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A light hearted funny comedy which will delight all who are young at heart! ...

Set in a small British Lancashire town “Salsa” is an exciting new heart warming comedy about a group of twenty something individuals who meet at a Salsa class and form a group of friends, who arrange various outings together which don’t always go as they’d planned. The story, which has an underlying Salsa theme, follows the male main characters as they strive to find love, sometimes by ridiculous means and leading them into various scrapes and fun adventures, made even more amusing by their typical dry Northern humour and optimistic outlook on life.

As well as our main characters there are a variety of other entertaining individuals, including their bickering dance teachers and Pixi the dog, who as is often found with animals, has his own hidden agenda which only adds to the fun.

Release dateFeb 5, 2012

Caroline Y Preston

Caroline Preston has always had a love of literature, history, the arts, travel, bargain hunting and adventure and was delighted she was able to bring all her interests together whilst writing her travel and collecting ebooks.In addition to her travel and collector guides she has also written comedy sketches, plays, newsletters and articles.Although it may look mysterious, the Y in her name does not stand for anything in particular and is there merely to distinguish her from several other authors also named Caroline Preston.Caroline brings her British Northern “no nonsense, down to earth, can do, concise approach” to everything she does, including going on holiday! Which is partly the reason why her “Grand Tour” "City Breaks" and "British Weekend Jaunt" books are so useful. She has been fortunate to travel extensively in Europe and lived in Brittany, France during the mid 1980’s. Caroline currently lives in the North of England.She very much hopes you will enjoy her eBooks and have as much fun on your “Grand Tours” "City Breaks" and "British Weekend Jaunts" as she did on hers; and that her collector books help those starting out with their collections.

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    Book preview

    Salsa - Caroline Y Preston

    Chapter 1

    Our story is set in the Lancashire town of Brindley, a typical Northern English Town which could trace its origins back to Saxon times when it was a small wooded hamlet and its inhabitants eked out a living from farming and supplying the nearby Manor House. As with many similar towns Brindley came into its own during the Industrial Revolution when it grew to nearly twenty times its size in the space of only 50 years, providing housing for the many mill and associated workers who were attracted to employment in the town.

    Sadly, as with many similar towns, cheap imports and overseas competition led to the decline and eventual demise of the manufacturing industries and the ‘boom time’ for Brindley was over by the middle of the 20th Century.

    Like other towns in the area, Brindleys streets are mainly made up of terraces of well kept stone houses radiating out from the town centre; with a memorial park and a canal, which was once bustling with barges carrying raw materials and goods to and from the town’s mills and factories.

    Although suffering financial decline the town has maintained its pride and moral dignity, with the older residents at least; and in many of the terraced houses you can still find characters with the indomitable tenacious Northern spirit and humour which once put the Great into Great Britain.

    It is against this backdrop of indomitable spirit and typical Northern humour that this tale of hope, love and friendship is set...... oh yes and a bit of spicy salsa dancing is added for good measure too!

    Chapter 2

    It must have been the warm spring evening that drew so many of the regulars into the ‘Dalton Arms’ public house that evening, after a hard day’s work for a pint and a chinwag with friends, ‘The Arms’ as it is affectionately known is a traditional old fashioned pub whose real ale attracts the punters rather than its faded, dated decor, which has not been updated since the coronation in 1952.A pub with character as several residents would tell you with nicotine stained walls and a genuine Edwardian bar, not like the new trendy pubs and wine bars which were springing up all over Brindley, leading (it is said with chagrin by at least one resident) to the closure of the traditional hostelries like ‘The Arms’.

    John, the barman, was in a jovial mood this evening in the hope his takings might be up, as being a ‘Free House’ he had no brewery to depend on to pay his wages if takings were down, and the way his wife Jenny was spending money lately was causing him concern. Gone were the days, he thought ruefully, as he polished the clean glasses before placing them on the shelf, when a sweet natured Jenny would welcome him, after a shift, in their quarters upstairs with a kiss, a smile and a hot home cooked meal; All he could hope for these days was a scowl as she bad temperedly directed him to the freezer for a microwave TV dinner. Where had it all gone wrong he mused? Still, cheering himself up with thoughts of the real love of his life, his pigeons, he smiled after all they never nagged him or emptied the till.

