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Curio's Search for Cool
Curio's Search for Cool
Curio's Search for Cool
Ebook66 pages41 minutes

Curio's Search for Cool

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About this ebook

An adolescent's search for himself, told through the bedtime talks between a single, widowed father and his son. Not only does it portray a healthy relationship between father and son, it uncovers many of the paradoxes associated with our search for a respectful identity. Each night, Dad spurs his son on like Jesus would have, with just enough insight to prod Curio's desire for more.

PublisherMike Harris
Release dateMar 20, 2012
Curio's Search for Cool

Mike Harris

Mike Harris lives on the beach in Cocoa Beach, Florida. He has a Master's Degree in Counseling from a Christian university and worked in the field as a crisis counselor for over fifteen years. Having sought to balance his perception of life through several careers and participation in five different sports, he is an avid seeker of balance in the Christian life, as well. His passion is to identify God in the common links of life, those hallowed threads which weave all things together.

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    Book preview

    Curio's Search for Cool - Mike Harris

    Curio’s Search for Cool

    Mike Harris

    Smashwords Edition

    Disclaimer and Copyright

    The information contained in this book is for informational purposes only. Any suggestions that I give are my own opinions based on personal research and experience. Although I choose not to live in fear, we still live in the land of legal ramifications. As such, be forewarned to seek the advice of a professional before acting on anything I have published.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. It may not be re-sold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. (I’ve made them cheap enough.) If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    By reading any of my stuff you are hereafter implying that you agree I am better looking than Brad Pitt and more debonair than Sean Connery. Who reads these things?

    Meet you at the next section. By the way, thanks loads for downloading this EBook. Heck, for a whopping $15.00 download all five of them.

    And now on with the show….

    Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Mike Harris.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter One

    Ahhh, come on, Dad. Not yet. It can’t be bedtime already. I just got home from school.

    Curio, you got home from school six hours ago.

    Well, do you think you could tell me a ‘Mom story’ before we read the Bible tonight?

    Son, you’ve heard them all at least two or three times. You get up to bed, and I’ll be right behind you. Come on, get going.

    Curio scurried under the bed sheets just before Dad walked in. Dad moved the desk chair next to the bed, like he did every night, while Curio wiggled like an earthworm under the freshly washed sheets.

    Comfy? Dad asked.

    Comfy, Curio replied, grinning.

    Curio and his father had a routine. Dad would wait until Curio had found the perfect spot under the covers before beginning. Comfy was the signal to start. Sometimes Curio would stall for time by squirming for a minute or two, making all sorts of weird noises, pretending he couldn’t get comfortable. But not tonight. Curio knew it was lights out in twenty minutes, and he didn’t want to waste any time. On this night, Curio longed to hear another story about the mother he had hardly known; the mother who had unexpectedly died when he was only four years old. His father had kept her alive in Curio’s heart by sharing countless stories of their life together, back before the sudden illness had taken her away.

    So which story would you like to hear tonight? Dad asked.

    The one where you and Mom meet each other, Curio replied without a thought. This was his favorite story, and even though he knew it by heart, he never got tired of hearing it. Dad rolled his eyes back jokingly as if he hadn't needed to ask.

    "Okay, here goes, the How We Met story, take number twenty-three." They both laughed. Curio loved hearing his father laugh. It was more like an eruption—a rhythmic explosion—and Curio

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