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Bugging Out on the Endless Peak
Bugging Out on the Endless Peak
Bugging Out on the Endless Peak
Ebook31 pages17 minutes

Bugging Out on the Endless Peak

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The Fun House was a dance club in New York that reached a peak in the mid-1980s. It was famous for under-age patrons, rampant drug use, occasional fights, and no-nonsense bouncers (all of whom looked like Gold's Gym poster boys). I spent a few weeks going there and wrote this report originally for the Village Voice. The club was raided the day the story appeared (and closed for one night), and word on the street was I was in big trouble. But the owners actually liked the story and thought it was good publicity. I concentrated on finding the best group of kids I could, with the best energy, and just followed them around for a few days. Today, the club is probably best known for having helped launch Madonna, who held several early performances there, and used it as a testing lab to tweak her early records.

PublisherSteven Hager
Release dateJan 31, 2012
Bugging Out on the Endless Peak

Steven Hager

Counterculture iconoclast, who documented hip hop's birth, founded the Cannabis Cup and unveiled the JFK and Lincoln assassinations.

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    Book preview

    Bugging Out on the Endless Peak - Steven Hager

    Bugging Out on the Endless Peak

    by Steven Hager

    copyright 2012 by Steven Hager

    Published by Steven Hager at Smashwords

    ISBN: 978-1-4658-0960-5

    Carlos Rockwell photographed by Andre Grossmann.

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    Monica from Tommy Boy Records wanted me to check out the Fun House. Arthur Baker and John Robie are hanging out there all the time, she said. After writing the first story on hip hop in the

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