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About this ebook

Cynthia Norman knew that she was destined for a strange the past...with a dragon. The only confusing thing was how to get her there. With a lifetime of struggle within a race not her own facing her, she took a deep breath, got into a shuttle and hopped a comet.

Garo had been dreaming of his yellow haired alien, but the reality of her presence is more than he was prepared for. A knee-jerk reaction on his part makes Cynthia seek out a suitable substitute and with a grim certainty, he has to claim her as his own. Will she accept his offer, or hold his initial rejection over his head?

Release dateFeb 15, 2012

Viola Grace

Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow, what a wonderful story to read while on vacation. It was so very touching, made me think..what if???

Book preview

Interdict - Viola Grace

Cynthia has known about Garo, the dragon shifter, since she joined the Alliance. Getting to him one thousand years in another world’s past is the easy part. Convincing him is a challenge.

Cynthia Norman knew that she was destined for a strange future…in the past…with a dragon. The only confusing thing was how to get her there. With a lifetime of struggle within a race not her own facing her, she took a deep breath, got into a shuttle and hopped a comet.

Garo had been dreaming of his yellow haired alien, but the reality of her presence is more than he was prepared for. A knee-jerk reaction on his part makes Cynthia seek out a suitable substitute and with a grim certainty, he has to claim her as his own. Will she accept his offer, or hold his initial rejection over his head?

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2012 Viola Grace

ISBN: 978-1-77111-076-1

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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A Terran Times Tale


Viola Grace

Chapter One

Cynthia Norman drummed her fingers on the table as she waited. She hated waiting, but it was her destiny to wait. Destiny sucks.

The Sector Guard was working behind the scenes to help her find the place and time she needed, but it was difficult. There was no way for her to know when the time was right and she was terrified that she would miss her moment.

Knowing that you were destined to enter a rip in time and to fall over one thousand years into the past to start a line that would continue to the current time was a heavy burden, but Cynthia was both queasy and eager to get started. She just had to wait.

She sipped at the hot tea she had ordered, perking up the moment that the three uniformed Guardsmen came through the door. When she saw the nature of the Guards who were on their way, a tear formed in her eye that she carefully flicked away.

She needn’t have worried, the female Drai in the center of the grouping was sniffling as well. Without hesitating, Cynthia got to her feet and gave Fury a hug. It is so good to meet you, at long last.

Grandmother. I never imagined that I would meet you. Fury grinned as tears sparked in her eyes.

Call me Cynthia, because I think there are several greats in there and I don’t want you to get tired.


They all took a seat around the private dining table and Cynthia poured tea for all of them. I can’t tell you how nice this is. I never expected to see you face to face.

The woman with green hair smiled. I apologize for my intrusion into your family reunion, but I believe that my talent can render some assistance.

Livin’s partner, with his wings tightly held to his back, reached forward and extended a book to her. This was given to us by Sivin, my mate’s mother. It has been passed down for generations and Livin has promised to keep it.

Livin shook her head. Pardon me. This is my husband, Vasu, and this is Alara, known as Echo in Time. She is here to assist in seeing your window.

Cynthia smiled. I will take all the help I can get.

A server arrived and took their orders. Conversation went from basic information to what was contained within the book.

Livin smiled. Since you are currently on Station 13, you and the book are safe. Read it and bring it back to me when you are done.

Have you read it?

Livin smiled. My mom read parts of it to me as I was growing up. I have a feeling that she skipped over some of the Chapters.

Alara looked at it curiously. What is it?

Cynthia smiled and stroked the worn leather. It’s my diary. I have always kept a journal, but my current one is almost full. I am feeling hopeful that I will be moving on soon.

Livin looked a little upset.

What is it, punkin? Cynthia took Livin’s hands and held them.

The words came out in a rush. "I had hoped to have you around a bit more. I have questions and I am sure

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