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Exile's Favorite Son
Exile's Favorite Son
Exile's Favorite Son
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Exile's Favorite Son

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Spiraling down a well of depression, Seth Delucor will stop at nothing to discover his past, even if it kills him. Haunted by the ghostly presence of a woman he desperately needs to remember, he rakes up a body count that could rival wars. A new threat has come to the Clans, one they never thought possible. HAVOC has their own werewolf now, and he has a taste for Clan blood.

Release dateMar 10, 2012
Exile's Favorite Son

Michael A. Burt

Last year I started writing submissions for the Creepy Podcast, and they accepted quite a few of them. I decided to publish these stories in volumes, but as I continued to write, the stories began to get longer than the word capacity for the podcast. Most of the stories in Volume II are longer than they appear in the podcast. All of Volume III will be longer than what is on the podcast.

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    Exile's Favorite Son - Michael A. Burt



    Michael A. Burt.




    Michael A. Burt at Smashwords

    Exile's Favorite Son

    Copyright © 2012 Michael A. Burt

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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    Discover the title by Michael A. Burt at

    Drowning In Exile

















    Sophia sits in the car watching the flames clean away the blood and everything that used to be the house. How many lives were taken tonight? How could he have done this? Silence fills the car like the absence of light fills the dark night. Exurt like a rock in the seat next to her.

    He’s gone too far this time.

    I don’t understand. He couldn’t have done this on his own. There were too many of them to take on his own.

    Exurt sighs, I didn’t know he was getting this bad. If he’s going against these odds alone we’re all in trouble. How did I miss this?

    We all did. It’s not just you Exurt, we’ve all got something invested here.

    Something has to be done about this. We can’t let it go unpunished.

    But how? These people didn’t do anything that deserved this kind of vicious attack, but there they are. Burning to ash just to be recycled back to the earth. Imagining the cries of those torn apart, the pain they must’ve felt pans through her mind. With the echoes of their cries, watching the aftermath of a madman, Sophia cries.

    She whispers to herself, Seth, what have you done?


    Someone wants me dead. Seth says as he drives Sophia’s Camero. Silence had befallen them after they gave in to desire. The memory of what Seth did to John Braker is like a fresh wound in their minds, something to tend to, then left alone to heal.

    I tortured that man, Seth thinks. He screamed for his life while I destroyed everything he was. And for what? Information that has more holes in it that Swiss cheese. Now that Sophia isn’t plastered to his body he can think about the horrors he’s just done, to the life he took so personally. He pushes it to the back of his mind. There are other things to concentrate on.

    A lot of people do. What else is new? Sophia doesn’t understand the need to bring it up. Everyone in HAVOC has someone out there that wants them dead, it’s just a occupational hazard. Some people are just on more lists than others.

    There’s a contract out on my life.

    That gives her a little better understanding. Why? How? If you don’t know who you are doesn’t that make it harder to know something like that?

    He changes the subject slightly, wanting to hold back a little until he gets more information. Apparently Seth Manger pissed off Shannon Toevase. John Braker said she would put a bigger contract on him than Jessica has. Now he just needs to find out who Jessica is. Without a last name he can’t just ask Sophia, or the vampires. There isn’t enough to go on.

    Who’s Seth Manger? Sophia couldn’t stop herself, she knows the answer as she asks the question. Shannon Toevase? As in the Blood leader’s daughter?


    It’s not the important issue in the grand scheme of things, but Seth can’t help but think about the possibility of them being together. Though his desire is true he knows hers isn’t. Deep down she may always want him, but the difference between wanting and having is satisfaction. When she finds out the truth about his transformation she won’t really want him.

    That’s big news.

    The question is, what did I do? There are too many possibilities to even speculate.

    I don’t know. But it answers one of the questions everyone has been wanting to know. Seth was involved with the war all along. Without being in HAVOC’s database it means he wasn’t on their side. That leaves only so many possibilities. He was either part of a clan, or he was a rouge hunter that only knew about clans to begin with. That or he stayed clear of vampires all together. Interesting how getting answers only brings up more questions.

    The complex is empty when they arrive, with the exception of Max. He’s still in the cell and will be for some time. After Sophia finished yelling at him, Exurt went to work on Max. Right now, Seth is the least of Max’s worries. Trying to reset his broken legs so they’ll heal straight without any of the proper equipment isn’t an easy thing to do, but he’s going to try. Exurt did it on purpose this way, knowing how painful it’s going to be only adds to the lesson. Everyone else went to find living victims. Vampires, no matter how loyal they are to their mission, sometimes need to take blood from a living being. It’s the difference between eating beef or tofu. It serves the same purpose, but it’s just not the same. At least they only take lives of people that deserve to die. Murderers, child rapists, drug dealers, and the like. It’s another thing they do to contribute to society.

