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WindSwept Narrows: #4 Alice Branch
WindSwept Narrows: #4 Alice Branch
WindSwept Narrows: #4 Alice Branch
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WindSwept Narrows: #4 Alice Branch

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Alice went to the ball to forget that she'd quit her job because the boss was aggressive and personnel couldn't help her.

Dressed like a fairy princess, she enjoyed the many dresses, sipped wine and felt her knees quaking when the very man she'd run from was at the ball.

Nick had escorted his sister. At his age, it didn't bother him so much. When the masked princess asked him to dance with her with that low, sexy English accent, he forgot all about his sister.

Release dateMar 1, 2012
WindSwept Narrows: #4 Alice Branch

Karen Diroll-Nichols

At this time books are on or or I write what I dream. I dream because I can't always be or do. And I always write to make people think and laugh and feel. I hope I succeed. I've been creating what I believe we're all in search of. Friendships and romance; communication and pure, simple fun. Throw in some misadventures and misunderstandings, not to mention a few not quite truths, and it should be a roller coaster of laughs, tears and thoughts. WindSwept Narrows Resort & Casino - Modern, contemporary romance with the occasional mystery and usually lots of family issues. They're building a community that's not greed based, but on the well-being of all. Hopefully. Yes, there's lots of romance - sometimes more than one per story. Yes, there's really sensual and sexy scenes. Devil Hills is a town between Seattle and Spokane, on the edge of the snow capped mountains on the Seattle side. It's a shifter town...and a few others. And of course, just like our world, there are those who believe they know what's best for everyone. Yep, lots of sex, arguments and laughter. Typical human mistakes and misunderstandings - but with a little fur thrown in to complicate things. Independence: Bailey is the first entry into this series that should fascinate and intrigue...what happens in a life when a little Dom and D/s are thrown into it. Definitely NOT for the faint of heart...but it'll make you laugh and maybe even identify. Breanna...slightly more spicy with 2 smart, caring guys falling for 1 slightly mixed up barista who makes wicked coffee and loves cooking. While I haven't a series name - there is a follow-up to her coming out before the end of the year, Danea...a fishy little tale on the coast of Washington. A Red Crystal Romance - well...what to say...imagine believing you're at the end of your life. You live in a retirement home. You're alone. The past in your memories and just fatigue in your bones. You visit a small metaphysical shop, buy some candles that smell good and are offered a chance to fish in a caldron of crystals. Free and for good luck. When you wake in the morning...nothing will ever be the same again. Yes, some of my stories have more than one romance in it. Because it's not a bad thing to have friends *************** A bio - wow - I live to the South of Seattle along the coast in a small town called Des Moines. Gorgeous Puget Sound as our backyard, with snow capped mountains in almost all directions. I've been writing for over 20 years and in that time I have noticed how hard it is for certain people to embrace their sexuality, and very very few have the backbone to even discuss it! I think sex is a very important attribute to our lives and is necessary in order to live a balanced, happy and healthy lifestyle. It exists for exploration and simulation; it exists for bonding and pure, simple happiness at the whirlwind of sensations that can overwhelm and take your breath away. I hope that my stories simply depict that, ignite the fires within and maybe even give some pointers on how to please your partner in some new exciting ways. Bottom line: they are here for enjoyment. So read, enjoy and live the happy healthy lives we are all meant to live. Now - a dedication: I can't say I grew up with anyone encouraging me, and that's fine, they had things in their life they were dealing with. My parents and 1st husband and current in-law said it was 'a nice little hobby'. When you get that kind of reaction from people who matter, it has the effect that you no longer tell anyone. And no one ever asked what I did for hours on end over a typewriter and then VIOLA! a computer keyboard! So no one knew. Until I met and fell in love with my 2nd husband. He found the large file cabinet filled with thick manuscripts, filed in alphabetical order by lead female name. And he talked to me about writing. My writing. The single thing in my life aside from my two grown children, that I adored and cherished. They became my community; my friends. It's an amazing thing what happens when someone believes in you. Maybe it rubs off and you begin to believe in yourself, too. So everything I've created and set free on the internet to share are thanks to him and his belief and love. He helps me with words I know but that are stuck in my head floating around somewhere; he helps me spot gaps in my stories and we bounce ideas off one another for covers for my girls. He encourages me and has also come to learn some interesting traits about himself that he'd submerged because of a bad relationship. So we've grown together and continue to explore all that we can. He has my love and my heart and my gratitude for sharing a little of his courage and belief. Email: Website:

