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Christian Meditation Guide: Biblical Answers To The Top 20 Questions About Meditating God's Word
Christian Meditation Guide: Biblical Answers To The Top 20 Questions About Meditating God's Word
Christian Meditation Guide: Biblical Answers To The Top 20 Questions About Meditating God's Word
Ebook127 pages55 minutes

Christian Meditation Guide: Biblical Answers To The Top 20 Questions About Meditating God's Word

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About this ebook

Growing Prosperity Productions is proud to present this Christian Meditation Guide with answers and insights to your questions.

Christian Meditation: Have you considered it, but wonder if it is biblical? Well you’re not alone. Many Christian believers have questions about meditation and simply avoid it all together.

If you are looking for answers, and if you are living in fear and worry, struggling with lack, stressed and overwhelmed with just trying to make it through the day, and you feel like God is nowhere to be found...

...then this Christian Meditation Guide is for you.

Discover Insights Into the Mind and Life Renewing Power of Meditating the Living Word of GOD.

You can be Empowered with GOD's WORD and Live in the Peace of His Presence!

Take a look at the Christian Meditation questions and answers that are addressed in this book:

CHAPTER 1 - What is Christian Meditation?
CHAPTER 2 - Why Should Christians Meditate?
CHAPTER 3 - How Can I Get Started Meditating Simply and Easily?
CHAPTER 4 - How Will Meditating on God’s Word Benefit My Life?
CHAPTER 5 - What is the Difference Between Meditation and Affirmations?
CHAPTER 6 - What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?
CHAPTER 7 - What Are 3 Key Mistakes Christians Make When Meditating?
CHAPTER 8 - What if My Meditation Time is Not Getting Results?
CHAPTER 9 - What Areas of My Life Can I Expect to Improve by Meditating?
CHAPTER 10 - What Does Prayer Have to Do With Christian Meditation?
CHAPTER 11 - How Can Christian Meditation Guide Me Into the Secret Place Of The Most High God?
CHAPTER 12 - My Life Is So Busy. How Much Time Should I Spend Meditating?
CHAPTER 13 - How Does Christian Meditation Compare to Other Forms of Meditation?
CHAPTER 14 - Will Christian Meditation Benefit My Life Long-term or Short-term Only?
CHAPTER 15 - How Will Christian Meditation Change the Way I Think and Feel?
CHAPTER 16 - Is Christian Mediation a Biblical Practice?
CHAPTER 17 - How Can Christian Meditation Renew My Mind and Renew My Life?
CHAPTER 18 - Can Christian Meditation Bring Revelation of Eternal Mysteries?
CHAPTER 19 - How Can Christian Meditation and Positive Biblical Affirmations Adjust My Attitude?
CHAPTER 20 - Christian Meditation: Is God Pleased When I Meditate?

Growing Prosperity Productions: Providing Christian Resources to Help You Prosper in Life Spiritually, Physically, and Financially!

Be Blessed to Be a Blessing! ~ God Bless You Always!

Release dateFeb 29, 2012
Christian Meditation Guide: Biblical Answers To The Top 20 Questions About Meditating God's Word

Brenda Marsolek

Brenda Marsolek is a Christian, wife, mother, and grandmother. She is blessed to be a child of the Most High God and strives to be a blessing to others! Brenda is also the founder of Growing Prosperity Productions. They promote the Word of God, and create and publish Christian prosperity resources. The mission of the company is to help grow prosperity in the body of Christ, as they reap a great soul harvest for the Kingdom of Heaven. Growing Prosperity Productions provides Christian resources to help you prosper in life spiritually, physically, and financially. YES, YOU Can PROSPER in ALL Areas of Your Life! GOD's good plan to prosper you is just waiting to unfold before your very eyes. Our quest is to provide resources to help you become all that God intends you to be; so that you may have abundance in your spirit, soul, body, finances, and relationships. ~ ~ Enjoy the Christian Meditation Audio Series that includes the following: Christian Meditation: Renew Your Mind In Him Christian Meditation: Supernatural Healing Power Of The Word Christian Meditation Music: Relaxation For Your Soul Be Blessed to Be a Blessing! ~ God Bless You Always!

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    Book preview

    Christian Meditation Guide - Brenda Marsolek


    Christian Meditation: Have you considered it, but wonder if it is biblical? Well you’re not alone. Many Christian believers have questions about meditation, and simply avoid it all together.

    If you are looking for answers, and if you are living in fear and worry, struggling with lack, stressed and overwhelmed with just trying to make it through the day, and you feel like God is nowhere to be found…

    ...then this Christian Meditation Guide is for you.

    During my own personal struggles in life, I had a season that managed to get so bad, I felt like I had literally fallen into a pit, and could not get out.

    It was a challenge to just get through each day, and I had to fight through them moment-by-moment.

    As an active, church going, tithing Christian (then and now), I was confused as to why I was going through such trials. I was busy trying to do what God wanted me to do and be what God wanted me to be. But, clearly something needed to change in my life, and I knew enough to know it wasn’t going to be with God, it was going to be with me.

    I wanted to live in God’s best and be able to be a blessing to others (and I still do). Things needed to change in my life, because in the condition they were in, I couldn’t even seem to help myself, let alone anyone else.

    So I began to search for answers, seek God’s Word, and tackle my problems from every angle.

    In my search for answers, I kept reading and hearing the importance of meditating scriptures. All roads to a solution seemed to include meditating God’s Word, and renewing my mind in each of the areas I wanted to claim victory in.

    I also began to see how often God instructs us to meditate in His Word. However, the subject of meditating was confusing to me as a Christian. And I soon discovered I was not the only one with questions.

    As I began to create biblical meditation resources for myself, and as I began to share those resources, questions about Christian Meditation began to come up from other Christian believers.

    I find it interesting how the enemy works, and how he can so easily keep us from obeying God in key, life-transforming areas. Somewhere along the line there seems to have been a seed planted in our thoughts saying ‘Christians shouldn’t meditate, so don’t you even give it a second thought.’

    Yet, God makes it very clear in the Bible that -

    YES, Christians Need To Meditate His Word!

    So let’s get started clearing up the confusion. I’m sure you too have had some of the same questions included in this book... and I trust the answers will help open the eyes of your heart, as they did mine, to the mind and life-transforming power of meditating the living Word of God!

    I originally addressed and wrote these Christian Meditation questions and answers, in December 2009. I published them online individually as articles and also as an email series.

    This Christian Meditation Guide is now expanded and published in book form as a response to the requests to have it compiled in one handy reference.

    My prayer and desire is that this resource is a blessing to you, and that you are encouraged and inspired to make Christian Meditation a daily part of your life. I pray that you will be empowered with God’s Word and live always in the peace of His presence!

    Be blessed to be a blessing -

    God bless you always!

    Love in Christ,



    "Thy words were found,

    and I did eat them;

    and thy word was unto me the

    joy and rejoicing of mine heart:

    for I am called by thy name,

    O LORD God of hosts."

    - Jeremiah 15:16



    What Is Christian Meditation?

    As a Christian believer, do you wonder what meditation has to do with your life?

    Discover what Christian meditation is and find out why it is vital that you know!

    Christian meditation is based on God’s Word: The Bible. There are various techniques, methods, and ways to meditate. The important thing, as a believer, is

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