    For the first time in a great deal of time Sophia actually wants to sleep in Max’s apartment, and since he’s not in it, it makes it easier. The decision to do so is because she doesn’t trust herself with Seth, not after the kiss they just shared. Her suspicion is confirmed as she pleasures herself in the shower imagining it’s his touch that brings her such exquisite pleasure. Even after all the screams she heard from the werewolf being tortured, she can’t stop thinking about how much she enjoys his touch, no matter how innocent it may be.

    Seth’s shower is spent in the freezing cold as he goes over this new information. Numerous theories come into play in his mental wanderings, but none satisfy him. No way to prove them one way or another. It’s the most frustrating thing about amnesia. How he longs for someone to give him these answers, someone to shed some light on the subject. Now he has a name that can do just that, but what he’s going to do is unknown. What can I do?

    Standing on the balcony off the master bedroom loft he looks at the ID Exurt gave him not long ago. The name he decided to stick with him was Seth Delucor. Sophia says it's his way of placing Seth under his protection. I don’t need anyone’s protection, I can take care of myself. There was a time when that wasn’t true, his mind tells him. He traces the scars on his arm with that thought, thinking that it may indeed be true.

    Dreams are the gateway to many a thing. Different worlds, alternate universes, fantasies, worst fears, and sometimes the past. What happens when past and worst fears come together in one dream?


    No one, but himself to keep Seth company as he stands in darkness. It doesn’t last long. Nothing ever does.

    As clear as day he sees a beautiful woman with red hair being chased by a wolf. The wolf gains on her, he can smell her fear.

    The wolf pounces, hard. The woman is dead, her throat ripped out and wet crimson spills onto the grass, making it as dark as the soil underneath.

    Gunshots boom like thunder as the wolf is slain and falls into oblivion, never to be seen again.

    Before her death Seth noticed the woman wearing dog tags, but not anymore. The woman isn’t even a woman, a wolf now. The tags lay next to her corpse.

    Seth picks up the tags, it’s the first time he’s able to move. One word on them,


    Seth wakes up, a scream echoes in his mind as he screamed in the dream. A long, dizzy moment passes and he notices Sophia at his open bedroom door. She wears a thin white tank top and blue plaid pajama pants as usual. Worry on her face.

    What’s wrong? She asks, a small revolver in her hand.

    How’d you know something was wrong? He asks flustered from the nightmare, sweat glistening on his face.

    Are you kidding? I heard you scream from Max’s place. I came over as fast as I could.

    Oh. Sophia sits next to him on the bed. I just had a really bad dream is all.

    I’ll say, he’d been screaming for a few minutes. What about?

    The death of a loved one. Seth gets up from his bed and heads to the bathroom, Sophia following. He splashes water on his face to get rid of the sweat and wash away this uneasy feeling.


    Someone dear to me. He doesn’t want to say her name.

    Sarah. It’s a statement, no question needed. It’s the only person from his past he knows of. When they discovered Seth and Sarah were the artists behind Seth’s Darkness he looked at the few pictures that accompanied the album. She remembers how he looked at the pictures, the longing and sadness there. He was really distraught when they discovered the album was self publicized, and no records or information were found that could lead him to the truth.

    Seth walks back into the bedroom, I’m guessing Sarah’s the one that gave me Nancy. I know we were in love. I killed for her, even though it was too late. I guess now I know why I have the ring. His words are filled with hurt. She was running from a Garou and he killed her. Now here’s the thing that blows my mind. Seth takes a deep breath, he’s very hesitant in saying, "She was Garou."

    They sit on the bed, It’s been known to happen.

    It just frustrates me to my very core that I don’t remember her. I know what she looks like from the few flashbacks I’ve had, and those three pictures, but I don’t remember. Every time I see her face in my head I only get a glimpse. It’s driving me insane. Seth feels like he wants to cry, punch a hole in the wall, something else besides just sitting there doing nothing. I just feel so alone, and those few words sound so defeated it breaks Sophia’s heart to hear.

    You’re not alone, I’m here. Sophia places her hand on his shoulder.

    Thanks. Seth puts his hand on hers and looks into her eyes. Behind her a clock reads two. It’s still early. You should probably go get some sleep.

    There’s no way I’m going to leave you alone tonight.

    Seth doesn’t like to ask anything of anyone. I can’t ask you to stay.

    You don’t have to, she says with a sad smile, the smile of someone that wants to help, but doesn’t know how.

    Seth lays down. Sophia rests her head on his chest and listens to his heartbeat. The thoughts she had earlier still corrupt her mind, but he needs her now. He needs a comforting touch from someone that truly cares. She takes the chance of trusting herself with him. Being this close to him, feeling his flesh, his heat, his power. She feels more comfortable with him than with anyone ever before. Not even Max could compare at any point through their relationship. No wonder Max was so paranoid about Seth. Sophia never saw it before now.