    A pint of mild, John please said Rick, who had just entered the pub and approached the bar.

    Right you are Rick said John as he poured him his pint.

    Elsewhere in the pub two men in their late twenties were sat at a table, deep in conversation whilst nursing their pints. Did you see the match on Saturday? I couldn't believe it when Burnley scored just before half time, brilliant footwork. I recon if they continue as they are they have a chance at being in the top three of the championships league by end of the season said Dave.

    Yes, they are doing well, but I still think Sheffield United have the edge replied Phil

    You would, once a tyke always a tyke. Even so, I think we are in for a good season of footie this year said Dave.

    Phil looked in his pint and said I hope so, what with season tickets being the price they are, I nearly didn’t renew this year.

    Dave nodded in agreement and both men take a sip of their pints and reflect for a few seconds before Dave said you know Phil, there's got to be more to life than football, take girls for a start

    Phil responded I'd like to, given half the chance, but what have I got to offer a woman, I’ve given up the thought of lasses since Marie dumped me for Paul Adams on New Year’s Eve.

    Dave thought for a second before replying well it's your own fault; you should have bought her a decent Christmas present. After all it wasn’t as if she didn’t give you enough hints

    Wha’d ya mean? said Phil she said she wanted to get fit and ‘ave some transport for her and the baby, so I thought she’d be delighted when I put a child seat on my sister’s old bike.

    Don’t give me that, you know darned well she was hankering after gym membership or a second hand car.

    Oh, hi Rick said Dave, as their friend joined them at the table.

    Ready to burst, Rick could hardly hold back his piece of news hey you'll never believe where I went last night, I saw Aadi going in tut Sports Centre and followed him to ask for that £20 he borrowed last Saturday. The crafty sod hadn't let on that he was going to dancing lessons. You wouldn't believe it, wall to wall girls and hardly a bloke in sight, only £4 quid to handle every girl in the place without gettin’ smacked round the ‘ead with a handbag. Talk about speed dating to music, short skirts, low tops, I never had such a great night, can’t wait for next Tuesday.

    Phil, still in shock from the news uttered but don’t you have to know how to dance!

    Rick smiling replied naw, that’s the beauty of it, you learn as you handle the girls.

    Disbelievingly Phil retorted you’re having us on, the lasses round here wouldn’t put up with that

    Well they did last night and I’m going again next Tuesday for some more. You are both welcome to come with me to see for yourself, if you don’t believe me Rick said with a grin like a Cheshire cat.

    Dave and Phil looking at each other before Dave said I’m game, you can sign me up! It’s got to be better than sitting here with you two for another night.

    Smiling Rick said thought you might be interested, particularly as Helen Baxter was there.

    Helen Baxter Dave said reverently you know I think she’s absolutely gorgeous, but out of my league, besides Simon would flatten anyone who came within a mile of his precious little sister.

    From what I saw of Helen last night, I think she’s well capable of looking after herself. You should have seen the short skirt she had on, I could hardly concentrate on me dancing for looking at her legs Rick said touching his collar and smirking, although stumbling a bit worked out well as it happened, as the girls just held me closer, trying to help me get the steps right.

    You jammy beggar! said Phil. You’re on. We were just saying we could do with meeting some lasses. What time does it start, and what do you wear?

    Seven thirty, just wear your normal going out gear, but I’d smarten yourself up a bit if I were you.

    Dave suddenly had a thought I suggest we meet up here for a pint first at seven, just to get us loosened up of course.

    Bit of Dutch courage don’t you mean? said Phil.

    Defensively Dave retorted not everyone’s as confident as you are at chatting up lasses, I like to take my time and think about what to say first."

    Teasingly Phil said yeah, like when you went speed dating and just sat there without a word, looking at the girls, terrified, until your two minutes was up.

    Well there was no one I fancied, and I did not want to get anyone’s hopes up said Dave

    Phil smirking at Rick responded Yeah, right!

    Sensing a row brewing Rick decided to change the subject where’s Chris tonight?

    Phil shrugged his shoulders dunno, he said he’d see us here as usual, I’ll send him a text to see what’s holding him up said Phil getting out his phone and sending a text.

    Knowing Chris it’ll be a bike said Dave He was telling me Bill Robbins has bought a Kawasaki Vulcan, it’s apparently a monster of a bike but as Bill is a big lad he needs a large machine.

