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The Blueprint
The Blueprint
The Blueprint
Ebook73 pages41 minutes

The Blueprint

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About this ebook

This- This is for everyone whether religious or otherwise. It's for believers and non-believers alike. Nothing religious about it! No matter your world view, belief, or current understanding this is "MUST HAVE" knowledge

Everyone in every nation, man woman, boy and girl should discover the plan without delay, particularly family and neighbours. Receive, read and discover the purpose of life for all, especially for you and your loved ones

Friends what you are about to read is no fairy tale. It's an excerpt from one of the most important historic events ever to have taken place.

It's a love story. It's about a Son's love for His Father and a Father's love for His Son. A Creator's love for His creation. It's about redeeming love. It's about a love that cannot be conquered.

It's about a very special person laying down His life for His friends. It's a story of the Great Shepherd searching for people, lost like sheep. He seeks to bring back all into His flock, but will they come?

There is so much trying to take our attention and occupy our minds. Some of our time may be taken daily with things like television, music, computers, internet or hobbies.

Other minds may be occupied with things like business, education, career, family and other relationships. Also, sadly, many minds could be getting plagued with worry, with anxiety, fears or cares and bad memories.

You dear friend may be among the many people who are in bondage to wrong thoughts and imaginations.

Others may be controlled by tobacco, drugs or alcohol, or perhaps, some other abusive substances. Bondage to hard to break habits and untoward lifestyles are also quite common in this day and age.

I say all of this, friends, to point out that our minds are being assaulted like never before.

From cradle to old age, without respect of persons, the devil has being trying to keep a very special truth from each of us.

Why? Because the knowledge of this truth is able to deliver us from all of the things just mentioned.

Think about this for a moment. - End of excerpt

Refreshing Words

You will discover refreshing words herein. If we heard or read them one million times it wouldn't be too much.

Let me tell you a secret, friends, or perhaps I should say, not a well-known fact. It's in the telling or singing of this true story that God's Spirit of faith operates.

You see, the gospel or good news of God's Anointed One is the very power of God at work in the lives of those who will do 1,2,3 things. By 1,2,3, I mean those who will…
1) Receive it,
2) Believe it,
3) Act upon it.

This power carries with it and distributes to those who will 1,2,3 such things as -
* The offer of everlasting life,
* Healing for the body,
* Healing for the mind, in fact,
* Healing for our entire being.

* It also carries with it the power to deliver from oppressions of all kinds and
*Will set free from bondage to all sorts of
torments and enslaving habits, if, if we will
only give heed to 1,2,3
"What else will it do?" Do I hear you say? Well again if we will 1,2,3…
* We can be free of the burden of sin in our lives.
* We can be free of the condemnation of guilt.
* We can be free from the fear of death. Isn't that something?

* We can have in our hearts the assurance of
everlasting life.
* We can be cleansed daily from all the filth of
the mind and flesh, which tries to pollute us.

Best advice would be reagrding The BLUEPRINT is...
GET IT, READ IT, BELIVE IT, ACT ON IT, SHARE IT with family, friends and other loved ones


PublisherVerity Ipc
Release dateFeb 20, 2012
The Blueprint

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    Book preview

    The Blueprint - Watchman Ben-David

    With a glad heart willingly we ask you to receive these

    contents, the engrafted word, which is able to save your

    soul for all eternity.

    At the heart of


    Is the true story of …

    The Humble Galilean

    And the common people heard Him gladly

     (Mark 12 v 37b)

    Related by and copyright of

    © Watchman Ben-David

    Produced at the Sea of Galilee, Israel

    Released in 2012

    Published by

    Verity - Internet Publishing Company at Smashwords

    PO Box 888, Motherwell, ML1 4YS, Scotland

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




    Greetings from Galilee

    Refreshing Words

    The Ruler then

    Something else

    Tune in again

    Many friends

    Spiritual attack

    Need to Link-up

    Think on


    Back to the garden

    Another true story

    The Eternal Transaction


    Hi, my name is David B R Scoular. One of my middle names has Ben in it and I am also a watchman of the Lord.

    Ben means in the Hebrew son of. Jesus or Yeshua is also known as the Son of David.

    I am therefore known by the pen-name of Watchman Ben-David or Watchman for Jesus coming again.

    The pen-name Just David is also mine. Many other writings under these names can be found at and also at

    More detail regarding the author will also be found on the same websites.

    This is just a quick foreword to let you know how incredibly difficult it was to get the words of The Humble Galilean onto paper and subsequently on to CD and audio tape.

    This was recorded in Tiberias, Israel, where Jesus spent more than 90% of His earthly ministry time.

    The greater the presence of Jesus in any given area can usually be measured in these days by the presence of the spirit of antichrist.

    I believe there is no greater presence of the spirit of antichrist than there is in Galilee, Israel. Especially around the Sea of Galilee.

    I found this out to my cost when on the 10th of December in the year 2,000 I had the very life of me squeezed out by a spiritual attack as I was planning to record The Humble Galilean.

    This happened in my apartment in Tiberias. I believe I actually died then and God brought me back to life.

    However, before I could proceed any further with the recording I felt led to fast. Not knowing how long this was to be for, I began fasting. This finished 40 days later.

    I was weak and lost some 42 pounds

     during this period.

    The day I had to go to the recording studio I had never felt such spiritual attack on my entire being before.

    I could not find anyone to sing The Humble Galilean and since I had penned it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit I decided to sing it myself.

    I don’t consider myself

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