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WARNING: contains strong violence and sexual situations.

When a strange insect bites Dave, it turns him into a cannablistic animal and he attacks his friends, and also carries the virus with him to school where an all out madness breaks loose.

Release dateFeb 23, 2012

Matthew Stephens

I'm an avid reader and love to write. I am married with two boys and reside in Minnesota. Some of my favorite authors are Stephen King,Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Peter Straub, Suzanne Collins, J.K. Rowling, Thomas Harris, Dan Brown, Cormac McCarthy, My new favorite- Bentley Little, and many many more. I'm willing to read any author who has a great idea and is able to express his ideas in a way I can relate(at least with the characters) and understand clearly. I revise constanly and still don't end up satified, but i guess that is something that will come in time, hopefully. I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. I am currently working on a novel, but I will try to upload new short stories from time to time, mostly free to read. I believe if I'm going to charge anything it should be at least 4,000 words or more. A lot of the stories I post are old and had been written years ago, but I think they still have good potential (After endless revising and I know they're still not perfect). P.S. you can find my newest stories under M.D. Stephens. I will no longer be posting stories under this pen name. I am taking a different approach and trying to appeal to a broader audience. I thank all of you who have read these stories, and I urge you to check out my other profile where there is some exciting stuff to come. My attempt from now on is to write stories without all the sexual situations and extreme graphic violence. I believe if I'm a good enough writer, I should be able to entertain without being so gritty and explicit. I'm not going to completely abandon the darker side, but for now, I'm going to tone it down. the link for my new profile is below. Thanks for your time. Matt

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    Book preview

    Biters - Matthew Stephens




    Matthew David Stephens

    Copyright2012 by Matthew Stephens

    Published by Smashwords

    1. The Woods

    Sherman forest was a large patch of woods that separated the towns of Burlington and Coopersville. Kids usually used these woods to have paint ball wars or build forts, but today, Ashley, Joe, and Dave had something else in mind. They were seniors at Burlington High and in a couple of weeks they would be graduating. They decided to celebrate with a couple of joints and a bottle of Whiskey. They had parked Dave’s car by the side of HWY 89 and were trudging along through the thick trees with a blanket and a smile.

    So Joe, are they even going to let you fucking graduate after what you did to that Shuman kid? Dave asked with a smirk on his face.

    Both Dave and Joe were the big muscle head types that thought there was nothing more to

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