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Chubby Girl's Wedding
Chubby Girl's Wedding
Chubby Girl's Wedding
Ebook34 pages28 minutes

Chubby Girl's Wedding

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About this ebook

The hot sequel to Chubby Girl's Vacation.

Katie has finally found the man of her dreams and he's asked her to marry him. Despite her doubts about his commitment to a Rubenesque girl like her, Katie agrees.

There's only one catch, though. The stunningly handsome IT manager is the target of another woman's obsession and when spurned Angela learns of the engagement, she sets out to destroy the relationship and make Brad her own by force.

When Brad disappears, can Katie overcome her doubts and insecurities and rescue the man she loves?

Approx. 7700 words
Contains explicit sex scenes not suitable for those under 18.

Release dateFeb 5, 2012
Chubby Girl's Wedding

Michelle Fawkes

Michelle was born at a young age on a dark and stormy night, many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away.She's still here, at least for a little while.She writes stuff. Sometimes it's really good stuff.Her blog is at:

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    Book preview

    Chubby Girl's Wedding - Michelle Fawkes

    Chubby Girl’s Wedding


    Michelle Fawkes

    * * * * *

    Chubby Girl’s Wedding

    Copyright 2012 by Michelle Fawkes


    Cover photograph by Fred Link Photography


    Cover design: Willsin Rowe

    * * * * *

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

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    Chapter 1

    Katie sat in her office cubicle and pointed a trembling finger at her computer screen. This is the third one this week.

    Her gay best friend, Bibi from accounting, stared wide-eyed and whispered, Oh, my god.

    The subject said, ‘YOU’ and the message repeated the subject in a larger font above a picture of a cow.

    Bibi frowned. Who sent that piece of crap?

    Katie squinted at the screen. cutegurl at anonymail dot net.

    I’ll bet it’s from that bitch, Angela. Maybe someone in IT can prove where it came from. Don’t delete it.

    Katie frowned at the mention of their former marketing manager. Just as Bibi was the office lesbian, and she was the office chubby girl, Angela had been the office cougar, and had always been the office bitch. No one in the company had liked her two-faced backstabbing and no had been sorry to see her fired. She’d become obsessed with Brad Winslow the day he arrived, but he hadn’t been interested. His rejections fueled her obsession and in a failed attempt to ruin his budding relationship with Katie, had phoned the TSA and the airline claiming Brad was a terrorist, when he was merely going on vacation with Katie. The feds came to the office and arrested her. The company had fired her. No one had heard from her, but several people reported getting strange, insulting

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