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    Book preview

    WindSwept Narrows - Karen Diroll-Nichols

    Alice Branch

    WindSwept Narrows

    Book Four

    Karen A. Nichols

    Copyright 2011 by Karen A. Nichols

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Karen Nichols. Copyright, Karen Nichols. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Emily looked at Chloe and then at Alice Branch. The temporary very pale blond wash was a great success. It went amazingly well with her coloring, the very pale grey eyes, high cheeks and slender neck.

    You will make an amazing fairy queen, Alice, Emily lifted the opal colored gown from the box and held it out against her.

    Wings and glitter, Alice said softly.

    And glass slippers, Emily said, thinking of the wedding dress at her parents home where she had taken the crystal colored heels from.

    Chloe stood behind her, brushing through the long hair, arranging the narrow braids on the side.

    And… Emily held up the artfully decorated mask.

    You’ll go with us, Chloe said firmly, nodding to the wide eyes peering at them in the mirror.

    Simon and Jack will join us there. This is only the first of the season and a lot of people won’t be in costume. We’re going in simple formals for this one, so it’ll be almost like a ball. With good food and music, Emily explained cheerfully.

    I’ll be by at five-thirty, Chloe told the two with a wave from the back door, getting into the car and heading home to prepare.

    It’s very nice of you to let me have the apartment upstairs, Emily. Trying to locate another position and a quiet place to live… Alice shook her head, smiling at the effect of the long almost silver waves. I’ve never been a blonde before…I think I like it.

    I think Jack is getting used to the darker me, Emily commented with a smile into the mirror at the dark brown rinse she had applied a week ago. And it will actually go really well with the dress I have…guys in formal wear are incredibly sexy.

    Jack Garrett straightened the black bow tie and glared into the car mirror, first at his reflection and then at the man striding from the house.

    You want to explain to me exactly why I’m going to this charity thing with you instead of Emily?

    Because we have scheming females in our lives and it’s something you will learn to get used to, Simon Oliver answered simply. As long as the redhead goes home with me, I adjust. They’re picking up Alice at the apartment and going to meet us there.

    Jack started the SUV and turned around in the driveway. What are they up to?

    I’ve been with Chloe for almost one year, Jack…and I ain’t got a clue, Simon ran one hand through the longish dark brown hair. If I had to guess…someone is going to be set up tonight. Relax…Chloe knows about the Demming guy and she’s nothing if not protective. I don’t…it’s not something I like, but the woman can take care of herself. And her friends.

    At least Emily is wearing shoes tonight, Jack said with a chuckle.

    "You might know the female with them…she used to be an accountant with Tri-Seas, Simon said casually, one eye closing at the sudden tensing in his friend. Something I should know about?"

    "I didn’t know she was at Tri-Seas, Jack said quietly. What else does your source tell you?"

    Chatter from Chloe is she left because of sexual harassment from a VP who seemed to control a lot of the human resources people. So nothing was done. Alice filed a complaint and it’s pending, Simon outlined what he knew. Problem is, the offender has vanished.

    Alex Demming. He stated coldly.

    Yeah…coincidence, as my sweet wife would say, Simon shook his head.

    Any clue on the guy involved?

    Let me just say…never play poker with any of the females in this circle of friends, Simon told him dryly. Ever. You’ll find yourself striped to your shorts faster than if you’d done it on purpose.

    Alice Branch couldn’t stop her eyes from being wide and drinking in every dress and decoration in the huge ball room. The soft buzz of chatter, music playing in rooms off the main ballroom and a generous buffet served in another of the alcoves.

    She had sent Chloe and Emily off with their guys, insisting they enjoy the ball while she wandered and watched and listened. She assured them that she had money in her little bag for a taxi home and her phone. A tall fluted glass of sparkling champagne was lifted off a passing tray and sipped thoughtfully.

