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Godsend 7: The Halo Effect
Godsend 7: The Halo Effect
Godsend 7: The Halo Effect
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Godsend 7: The Halo Effect

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In the seventh book of this new thriller series, the Godsend private investigators must work their way inside a motorcycle gang in order to learn more about the murder of a pregnant woman. First, though, Brian and his two private eye trainees confront one of the victim's ex-boyfriends, Halo Cameron. Somehow during the interrogation Halo gets the police to show up. The distraction allows Halo time to make a clean getaway while Brian and his trainees engage in a shootout with the police. When one of the trainees is killed in the gunfight, Brian personally wants revenge against sneaky-ass Halo.

Echo and Kiandra are working a different angle of the homicide investigation. Dickie Slater, 280 pounds of mostly fat, is a member of the biker gang called the Chrome Bones, but right now Echo has him hanging upside down in a tree. Of course, Dickie and his wife would rather talk than become the subjects of Echo's crime scene. But Dickie's act of deception puts Echo and Kiandra on the wrong trail, on the wrong biker member. When Echo and the Godsend investigators wreak havoc in a biker bar and lounge of more than 75 members--even kicking the hell out of their dog--getting information from the club's leader will result in the watered-down truth about Dickie Slater. By now, Dickie and his wife have committed a robbery and two more brutal murders. This time Echo wants revenge against the fat biker who tricked him then disappeared. . . sort of like the Halo Effect.

This action-packed short story thriller series consistently strings together multiple plots, stories with twists, a few characters from urban fiction, an outlandish vigilante detective, and original humor.

PublisherK Elliott
Release dateJan 19, 2012
Godsend 7: The Halo Effect

K Elliott

K. Elliott, aka The Well Fed Black Writer, penned his first novel, Entangled, in 2003. Although he was offered multiple signing deals, Elliott decided to found his own publishing company, Urban Lifestyle Press.Bookstore by bookstore, street vendor by street vendor, Elliott took to the road selling his story. He did not go unnoticed, selling 50,000 units in his first year and earning a spot on the Essence Magazine Bestsellers list.Since Entangled, Elliott has published five titles of his own and two more on behalf of authors signed to Urban Lifestyle Press. For one book, The Ski Mask Way, Elliott was selected to co-author with hip-hop superstar 50 Cent. Along the way, he has continued to look for innovative ways to push his books to his fans while keeping down his overhead. Not wanting to keep such valuable experience to himself, Elliott did two things.First, in 2010 he forged his vision of low-cost publishing by in 21 Black Street, an eBookstore to mirror a traditional African-American themed bookstore - except it could totally cuts out a publisher's printing costs.Second, Elliott created the Well-Fed Black Writer, a blog for authors to find life-hacking tips for more efficient, effective self-publishing. The Well-Fed Black Writer includes podcasts, video and blog posts, all to help aspiring authors turn their manuscripts into publishing success stories.

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    Book preview

    Godsend 7 - K Elliott

    Godsend: The Halo Effect

    Written by

    K. Elliott

    Urban Lifestyle Press in association with

    Smashwords Edition

    P.O. Box 12714

    Charlotte, NC 28220

    Copyright 2012 by K. Elliott. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. For information, address Urban Lifestyle Press, P.O. Box 12714 Charlotte, NC 28220

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 1

    Dickie Slater was in a fucked-up predicament. He was hanging from a large tree in his own backyard. Dickie wasn’t about to die, though, because the thick, weather-worn rope was tied around his ankles. No shirt, no shoes, no socks; just a pair of dirty jeans. It was the third week of January, so even the weather was against him right now.

    Ruger, a 3-year-old, chained-up Rottweiler, just wouldn’t shut up. The dog seemed to be excited about his master slightly swinging upside down.

    Echo and Kiandra sat on the back porch steps, taking it all in. They had questioned the 280-pound white man at length about his connection to a known murderer who was serving prison time, but obviously Dickie hadn’t told them much.

    Kiandra said, This could have been a nice place, if it wasn’t so junky. Nice trees, no nearby neighbors, and Fresno is only a few minutes away.

    Echo said, Two rusted motorcycles, a raggedy-ass tool shed, bike parts everywhere. I see why he lives in the country; the city would hit him with a fine every day. Echo smiled. Muthafucka turning red with all that blood rushing to his head.

    She said, Can you make that dumb-ass dog shut up without killing it?

    Yep. Be back in a minute. Echo got up from the steps and entered the back door of the 3-bedroom house.

    Kiandra leaned back on her elbows, not giving a damn about her cheap suit. As Dickie slowly spun around Kiandra noticed, even from sixteen yards away, that the pasticuffs were digging into the man’s meaty wrists. She got up and headed towards him.

    Dickie’s arms were hurting because he was upside down and they were cuffed behind his back. By the time his body had made a full turn, his eyes were only two feet from Kiandra’s.

    She said, You’re running out of time, Dickie. Your wife will be home from work in another ten minutes or so. Maybe you don’t believe we’ll get at her ass to make you talk but—

    Echo stepped out of the house and said, Look what I found, and he held up a large plastic bag. Enough good eating to make any dog shut up. Pimento cheese, raw roast beef, raw chicken, and a stick of butter, some mustard, and two pudding cups. That mutt should get good and full and lay the fuck down. The dog didn’t like strangers, so Echo slung the bag of goods toward the dog.

    Ruger began devouring the mess and was no longer in a barking mood.

    Dickie said, I can see that you guys ain’t real federal agents like you claim, so why you so interested in what happened to Leslie Moreland?


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