autumn had wild winds and freezing rain though, and he burrowed under a big rock to stay dry. It was hot and dry

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