    Alice was unaware of the regal image she projected so effortlessly. She had opted out of the wings for tonight, believing she could simply blend in with the others. The opal colored gown fell in soft lines from her hips to the floor. The center on each side was cut out and edged with pearls and lace; the bodice low and narrow with thin straps on each shoulder and sleeves fell in open ovals down her long arms. She wore the open toed round three inch heels, pearl colored toes peeking out each time she walked. It had all been quite an extravagance for a woman recently unemployed.

    Long pale blond hair fell in waves down her back, a slender braid at each temple and pulled into a small clip at the back of her head. She set the fluted glass on a passing tray and wandered into the dimly lit alcove, soft music playing and several couples moving to the sounds on the hardwood floor.

    Pale lashes blinked behind the sequined mask, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest and her breath hard to catch. Alice turned and turned again, frantic eyes landing on a man standing alone. She went boldly up to him, taking both his hands in hers.

    I’ll apologize later if this causes a problem for you…but would you please dance with me? Alice looked quickly over her shoulder, unaware of the tiny gasp when she saw the familiar figure moving through the crowd again. Please?

    Nick Hunter looked in the direction of whatever had frightened her, his hands on her waist and guiding her onto the dance floor. He wrapped his palm around one of hers, easing them into the other couples and the soft music around them.

    I don’t know who scared you… He tried peering around the large winged mask, over the pale blond hair and into the wide grey eyes. Old boyfriend? Ex-husband?

    No! I should never… But her body moved unconsciously closer when she caught sight of him again, turning them slightly. It’s not a terribly original tale…

    You’re British, Nick felt like an idiot the minute the words were out of his mouth. I’m sorry…that really sounded lame.

    Must explain why mummy and daddy live in Oxford, she returned with a smile and a wink. I was a vacation baby, born here. And… She sighed. Until recently, had a very nice position here.

    And the guy you’re hiding from?

    A dance is a great deal different than burdening you with a drama.

    Hmm…if we had dinner, you might feel obligated to share the story, Nick announced firmly, decisively guiding them toward the dinner room. If you would join me for dinner, of course…

    Alice nodded slowly, his palm was warm on her waist, a nice feeling. I think I should enjoy that, thank you.

    I feel honored to have the most beautiful woman at the ball on my arm, he complimented as they strolled among the people chatting and enjoying the music.

    You are quite charming, sir. I’m not…but I thank you.

    I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, he saw an empty table and led her to it, holding the chair for her. Nick Hunter.

    She slid her palm into his, gazing into dark, sparkling eyes bending over her. Alice Branch.

    I’ll bring us some food, he told her. You can request wine when the wait person arrives.

    Alice watched him go, tall and strong. Almost aristocratic, she mused, with very dark hair and eyes and a strong jaw with high cheeks. The room was covered in filtered, muted light, small candles on each table. The tables were spread out, so there wasn’t crowding or an intrusive feeling. By the time he returned, she had two wine glasses waiting.

    Nick felt his grin grow. A glass of each, red and white, sat on the table, along with two glasses of ice water. He watched her move the glasses to the outer edge of the table, the two plates he filled with a variety of finger food places in the center, along with two napkins.

    I know we can’t possibly be the only two people without companions here tonight, he said, lifting the red and sipping with a nod. But I for one am grateful not to have to eat alone.

    She reached for one of the pieces of crusty bread topped with what looked like salmon. I hadn’t really planned to eat…I think I was having too grand a time watching people.

    I have to confess…you do have one of the sexiest and innocent looking dresses here tonight, Nick leaned back in his chair, his smile bemused. He brought one palm up slowly, touching the edge of her mask. Does it come off?

    Alice lifted both hands, carefully removing the thin elastic that held the mask in place. She set it in her lap and offered a smile. The dress is amazing, she agreed. It was made for a friend…who can’t wear it this year, so I was fortunate enough to be the right size.

    And glass slippers…

    You are extremely observant, she said in surprise. Why are you here alone, Nick?

    "I escorted my sister, Delia. She was meeting some friends

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