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Personify This
Personify This
Personify This
Ebook83 pages15 minutes

Personify This

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About this ebook

This poetry book contains 72 poems where objects are either personified, or used as place names. Each poem may be read with or without the personification, butt the later is the most challenging and rewarding. At times, keeping the author's intended thoughts straight may seem confusing, but the reader will eventually find both interpretations of the poems worth the reading.
Many of the poems do deal with social, political, and philosophical issues. Again, there are multiple interpretations. Other poems are written for fun and rhyme.
Overall, this book is a good read for a person looking for a different perspective on life and the world. It was a joy to write, but also difficult because both the regular and the personified reading had to make sense.

PublisherDonald Enz
Release dateApr 4, 2012
Personify This

Donald Enz

I was born in 1946 and raised in central Illinois. During my youth, I was lucky to be able to visit my parent's families each summer in two very small towns and had, in my opinion, free range over what I did. It was a great and unique experience that allowed my imagination to grow wild. I started to write and paint at a very early age and have been lucky to be able to continue my creativity my entire life. To do so has caused many difficulties at times, but I wouldn't trade a second of it. Being creative and being able to express myself in paintings, sculptures, and writing has made me a better person. I recommend creative freedom to everyone. I have a BS degree in English, an MA in sculpture, and an MFA in ceramics.

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    Book preview

    Personify This - Donald Enz

    Personalize This

    Volume #1

    poems written

    by Donald G. Enz

    copyright 2012 by Donald G. Enz

    All rights reserved

    1st edition


    Dedicated to my grandparents

    M. and V. Ziegenhorn


    J. and M. Enz


    Smashwords Edition, license notes.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Poem_1 - Child to your Mind

    Poem_2 - a gentle Frost

    Poem_3 - a Gust of Autumn

    Poem_4 - in Mind

    Poem_5 - I remember

    Poem_6 - a Knight's journey

    Poem_7 - I paid the Price

    Poem_8 - a Play of Words

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