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A redditor's life
A redditor's life
A redditor's life
Ebook60 pages1 hour

A redditor's life

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a redditor's life, captures the influence that Reddit has contributed to Harvey Stone in the transition from his unfortunate delinquent past to his matriculation into medical school. People in his neighborhood are rarely able to exceed the expectations of its tethering environment. Plagued by violence and failing schools, his childhood was primarily spent investigating the mechanisms governing the streets. Upon stumbling into college, he quickly discovered his hidden intellect and academic strengths. Harvey's diligence and passion for knowledge allowed him to disassemble the fictitious barriers of higher education. Although inspirational, his metamorphosis was rarely a graceful story. He suffered terrible occurrences of depression and deep feelings of inadequacy as he combatted his greatest foe, his own mind. During those dark moments, Reddit shared its wisdom for him to continue on when quitting felt easiest. Life in poverty is not without consequences...

Release dateJan 26, 2012
A redditor's life

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    Book preview

    A redditor's life - Augustus Savage


    Thank you for downloading this ebook. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. A redditor’s life was published with the written permission from Reddit, Inc. However, a redditor’s life is not endorsed or directly associated with Reddit, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher. This ebook is based on a true story. However, the names, places, characters, situations, and incidents may be supplemented by the product of the author’s imagination to be used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or non-living occurred by complete coincidence. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof any form whatsoever.

    A redditor’s life…

    Copyright © 2012 by F&I Publishing Group, LLC

    At Smashwords


    I wish to dedicate this book to the entire Reddit community. I want to thank my friends, mentors, and family for their continued patience throughout the years. I extend special appreciation to Reddit, Inc for granting permission to write about their amazing community. I consider myself incredibly fortunate for the opportunity to use my passion to express my interest. Without the unity of these forces, this book would not exist.

    I firmly believe that dedication and perseverance are the keys to a happy, fulfilling, and prosperous life. If you haven’t yet discovered your passion in life, you have not lived to your potential. If you haven’t yet experienced the feelings of losing what you love most, you have not lived to your potential. If you wake up in the morning with nothing to lose, you have not lived to your potential. Whatever inspires you most, I encourage you to pursue it. Don’t allow the weight of negativity to discourage or hinder you in your acquisition. As big as this world is, there is that one thing that you enjoy doing the most. Although you may be overwhelmed by the uncertainty that comes with ambition, never give up! There’s always another opportunity for reservation. You may hesitate because of the high probability of failure. You may procrastinate because you are haunted by the fear of rejection. Whatever the reason, you have no chance unless you give it a shot. So go for it…!

    a redditor’s life


    Augustus Savage


    Edited by Jennabeth Ward

    Chapter 1: Harvey Stone


    My name is Harvey Stone.

    Although our glorious union on that incredible day occurred fortuitously, I felt a peculiar sense of familiarity that can only be explained as a convergence of a previous reincarnation. She appeared simultaneously foreign and natural. This may seem strange, but I feel like we’ve met before, I said. She continued looking into my eyes in silence. As I pondered this juxtaposition, the significance of this inevitability struck with the force of a cartoon anvil. She is a manifestation of my dark sense of humor, social awkwardness, and pursuit of knowledge. Our unlikely collision on that day has since revolutionized my entire life with a dominating force that can only be comparable to an addiction to heroin. I need a minimum of three daily fixes to ensure the normal functioning of my biological mechanisms.

    We share a beautiful relationship that becomes increasingly amazing as the years roll on. As I stand at the pinnacle of our happy life together, I humbly smile upon the millions of redditors across the world who understand my emotional attachment to her allure. If she was a temptress on the Sirenum Islands, I would’ve definitely crashed my ship. She is the front page of the Internet. More importantly, she is the front page of my heart. Her name is Reddit


    My alarm rings annoyingly! After a series of snoozes, I eventually rise to meet the penetrating rays of the luminous sun. I reach over for my computer and immediately log into the Reddit world.

    [Not sure if I slept too much; or too little - Futurama Fry]

    After quickly pondering my overwhelming sense of fatigue in the early morning, I realize that I stayed up late surfing Reddit. Damn! When will I learn? I asked as I continued to wonder about my fatigue. Ah ha! I

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