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What Every Believer Ought to Know
What Every Believer Ought to Know
What Every Believer Ought to Know
Ebook93 pages39 minutes

What Every Believer Ought to Know

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About this ebook

Lack of knowledge is usually because people's minds have been blinded by the "god of this present world system" namely,Satan.

If this is the case in your life I pray things will change and that the blindfold will fall off in subsequent readings of the words herein.

We have a responsibility toourselves, inasmuch, when we discover truth we must apply it to free ourselves from lies and deception.

Failure to do this leaves us open to the charge of self-deception.

This publication will present simple guidelines and detail, which should help all Believers no matter the stage they are at in their faith walk!

How you will benefit...
If the directives given are heeded and acted upon here is what will happen ...

* You will experience "a breath of fresh air" in relation to the things of God etc

* You will begin ordering your faith walk aright in a fashion most beneficial to you in keeping
with God's way of doing

* You will understand simple faith principles

* You will conscientiously cultivate a right attitude to be free of oppressions

* You will begin to reap real blessing as your life changes for the good

* You will remove that curse of ignorance and disobedience, which has "dogged" you for so long

* You will benefit in every sphere of your lives as you obey God's word.

* You will prosper in whatever you turn your hand to in keeping with God's promises to you.

* You will be demonstrating your allegiance to your Creator as you "DO' His word.

What Every Believer Ought to Know encompasses some 60 plus volumes of which this is the first

We hope you enjoy the book and that your life will change to being even better as you apply the directives given. God bless you and your loved ones!

PublisherVerity Ipc
Release dateFeb 22, 2012
What Every Believer Ought to Know

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    Book preview

    What Every Believer Ought to Know - Watchman Ben-David

    In the 21st Century here is…

    What Every Believer

    Ought to Know

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

    (Hosea 4 v 6a)

    Related by and copyright of

    © Watchman Ben-David

    RELEASED 2012

    Verity Internet Publishing Company at Smashwords,

    PO Box 888, Motherwell,

    ML1 4YS, Scotland

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    How you benefit

    So you’re born again

    More a way of life

    First valuable lesson

    Food for faith

    Amazing Grace

    Top Twenty


    Must Do’s


    We asked ourselves

    An important duty

    Inside information

    Welcome new day

    Earlier suggestions


    What Every Believer Ought to Know is about simple elementary things, which believers ought to know, but sadly, generally do not appreciate.

    There is nothing difficult or hard to understand here but one may well need spiritual eyes to fully appreciate the depths of what is being conveyed.

    Many readers will be able to identify with much of what is conveyed but others, perhaps stubbornly; will refuse to acknowledge many of the truths.

    Usually this is because their minds have been blinded by the god of this present world system namely, Satan.

    If this is the case I pray things will change and the blindfold will fall off in subsequent readings of the words herein.

    We have a responsibility to

    ourselves, inasmuch, when we

    discover truth we must apply it to

    free ourselves from lies and

    deception. Failure to do this leaves

    us open to the charge

    of self-deception.

    This publication will present simple guidelines and detail, which should help all Christians no matter the stage they are at in their faith walk!

    Knowing and understanding the directives contained herein will not be of much benefit unless one is not only prepared to apply them, but will, conscientiously and diligently, put to practice in everyday living, the principles taught.

    Larger publication ...

    Some of these contents have been extracted from a larger publication, by the same author. It is entitled "The Remedy in Small Doses".

    It is heartily recommended that you acquire these other writings. This is under the pen-name of Just David.

    So much should, and will, fall into place for the reader as pieces of the jigsaw of life’s puzzles previously missing, or perhaps even misunderstood are identified.

    Be prepared to share the simple

    truths and directives contained

    herein with other believers. This

    will add to their faith and yours as

    you encourage one another.

    How you will benefit!

    If the directives given are heeded and acted upon here is what will happen ...

    * You will experience "a breath of

    fresh air" in relation to

    the things of God etc

    * You will begin ordering your faith

    walk aright in a fashion most

    beneficial to you in keeping

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