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Hospital Heartbreaker
Hospital Heartbreaker
Hospital Heartbreaker
Ebook144 pages2 hours

Hospital Heartbreaker

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About this ebook

Fleur enjoys working at Chad's, a big London hospital, and hopes the rumours from her previous hospital will not follow her.
Only a few people know how she was kissed by an attractive patient.
Then she discovers he is surgeon Russell Delaney, the heartthrob of Chad's, and despite his preoccupation with the lovely Rowena Kingsley, seems determined to add hers to his list of conquests.

Previously published under the pseudonym Bridget Thorn.

PublisherMarina Oliver
Release dateFeb 6, 2012
Hospital Heartbreaker

Marina Oliver

Most writers can't help themselves! It's a compulsion. Getting published, though, is something really special, and having been so fortunate myself I now try to help aspiring writers by handing on tips it took me years to work out. I've published over 60 titles, including four in the How To Books' Successful Writing Series, and Writing Historical Fiction for Studymates. I have judged short story competitions, been a final judge for the Harry Bowling Prize and was an adviser to the 3rd edition of Twentieth Century Romance and Historical Writers 1994. If you want to find out more about your favourite authors, consult this book. I once wrote an article on writing romantic fiction for the BBC's web page, for Valentine's day. I have given talks and workshops for the Arts Council and at most of the major Writing Conferences, and helped establish the Romantic Novelists' Association's annual conference. I was Chairman of the RNA 1991-3, ran their New Writers' Scheme and edited their newsletter. I am now a Vice-President. As well as writing I have edited books for Transita, featuring women 'of a certain age', and for Choc Lit where gorgeous heros are the norm. I was asked to write A Century of Achievement, a 290 page history of my old school, Queen Mary's High School, Walsall, and commissioned to write a book on Castles and Corvedale to accompany a new circular walk in the area. Most of my Regencies written under the pseudonym Sally James are now published in ebook format as well as many others of my out of print novels which my husband is putting into ebook format. Our daughter Debbie is helping with designing the covers. For details of all my books and my many pseudonyms see my website.

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    Book preview

    Hospital Heartbreaker - Marina Oliver




    Fleur enjoys working at Chad's, a big London hospital, and hopes the rumours from her previous hospital will not follow her.

    Only a few people know how she was kissed by an attractive patient.

    Then she discovers he is surgeon Russell Delaney, the heartthrob of Chad's, and despite his preoccupation with the lovely Rowena Kingsley, seems determined to add her to his list of conquests.

    Hospital Heartbreaker

    By Marina Oliver

    Copyright © 2016 Marina Oliver

    Smashwords Edition

    The moral right of the author has been asserted

    Cover Design by Debbie Oliver

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Print editions published under the pseudonym Bridget Thorn 1988 by Robert Hale and 1997 by Dales.

    See details of other books by Marina Oliver at



    Hospital romances are always popular. The dedicated surgeons, the caring nurses, the sense of working together, often in life-threatening situations, seem to stimulate romance.



    Chapter 1

    Fleur paused in the doorway of the nurses' flats and groped in her bag for her umbrella. How different it was this morning, she thought with a sigh, pulling her cloak about her and setting off along the broad tree-lined path towards the hospital.

    When she had last been on duty the autumn sun had been strong, a light breeze riffling the crisp brown leaves underfoot, and the faintest whiff of bonfires hanging in the air.

    Now the raindrops dripped steadily from stark, menacing branches onto drifts of muddy, oozily glistening leaves, dank and ugly, dark clouds filled the sky, and the air was damp and cold instead of briskly invigorating.

    Fleur sighed again. The weather mirrored her mood. In bright sun she would have been glad to leave St John's, the modern, busy midland hospital where she had trained and where, until recently, she had been so happy. Her sensible move to Chad's, a famous London hospital, good both for her career and her personal relationships, now seemed suspiciously like escape.

    'Hi, Fleur, wait!' a voice called, and Fleur turned as she heard the light footsteps pounding along behind her.

    'It's OK, Anne,' she said teasingly, 'you're not late.'

    'Perhaps as well,' puffed the small dark girl. 'I don't want a reputation for unpunctuality to follow me. It's been an unfair handicap since my watch broke down on Prelim!'

    Fleur laughed. 'And on first ward, and geriatrics, not to mention theatre,' she murmured provocatively. 'Nurse Fleet, I wish your actions were more in accord with your name!' she added, in imitation of the broad Scottish accent of the Senior Nurse.

    Anne Fleet groaned. 'That's been another handicap all my life. I came last even at playgroup, and have always been teased unmercifully about it. The sooner I change it the better. Let's hope there are eligible Registrars at Chad's.'

    'I've had enough of men for a while,' Fleur replied as lightly as she could and Anne, aware her remark had been slightly tactless, hastily changed the subject.

    'I'm looking forward to our flat,' she said. 'I still think I'm dreaming, it's so close to the hospital, and convenient to tubes and everything. Only fifteen minutes to Oxford Street! Think of all those West End shops, and the clothes!'

    'And the prices,' Fleur said dryly. 'We're paying more rent than we thought and won't have much to spare for clothes.'

    She recalled how thankful she'd been when Anne had applied for a course at Chad's. It would make so much difference to be with an old friend, and she and Anne had been at school together before starting their training, so knew one another well.

    'We can always find a third girl. I wouldn't mind that tiny boxroom, there's just room for a bed.'

    'But not all your clothes.'

    Anne giggled. She was notorious for snapping up bargains in all the sales, and even at jumble sales held by the League of Hospital Friends. Many she never wore, but was always happy to lend them to her friends when they were desperate for a new top or a different party dress.

