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Raven's Quest: a Novella
Raven's Quest: a Novella
Raven's Quest: a Novella
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Raven's Quest: a Novella

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Raven Malone and Finn McPhee are back - this time they must travel to parallel time in order to stop a demonic killer.

PublisherToni LoTempio
Release dateJan 9, 2012
Raven's Quest: a Novella

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    Raven's Quest - Toni LoTempio

    Raven’s Quest

    (a novella)

    Toni LoTempio

    Copyright Toni LoTempio2012

    Published at Smashwords

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    Names, places, brands, characters, incidents and media are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarks and trademark status of products used in this work of fiction which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized by, or associated with, the trademark owners.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Raven’s Quest

    (a novella)

    To Mom and Dad – this one’s for you.


    Raven’s feet were killing her. She speared a crab puff from one of the white coated waiters as he sailed past and popped it in her mouth as she leaned back against a pillar in the Main Ballroom of the elegant Plaza Hotel. She debated trailing after the waiter with the tasty crab puffs when she felt a hand brush against her arm. Her head jerked around, dark eyes meeting ones the color of the sky on a bright summer’s day.

    Some shindig. Hedy Marchall tossed her mane of hair so it fell casually across one shoulder, like a silvery blonde waterfall. She glanced down at her own feet, encased in Manolo Blanik’s with heels at least half a foot long. I hate wearing these damn things, though. Kinda makes you want to hunt down the person who invented them and stun them a good one. She cocked her head to one side. That would be no problem for you, right?

    Raven laughed. Nope, but I think I might do something worse than stun ‘em. She wiggled her toes in her own burnished gold heels, a match for the short v-necked cocktail dress she wore. I know we have to attend events like this, but it’s sheer torture. Give me my Army boots any day, thanks. Her gaze swept over the midnight blue gown her co-worker wore. Looks nice, she grumbled. Armani?

    Dolce. And thanks.

    Raven nodded. A few months ago, she and Hedy Marchall had been sworn enemies. After her sojourn through parallel time, though, things changed. She could honestly say relations between herself and Hedy had definitely improved – they’d never be best buds, of course, but at least they seemed to have reached a truce. Plus, there was the fact Finn could exist in this timeband courtesy of Hedy’s dead relative. That fact alone begged her tolerance, if nothing else.

    They were all agents of the Recovery – the organization that kept the peace between humans and errant Others, and this ‘social function’ was more of a command performance – a celebration of the promotion of their former captain, Milton Sully, to Head Commander of the Special Crimes Unit. Anyone else Raven would have blown off in an instant, but she couldn’t do that to Sully. Not when he’d backed her and been in her corner, countless times before when she hardly deserved his loyalty – especially when she’d been such a prick after a demon’s bite had turned her from mere mortal into a Coli – Shapeshifter.

    Hedy snagged two flutes of bubbly champagne from a passing waitress in an impossibly short skirt and passed one over to Raven. She nodded toward the platform that had been set up at the far end of the huge hall. Some shindig. She repeated her earlier comment. I hope Sully keeps it short. I hate long goodbyes.

    I just hate goodbyes in general. Raven took a sip of the champagne, wrinkled her nose as the bubbles trickled down her throat. I’ll miss Sully.

    Yeah, he liked you. Took care of you.

    Raven waved her hand dismissively. Not just me. He watched out for all of us.

    I guess. Hedy cast her gaze out over the sea of elegantly dressed people. Wonder who’s gonna get it?

    Get what?

    Sully’s job, of course. Her eyes twinkled with a devilish light. Maybe your new partner, Finn. He’s certainly proven himself capable the last few months.

    In more ways than one, Raven thought, and her lips curved upward thinking about all of them. She shook her head. I doubt it. Finn’s not with this branch of the Recovery that long.

    Of course, in Finn’s parallel universe he’d had Sully’s job – and Sully had been like herself, just an agent. But that was a secret shared by only Raven and Finn.

    No one else knew of their abilities to shift between time bands. At least, she didn’t think they did.

    Well, I’ll be interested to see just who our new boss is, Hedy glanced up and poked Raven in the ribs. Speaking of your Prince Charming – there he is, talking to McMurty.

    Raven’s gaze travelled to the two men standing about three feet away, and she felt her heart start to hammer in her chest – the sight of Finn never ceased to excite her. Well over six feet and as broad-shouldered as a linebacker, his thick lava colored hair spilled over the shoulders of his elegant black tux, framing a face that reminded her alternately of fallen angels and ancient warriors. He glanced up and his grass-green gaze fastened on her. She saw the corners of those oh-so-kissable lips turn upward as their eyes met.

    Tolerate those shoes another hour, and I’ll be all yours.

    Even though she was used to Finn’s mental powers, hearing his voice so unexpectedly inside

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