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Letting Him Stay
Letting Him Stay
Letting Him Stay
Ebook26 pages27 minutes

Letting Him Stay

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

How do you cope with the discovery of your husband's long term infidelity when there is no one to turn to? How much more can you learn about someone you think you already know? What choices can a couple make when they feel all is lost? Can a marriage survive the aftermath of a devastating coming to terms with the truth?

Release dateJan 2, 2012
Letting Him Stay

Suzanne Readsmith

I write about people, their relationships and the dynamics within. I feature my work on website I enjoy illustrating the wide range of emotions experienced in life by people of both genders and the permutations of social and personal cultural influences. I like to reach out and to make contact with readers walking beside them and not leaving them before I have evoked within them thought provoking emotions strung between tragedy and joy. I am a person touched by the irony of life and human frailty. Writing is as much a need for me as a want. I find myself traversing internalised continents exploring the complexities of life. Sometimes I have experienced life to be hard hitting, startling and scary which is true for so many people. I love my family and enjoy reading, gardening, painting and travelling.

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Rating: 1.8333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Are you kidding me? Filled with toxic people and to end it like that. No!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I don't know how to rate this.It was a gut wrenching moment in time,well written but otherwise completely unacceptable in a variety of ways. If part of a full bodied tale it could have been a puzzle piece of an epic if questionable journey.But this,wow.To leave the reader hanging ,emotionally wrought and disgusted is near criminal.

    1 person found this helpful

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Letting Him Stay - Suzanne Readsmith



Suzanne Readsmith


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Suzanne Readsmith on Smashwords

Letting Him Stay

Copyright © 2012 Suzanne Readsmith

Thank you for downloading this story. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This story may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form, with the exception of quotes used in reviews. Other stories include ‘Caught on the Hop’, ‘Wistful Thinking’ and ‘The Girl with No Name’.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


I take this opportunity to thank my husband Chris and my sister Sharon for their continued encouragement.


His downward glance towards his mobile phone took just a fraction of a second; it was while I was talking to him. Often his attention wandered lately, or concentration, or interest. I had only grown alert to this last week, his focus on that inanimate slim piece of plastic, which now had the power to infiltrate and destroy my life. When I say inanimate, it isn’t, it lights up, vibrates and can give a shrill obscene tone. It, and anyone on the other end of it enjoys full immediate access to my husband’s attention. Once connected it pulls full rank over anything going on, and I mean anything. Today I questioned the plausibility of hating a ‘thing’ and I realised it wasn’t it I hated, but her.

He’s agitated yet excited; he doesn’t know that I know she is in labour right now, in a private hospital only a few hundred 100 yards down the road. He is minutes away from being beside her while she gives birth to his child, yet he is here, why? All this information is new to me, fresh, still settling and not absorbed properly. Within a week or so no less

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