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Who Murdered the Clown?
Who Murdered the Clown?
Who Murdered the Clown?
Ebook74 pages52 minutes

Who Murdered the Clown?

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Hazel Cartbell and her superior officer, Chief Rasmussen return in the 2nd story of the Who Murdered...? Mystery Series.

They are thrust into another murder case in their small town of Andover, New Hampshire when a clown is killed after a performance in the local high school. Mama Bella and Sister Marie Catherine once again involve themselves in the case. Hazel and Rasmussen wade through an auditorium full of suspects, including an unfamiliar clown and a mysterious lady dressed all in black. The investigation quickly turns into a three-ring circus as Hazel and the chief follow the clues to catch a killer.

13,394 words.

PublisherEllie Oberth
Release dateMar 16, 2012
Who Murdered the Clown?

Ellie Oberth

A Chicago resident, Ellie Oberth’s love of mysteries began at an early age with an introduction to the works of Agatha Christie.She’s a life-long member of Sisters-In-Crime National and also a member of the Chicagoland Chapter where she served as Secretary in 2009 and served as Treasurer from 2010-2011 and 2017-2019..These days, when she’s not busy writing, she’s travelling. Ellie pops up in the most unusual places. She’s been known to scour the beach at midnight with a flashlight, looking for a place to bury the body or tramping through the deserted woods with the same goal in mind or...For more current activities, visit her blog at

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    Book preview

    Who Murdered the Clown? - Ellie Oberth

    Who Murdered the Clown?

    Hazel Cartbell Mystery #2

    By Ellie Oberth

    Copyright 2012 by Ellie Oberth

    2nd Edition 2021

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

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    To Mom & Dad.

    The Ringmasters of our family circus!

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    Thanks to Diane Piron-Gelman of Word Nerd Editorial Services for a great edit.

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    Cover Photo by Canva

    Cover Design by Ellie Oberth

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    Excerpts are included at the end of the book, so please factor them into the page count.

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    Who Murdered the Ghost by Ellie Oberth introduces a group of very memorable characters …a traditional whodunit with some very untraditional characters.

    – Evelyn David, author of Murder Off the Books


    It all started when Mama Bella Garlini barged into Chief Rasmussen’s office. Apparently, the dispatcher hadn’t stopped her stampede through the police station. Smart woman. When Mama Bella is on a rampage, it’s best not to interfere. Mama Bella is a force of nature, but the chief and I quavered at the sight of the tiny figure following in her shadow – Sister Marie Catherine.

    The chief and I had been discussing the latest rash of burglaries in the Flaghole District. Both of us pushed back our chairs and rose to our feet as the duo burst into the room.

    What’s a-this I hear? Mama Bella roared. She sounded like a mobster in a bad Italian movie. When upset, Mama’s English took a dive.

    Rasmussen towered over the hefty woman, but Mama Bella reached up to shake her finger in his face.

    Sister say you no buy tickets to the show.

    The chief’s head swiveled in my direction but I shrank back into the corner of the room. At the moment the dynamic duo’s attention was focused on Rasmussen. Fine by me.

    Sister Marie Catherine calmly plucked a ticket book from the folds of her habit and slapped it down on the desk. The message was clear. If the chief ever wanted to enjoy another Thursday special at Mama Bella’s restaurant, he had to fork over some serious cash.

    I watched in silent amusement as he bought enough tickets for the entire police department. After their departure, Chief Rasmussen stormed into the outer office and tossed the tickets onto the dispatcher’s desk.

    Coralynn, you are to sell these to each and every officer. Everyone not on duty Saturday afternoon is to buy a ticket and go to this damn high school play.

    The dispatcher bit back a smile.

    Chief Rasmussen held out his hand. Starting with you.

    Her smile faded. The chief fixed his glare on my still figure. Cough up, Cartbell.

    Sure, now he notices me.

    A cloudy Saturday, in the latter half of May, saw us all at the local Andover, New Hampshire high school. A beaming Mama Bella took my ticket at the door. Her son, Petey, was the male lead in the play. One of the high school juniors ushered me to my seat.

    Just about the entire police force had turned out for the event. Even two of the three members of the Board of Selectmen – the policy makers for our community – were in attendance. Not to mention the clowns sitting in the front row in full regalia. The auditorium was packed thanks to Mama Bella and Sister Marie Catherine.

    I slid into a seat next to Coralynn. A few minutes later, Chief Rasmussen and his son, Robbie, joined us.

    Hey Hazel, Coralynn. Robbie’s smile fixed on the pretty dispatcher.

    As much as

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