    As Sophia lays in bed with Seth he wraps his arms around her. He wants to protect her from anything and everything, like he knows he tried to do with Sarah. The smell of her shampoo, the perfume from before is just a memory of scent, but it’s all the usual intoxicating with wild cherries and lavender mixed in. Faster than he expects, his mind starts to wander.

    Sophia is in love with Max, isn’t she? If so he can’t comprehend why. At the same time she desires him. Seth wonders if it was because of him or the intense situation. Violence has been linked with sexual arousal, but that doesn’t explain what she sensed from her at Lou’s. The kiss yes, but not that. He dwells on her mention of humans and Garou falling in love before. The way she spoke of it gives him the suspicion she might be realizing it to be true when before she didn’t.

    When Sophia first heard of a werewolf and a human falling in love she was in disbelief. Now she knows how it’s possible. And why not? She’s been in love with a vampire for a few years now. But look how that’s going. Werewolves are people too. They live, they breath, they feel, they bleed just like everyone else. Now that she knows it will she pay the price to be with him?

    Her mind is weary, but she’s not prepared to fall subject to sleep’s grasp just yet. Her mind wanders. She thinks of how it will be if she does pay that price to be with Seth. Right at this moment she thinks about him being one of them, how it explains everything as of late. The wound in his arm hasn’t healed yet. She figures it was silver. That’s when she accepts it, that Seth is becoming a werewolf. Even though it’s impossible, she accepts it, and she’s still here with him. A thought rises, something she completely forgot in the time Seth was on her mind.


    All alone in his cell. They have history, a long pleasurable history with some snags, but what relationship doesn’t? Even Exurt and Daisy have had them, not in a while, but still. Is Seth really worth throwing everything we had away?

    The stereo that’s been playing softly changes tracks. A soft, sensual song about being deeply, madly in true love. Sophia pictures Seth with her swimming in a blue lagoon in some tropical paradise, climbing high mountains, living in a villa in a European wonderland. Everything she sees is in the glory of the sun. A place Max can never go. The words are heavenly, I want you to be mine and I want to be yours.

    Sophia’s last thoughts before she falls asleep is to get some help with this situation. Around here there’s only so much help she can get. She decides to talk to Daisy and Jones when she wakes up. Maybe Lauren too, though how much help she’ll be is questionable. All this in hopes they will have some helpful advice for her about her predicament. After all, they have so many years of experience with love, way more than she.

    Seth listens to the music and pictures himself with Sophia in all the same places she did with him. He can’t help, but smile. If Max wasn’t in the picture he would go for it, but Seth knows her loyalties. He’s painfully aware of her confliction because of their history. He can’t blame her really. Loyalty is important to her. Seth himself is as loyal as a dog. Besides, now that he thinks the woman who’s been waiting for him to come home is dead, he can truly begin to love another. Unless she isn’t really dead. He’s not entirely sure. After all he did hear this from someone that he was torturing. Now he’s in need of proof. Sure, he may be seeing lies where there is only truth, but the need to be sure is too much. And there’s only one person that can give it to him. But not right now.

    An incredible amount of time is used to take in Sophia’s scent, absorbing her very being. His arms are around her even in sleep. Neither of them move throughout the night. Too long has it been since either of them got such a peaceful rest.

    Everything outside the night is no concern of theirs. They’re experiencing a subtle serenity. They don’t want to let go.

    Waking to the sounds of birds chirping hello to morning, thanking the sun for shinning so brightly after unusually wet weather. Sophia wakes up first, Seth’s arms still around her. She takes the opportunity to feel his body. Well built chest, abs that can grate cheese if so inclined, no soft spots that she can find.

    Seth wakes up shortly after Sophia. It feels as if she scratched his stomach to wake him. Embarrassment slightly befalls him as he realizes he’s still holding her.

    Sophia explains she has to talk to the girls today. He has some last minute things to do to the Firebird before he can take it for a test drive.

    I want to be with you when you do, but I don’t know how long I’m going to be.

    It’s okay, do what you need to. I’ll still be here.

    Sophia thinks about that as she leaves the apartment.


    She doesn’t want to break his heart.


    For once Seth doesn’t step out on the balcony with a morning cigarette. Instead he sips a cup of coffee as he bids hello to the morning. His mind isn’t racing with questions, nor does he think about the day’s upcoming events. He stands next to the rail feeling…happy, well rested.

    The perfect beginning to a beautiful day.

    But it’s not a perfect day. Before Seth finishes his coffee his mind goes back to the last person he killed, and all the things he

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