    Phil nodded as he added Chris say’s Bill’s offered him a lift on it to the bike meet in Blackpool on Sunday, should be a good outing, wish I was going, still it seems we’ve a night out next Tuesday to look forward to and he winked at Dave.

    Chapter 3

    The upstairs function room at the Sports Centre where the Salsa dancing sessions were held was a pleasant enough room, with a bar down one side and windows along the other, overlooking the centre’s tennis courts. The stage was at the bottom end of the room opposite the door, next to which Kath was sitting as usual, taking the money for the classes. She’s pleased to see some new faces in the queue tonight as it means that it’s likely that after the ten week trial period, that the classes will continue Although she has her retirement pension being widowed for more than three years now, this weekly one night job not only let her supplement her pension, but more importantly got her out of the house each Tuesday evening to meet people.

    Did you have to kiss Lisa when we arrived tonight? said Carla the female dance instructor in a waspish tone, ever jealous now that she was getting older that Vince (her dancing and life partner) would leave her for a younger woman.

    I’ve told you, it’s part of the role, they expect us to act like luvvies and be all theatrical like replied Vince, as he set the computer up on the stage so that it could play the music the class was to dance to, putting on a background track until the lesson began.

    Then why didn’t you kiss Kath and Betty then? I am sick of your excuses, it’s disgusting, a man your age, lusting after young girls, you should be ashamed.

    For god’s sake woman, it was only a peck on the cheek, you’d think, to hear you, I’d ravaged the girl.

    Carla eyes flashing Well you know l I don’t like it.

    Unable to help himself under his breath and hoping she who must be obeyed wouldn’t hear him; he muttered there’s nothing new there then.

    I heard that, I mean it; it’s to stop, and stop right now said Carla forcibly as she flounced off the stage.

    Vince could only raise his eyebrows in a defiant gesture to signal his thoughts of oh Yeah! behind her back. He couldn’t understand Carla’s lack of self confidence continually thinking he would leave her, what a laugh, chance would be a fine thing he thought, 54, going bald with a slight paunch who would want him?. Besides with all her faults, he genuinely loved Carla, and had since the first moment he had set eyes on her 20 years ago at the Palais ballroom. No, there was no other woman for Vince, but that did not stop him enjoying the company of women or window shopping from a distance. Looking round the room he spied several gorgeous young ladies attending the class.

    Three of those lovely young ladies, Josie, Helen and Danni had just arrived and were taking off their coats and changing into their dancing shoes at one of the tables, whilst other dancers, waiting for the class to start, were either sat around the room or stood at the bar getting drinks from Lisa; the Sport Centre managers daughter, who worked shifts behind the bar to help pay her way through college.

    Aadi who was stood at the bar waiting to be served, did a double take as he saw four of his mates come through the door and join the queue to pay Kath. Damn he thought it must have been Rick that told them. And just when he thought he had a clear field with all of the girls himself. Still he thought, he might be able to turn their arrival to his advantage particularly if they introduced him to girls he didn’t know.

    Although Rick looked confident, Phil, Dave & Chris looked about the room anxiously as they stood in the queue behind the two girls, who were about to pay their admission fee.

    Its four quid each, no matter how many classes you do, you can dance all night if you want to, said Kath to the girls she gave them a ticket and their change.

    As the girls moved off Chris asked Kath How many classes are there?

    Two, a beginner’s now and then at 8.30 a more advanced class, followed by freestyle dancing from nine thirty till eleven. That’ll be four quid each; we don’t give discounts for groups she responded, as she looked the guys up and down.

    After paying, our hapless guys made their way to the bar to join Aadi.

    Hi Guys, what brings you here? Don’t tell me said Aadi as he shook his hips I know it’s the Latin groove.

    Chris not to be outdone replied That’s right, same as you, after all you’re well known for shaking your maracas at every opportunity you can get!

    Phil sensing a playful standoff between the two said So, who’s for a pint? as he got out his wallet. Looking at Lisa admiringly a pint of bitter luv, please.

    Rick advised him You might want to lay off the beer, as dancing and alcohol don’t mix; I was sweating cobs last week.

    Mesmerised by the girls as he looked round the room Dave asked you sure it was the alcohol? Followed by, "l’ll have a bitter shandy,

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