    'I'm having a throwing out session tonight,' she promised, and Fleur chuckled. The only clothes to be discarded would be too small, or so disreputable as to be beyond repair.

    'See you at lunch if Sister will let me go at twelve,' she replied, and waved as she turned down a side path towards Men's Medical, set in one of the side wings of this sprawling building.


    Chad's would be different, she mused. No edge of town green field site for the busy London hospital, crammed in between row after row of offices and houses. At least there was a large park nearby, she reminded herself, recalling her only previous visit. It would be something to remind her of the country.

    A few minutes later she walked into the ward and smiled inwardly as Sister Beasley glanced at her watch. She took care never to give Sister cause for genuine complaint, and had only two more days to endure the hostility of the older girl.

    'Staff Nurse Tremaine, there's a new patient in the side ward, suspected concussion. Make him comfortable first,' she said sharply, and turned to snap a reprimand at a newly qualified nurse who was fiddling with her insecurely attached hat.

    Fleur, reprehensibly, winked at the other girl, who smothered a giggle, and went to the side wards, small rooms opening from a corridor beyond the main ward.

    The first two contained old patients, Fleur saw, glancing through the observation windows in the doors. She had almost reached the second pair when she halted abruptly.

    One of the doors had opened and a tall, thin-faced nurse emerged. She glanced smugly at Fleur and paused.

    'I thought you'd moved to Casualty,' Fleur exclaimed.

    'Only temporarily,' the other replied. 'I'm having your job, so they sent me back early. I wonder how you'll make out at Chad's? They have very high standards there.'

    Fleur, with a great effort, remained silent. She suspected most of her problems arose from the envy and malice of Liza Price, but she could prove nothing. It would serve no purpose to quarrel. She turned away, but Liza came close beside her.

    'Your new patient is in room four,' she said loudly. 'Just the right type for you, Nurse Flirt!'

    Clenching her hands and gritting her teeth, Fleur ignored this jibe. Pretty, lively, popular with patients and male staff, the pun on her name had at first seemed rather a joke. Now, though, after the unfair accusations that had poisoned the last few months, she found it hard to remain silent as her tormenter deliberately tried to provoke her.

    She turned abruptly towards room four, where the door was slightly open. Without glancing through the observation she marched straight in. Liza behind her gave a low laugh, then Fleur's attention was fully taken up with the man on the bed.

    'No, you mustn't,' she exclaimed, moving swiftly towards him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

    He was sitting on the side of the bed, bending over the locker, obviously searching for something in it. The regulation hospital pyjamas had been tossed into the corner of the room and all Fleur could see of her new patient was a head of ruffled dark hair, crisp and wavy and slightly long, broad muscular shoulders, a long bronzed back and slim athletic hips.

    A tremor, probably alarm, shook her as she touched him. She had an inexplicable urge to snatch her tingling fingers away from his smooth, firm flesh. No patient with suspected concussion should be moving about, she thought dazedly. He might be perfectly all right, but until the tests had been completed no chances should be taken.

    'You must lie down,' she ordered firmly, and tried to push him down onto the pillows. He ignored her totally and her hands met only resistance. She might have been invisible and utterly helpless. She pushed more strongly, but achieved nothing apart from an irritable shrugging of his shoulders. At least he knew she was there, she thought ruefully, and then jumped as he spoke.

    'Where the hell are my clothes?' a deep voice demanded, and Fleur found herself looking down into furious blue eyes deep-set in a hard, strong, tanned face.

    'You can't leave here yet,' Fleur said as soothingly as she could, trying to stop her voice from shaking. It was utterly ridiculous that she, an experienced staff nurse, should be made to feel like a trembling beginner just because an arrogant patient snapped her head off. 'There are tests to complete, and meanwhile you must stay in bed. I'll wash and shave you'

    'The devil you will!' the patient interrupted furiously, beginning to rise to his feet. Then, as he became aware of his state of nudity, he grinned disarmingly at her, his eyes changing from glittering, hard flints to twinkling sapphires. Decorously, but utterly without embarrassment, he draped the sheets about him as he subsided back onto the side of the bed.

    'You may have concussion,' Fleur struggled to control her trembling voice. 'You must rest until we have all the results.'

    'Crazy! I haven't got concussion. My brain is working perfectly adequately to confirm that without a scan and a battery of temperature charts,' he replied scathingly. 'But if you're going to be my nurse I'm willing to stay in bed, though I'm damned if you're going to shave me! Other attentions I might appreciate, if you live up to your name, Nurse Flirt,' he added outrageously, and Fleur's cheeks flamed.

    'I'm Staff Nurse Tremaine,' she retorted angrily, turning to retrieve the pyjamas from the floor. 'Please put them back on,' she said in her frostiest and bossiest tone, but he made no move to take them from her outstretched hand.

    'You look even prettier when you're angry, cheeks the colour of damask roses,' he remarked coolly. 'Honey blonde, big green eyes, eminently kissable lips, and,' he added musingly as he let his gaze wander lingeringly and appreciatively down towards her small and shapely but sensibly shod feet, 'the sort of long legs and delectably tempting figure to drive a man wild.'

    'Your pyjamas!' Fleur said furiously, struggling to retain some composure under his insultingly candid regard.

    He grinned and leaned back on one elbow.

    'I'm feeling weak suddenly,' he remarked, with a gleam in his eyes, but his voice was as strong as ever. Fleur gritted her teeth. 'You'll have to help me.'


    Fleur was about to refuse, then her professional training came to her rescue. Forcing herself to control the sudden trembling that gripped her limbs she stepped closer, and held the jacket open. Then, realising he had no intention of helping her, she took the nearest arm and thrust it, much less gently than she would normally have done, through the sleeve.

    He looked at her, his eyes

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