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Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes
Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes
Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes
Ebook81 pages44 minutes

Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes

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About this ebook

Stories, poems, dreams and journal entries written between 1997-2007 but covering a wider space of time.

Its sole purpose: to elevate words to mental images that defined us at different periods of our lives.

The use of the royal we here is not conceit but evidence that with every entry a different person can be identified, because we all grow and develop into different people as we mature.

Release dateJan 5, 2012
Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes

Kali Amanda Browne

Kali Amanda Browne was born in New York City; grew up in Puerto Rico; and she came of age and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Above all, she tries to laugh even at adversity. She is a writer, food enthusiast, devoted daughter, nerd, pagan, wild woman...

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    Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes - Kali Amanda Browne

    Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes

    Image: africa /

    Kali Amanda Browne

    Copyright 2011

    Smashwords Edition, Licensing Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Life, Dreams and Magical Landscapes is a collection of stories, poems, dreams and journal entries written between 1997 and 2007 but covering a wider space of time.

    Its sole purpose: to elevate words to mental images that defined us at different periods of our lives.

    The use of the royal we here is not conceit but evidence that with every entry a different person can be identified, because we all grow and develop into different people as we mature.

    Table of Contents

    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!

    The Trunk

    Little Ants

    Lovers' Quarrel



    Of him...

    Primal Rain

    Xavier: Denial is Good

    Fools in Love

    Visitation at dawn

    The Palm Tree

    Part I: Meeting Don Carlos

    Part II – The Next Generation

    A zombie jamboree in Vancouver

    Haunted Kitty

    Visiting God

    Acts of God

    Sunset on Blueberry Pond

    Over the Rainbow

    Ambassador Emeritus

    About the Author

    Image: Idea go /

    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!

    Seldom, if ever, have I've said anything that has been met by an impenetrable wall of stunned silence when in the company of Marie and Tracy. But that's exactly what happened the day after Thanksgiving.

    Tracy had invited us over for left-over turkey (that was our tradition in the days we were chummy). We, of course, accepted. It always ended up being a lovely evening.

    We've been friends with Tracy for almost ten years. She became virtual family. We used to tell people we were sisters -- different father and mother, but sisters nonetheless. Some folks used to get really confused about that!

    We evolve, matured, survived and endured together for a better part of a decade. We partied, we hung out, and we got in trouble together. We laughed, cried, embraced and accepted each other -- warts, boyfriends and all.

    At least that was my perspective for a very long time. I was wrong. But perspective is everything and, at the time, we were a coven.

    We were standing around Tracy's kitchen preparing the feast and talking, having a cocktail and smoking. I mentioned that the very morning I’d had a very disturbing dream. So twisted a dream, I told them, that I got up, went to the bathroom and sat there for minutes – refusing to return to bed.

    Tracy said, Well, no problem! We'll just decipher it, I have a book... With this, she quickly left the room and returned with one of her dream interpretation books in hand.

    Marie and Tracy stood and listened to the tale of my dream:

    The setting is a small bedroom. There's a fat, white kid in his late teens, holding a big, furry cat in his arms. He doesn't even look up as he grabs the cat's head and twists its neck. He throws the dead cat aside. He then puts a gun to his head, closes his eyes and shoots; very dark red blood

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