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The Life System, God and Man 101: How To Imitate God By Upholding All Things With The Words Of Your Mouth
The Life System, God and Man 101: How To Imitate God By Upholding All Things With The Words Of Your Mouth
The Life System, God and Man 101: How To Imitate God By Upholding All Things With The Words Of Your Mouth
Ebook84 pages1 hour

The Life System, God and Man 101: How To Imitate God By Upholding All Things With The Words Of Your Mouth

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The Life System: God and Man 101 is a spiritual how-to book that teaches people how to use God's Word and their own words to solve any issue and actually create the things they want to see in life by imitating God. This book takes the notion that "God works in mysterious ways", and turns it head over heels by pointing out the simplicity of God and His relationship with Man.

Release dateApr 3, 2012
The Life System, God and Man 101: How To Imitate God By Upholding All Things With The Words Of Your Mouth

Matthew Thedford

Matthew Thedford Lives in Detroit, MI with his beautiful wife, two children,.

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    The Life System, God and Man 101 - Matthew Thedford

    The Life System: God and Man 101

    By Matthew Thedford

    Copyright 2012 Matthew Thedford

    Smashwords Edition



    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1. God Given Power To Choose

    Chapter 2. How To Choose

    Chapter 3. Live First

    Chapter 4. Two Parts OF Faith

    Chapter 5. In The Beginning Was Faith

    Chapter 6. How To Live By Faith

    Chapter 7. Love

    Chapter 8. Identity

    Chapter 9. The Power of God

    Chapter 10. Jesus Is Our Example

    Chapter 11. The Power You Have

    Chapter 12. Balance

    Chapter 13. The Call


    Does God really work in mysterious ways? Nope! I used to think God was so complicated. Concepts like love, faith, peace and many other things concerning God were very difficult for me to grasp. After years of studying the bible, I found that God is not complicated at all; God is simple. God wants you to know how simple life could be and how simple He is. God actually wants you to know everything about Him and life. When you get to know Him better, you understand life better. Ephesians 1:17, 18 says, I pray that the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Christ better. Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that He calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

    Try to understand the importance of not only reading these words but saying them as well. It is the reading and speaking of God's words that will give you the motivation to do them, and after you put it into action, you will receive the things you want and even more. You have to be aware of what you want and need before you can do it. Speaking what you want and need makes you more aware of it. Once it becomes real to you, soon after, you will experience it. Reality can only come from something that you realize in the mind first. Passing through the levels of consciousness that follow will take you from being unaware of something, to being so aware of it, that it becomes part of your unconscious mind. Once something gets to your subconscious mind, you will do it without thought, making life easier and full of joy.

    The Levels of Consciousness

    1. Unconsciously unconscious: You do not know that you do not know. (Ignorance)

    2. Consciously unconscious: You know that you do not know. (Enlightenment)

    3. Consciously conscious: You know that you know. (Competence)

    4. Unconsciously conscious: You do not know that you know. (Confidence)

    I think that God intended for us to go through these Levels of Consciousness about His Words so we could experience the promises in them. Meaning you must know God’s Word. Let that enlightenment from His Word hit you until you experience those aha moments. Then, know it so well until you know you know it. Ending up at a place where you know it so well that you respond to it without think about it. This is what living by Faith is, as well as the process of all life. Every day you go through these levels about the issues you face. Learning how to go through them on purpose is what will guarantee success in life. The whole purpose of traveling through these levels is to help you build Faith. You move from one level of consciousness to the next about the words you hear and speak, until they become reality. When you move through these levels about any issue, you will start to believe in those words that you speak, causing them to happen. My goal is to take you from wherever you are in these levels through to the end. Some of these things you might be hearing for the first time, and others you may know very well. Whatever the case, I want you to get in the habit of speaking the things you want without thought so you can see them happen. Follow me on this journey of learning how to use words to create the life you want.

    When you know God better, your understanding of the confidence He wants you to have because of the promise He made deepens, and life becomes simple. Once I had the simplicity of God and Man explained to me, all of the other things of God made sense, and for the first time in my life, they seemed attainable. In this book, I will explain how simple God and Man are so that all your goals and dreams will also be attainable. Once you understand Seed, Time, and Harvest, you will be able to understand why life has been so complicated and how life could be so simple. Before Jesus explained which I believe to be the most important story in the bible, He asked His disciples a question. Mark 4:13 says, And He said to them, Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?" He asked them this question because if they could not understand this story then they would not be able to understand anything and neither will you. The awesome thing about this is that once you understand the story, you will understand the bible, as well as life itself. In other words, everything! The new understanding that you will gain from this book will give you the power to solve any problem you had, and will have in the future. This book will show you how to take what you have inside of you already and use it to affect the world around you. My hope is that

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