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Contaminated Data
Contaminated Data
Contaminated Data
Ebook41 pages36 minutes

Contaminated Data

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From Tee Morris comes a novella inspired by NASA’s recent reach into deep space.

In the cold, distant reaches of our solar system, the New Horizons probe embarks on an unprecedented journey to unveil the mysteries of the elusive dwarf planet lurking in the shadows. As the spacecraft delves deeper into the cosmic abyss, it unwittingly opens a gateway to an unexpected terror.

Release dateMar 6, 2012
Contaminated Data

Tee Morris

Tee Morris began his writing career with his 2002 historical epic fantasy, MOREVI The Chronicles of Rafe & Askana. In 2005 Tee took MOREVI into the then-unknown podosphere, making his novel the first book podcast in its entirety. That experience led to the founding of and collaborating with Evo Terra and Chuck Tomasi on Podcasting for Dummies and its follow-up, Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies. He won acclaim and accolades for his cross-genre fantasy-detective Billibub Baddings Mysteries, the podcast of The Case of the Singing Sword winning him the 2008 Parsec Award for Best Audio Drama. Along with those titles, Tee has written articles and short stories for BenBella Books’s Farscape Forever: Sex, Drugs, and Killer Muppets, the podcast anthology VOICES: New Media Fiction, BenBella Books’ So Say We All: Collected Thoughts and Opinions of Battlestar Galactica, and Dragon Moon Press’ Podthology: The Pod Complex. When he is not writing, Tee enjoys life in Virginia alongside Philippa Ballantine, his daughter, and five cats (3 female, 2 males). Considering the male-to-female ratio in his house, Tee understands how General Custer felt near his end.

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    Contaminated Data - Tee Morris

    Contaminated Data


    Tee Morris

    T-Plus 11 Hours, 23 Minutes since flyby

    The thick comforters refused to give Hal up easily. By the amount of light penetrating his eyelids, he knew it had to be noon. Or maybe an hour or two past that. He had been exhausted and running on battery acid that masqueraded as coffee.

    This morning’s fly-by had hardly been his first, but this one promised to be a groundbreaker alongside the Voyager images of Uranus and Neptune. No one had ever been this close, and that was the whole point of New Horizons. The only photos of Pluto anyone had appeared as nothing more than a random patch of evening sky with an arrow pointing to it. As a grad student, Hal always thought the real message of those photos was Take our word for it—honestly it’s Pluto.

    Even after Hubble’s repair, there were no real revelations about Pluto. It was a non-descriptive bright light. Artists’ renderings were always nice—but idealized. Even after being demoted to a dwarf planet in the same year New Horizons launched, people wanted to know more about Pluto. Especially since its demotion.

    Finally, after this morning’s fly-by, people would know.

    The rush from New Horizons’ Plutonian arrival had kept him going following the initial image received. Once the probe’s signal read all green, he felt that familiar post-contact high.

    Sarah, an hour later, made quick work of the euphoria.

    He stretched underneath the covers and rolled over to find her on the edge of the bed in a bathrobe, rubbing a towel through her short red hair.

    How’s that for solid sleep? she asked, switching to work the other side of her head.

    Every time you work me over I sleep like a baby, he murmured. You really are patient with this old man, you know that?

    She rolled her eyes at him. Please, spare me the ‘old man keeping up’ routine. I dated college jocks that didn’t have your kind of stamina.

    Jocks? Hal propped himself up on his elbows. I never pictured you going for them.

    Have you seen your average Science major? She gave her head a quick flick and shrugged. Besides, I was tutoring to make some extra cash in grad school. Some jocks like their girls a little nerdy.

    There’s a reason for that, he said, enjoying the view as she slipped out of the bathrobe. Sarah did have a beautiful back. He wasn’t sure when he started noticing backs, but hers was particularly nice. And tattoo free. A pleasant, little bonus. Good to know I haven’t lost my mojo.

    "Your mojo?" she chuckled over her shoulder.

    Sounds more hip than stamina, he argued, throwing back the comforter. Now get back into bed. I think my second wind is kicking in.

    She waited for the bed to settle, then wriggled close to him and gently touched his chin with the back of her finger. Hal

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