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Error: Please Try Again
Error: Please Try Again
Error: Please Try Again
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Error: Please Try Again

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Marriage? Yeah, Cyn tried that. Epic Fail!

Error: Please Try Again follows the misadventures of a recently divorced woman after her best friend signs her up for an online dating site. Blind dates are notoriously awkward things, but they’re a lot more complicated when you’re having erotic dreams about the cranky downstairs neighbor, and he keeps popping up at the most embarrassing moments.


He had at least a two-day growth of beard darkening his face, which made him look even wilder, and surprisingly more attractive to her.
Very few men among the peer group that Charles kept would be caught dead with so much as a six o'clock shadow, leaving Cyn unaccustomed to this level of raw masculinity.
Easily a full head and shoulders taller than her, he had broad shoulders and a chiseled chest that molded perfectly down into a narrow waist and muscular legs. Thick biceps and large rough looking hands declared him to be blue collar, a manual laborer, and someone her mother would never have approved of.
Staring at those hands she felt a delicious shiver at the thought of him touching her, of those roughened fingertips stroking across the exposed skin at her waist, or tracing the thin edge of her blouse from her collarbone down to where it met between the soft mounds of her breasts.
Instantly her nipples hardened and she choked back a half strangled whimper.
Horrified by her inadvertent reaction to the purely male form before her, she wrenched her eyes back up to meet his hostile gaze and watched as dark lashes dropped to shadow his pupils. There was still pure fire burning in those eyes, but his expression was now something between a mix of rage, surprise and horror.

PublisherCeleste Hall
Release dateApr 12, 2012
Error: Please Try Again

Celeste Hall

Celeste Hall is a passionate writer of paranormal and erotic romance with over twenty-five titles to her credit, including Beware of Wolves, the Kitty Coven series, and her ultra-sexy Seduction series. If you're looking for a sizzling escape from the pressures of a long day, her alpha hero incubi will make you purr.Celeste believes that a great book can do more than offer an afternoon's pleasure, it can change your life. She is absolutely addicted to happy endings. Her favorite stories will often include elements of the paranormal or fantastical, but they will always have a romantic heart.When not writing, Celeste enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors. She also enjoys photography, graphic design, a variety of artistic mediums, gardening, horseback riding and geeking out online - especially on Facebook.You can find a full list of her books by visiting:

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    Error - Celeste Hall

    Error: Please Try Again

    By Celeste Hall

    Error: Please Try Again

    Copyright © 2012 by Celeste Hall

    Smashwords Edition.

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    All sexually active characters in this book are 18 years of age or older.

    Romantic Adventures:


    Prison of Dreams

    Simple Musings

    His Pale Prisoner

    Erotic Romances:

    Error: Please Try Again

    Erotic Suspense:

    Lady Silence

    Erotic Suspense Series:

    Dream Seductions: Ethan

    Dream Seductions: Kye

    Dream Seductions: Rico

    Chapter 1

    Before the divorce Cyn’s life pretty much consisted of making sure that every single one of Charles’s needs or desires were fulfilled before he ever had to ask. But, if she was really going to be downright honest with herself, she’d never really had much of a life before Charles.

    As the third child of a successful investment broker and a debutante, she was carefully cultured by her mother to be a beautiful china doll.

    Cyn had dark honey colored curls, bright blue eyes, perfectly pouted lips and well moisturized skin.

    So what if her eyes were a little too wide for the demure look that mother had tried for so long to teach her? And so what if her skin was a little too bronzed from spending hours in the garden, despite the horde of workers hired to keep the landscape perfectly manicured.

    So what if her breasts were the size of peaches instead of footballs, or that she stood five foot nothing and was dwarfed by the super model wives that graced the upper crust of New York’s finest.

    Cyn had tried so hard to be the perfect mate.

    Even when she had wanted to shred every last one of the carefully starched dresses in her closet, and run barefoot through that luscious carpet of grass just outside of the window - so agonizingly temptingly close she had to forcefully restrain herself.

    She’d tried so hard to make her parents proud.

    Cyn was raised to be a pretty little statue, an obedient decoration for whatever man’s arm she graced, and she had played her part well.

    Charles. It was always Charles, never Charlie, Chuck or Honey. He refused to answer to any pet or familiar names that might lower him from that mental pedestal he kept himself on. But the man was an answer to her mother’s prayers.

    He was rich, successful, and the son of powerful and influential parents.

    Theirs was match made in Heaven… or rather, Hell. Depending on whose side you took.

    The marriage had gone sour quickly, but the worst hadn’t come until a few months ago.

    There were strange phone calls at all hours of the night. He was gone for days at a time, with little or no warning, and he showed an impressive lack of enthusiasm for her latest purchase of slinky black lingerie.

    But those were only the early warning signs.

    Raging, screaming doubts ensued soon after his return from a week long disappearance, with a suitcase full of crumpled clothing that included a pair of red women’s underwear. If you could even call the tiny threads of material underwear, considering it was only two strings with a sheer red triangle for the front.

    Charles swore that his baggage had been checked at the airport and the panties must have been placed in his suitcase by mistake of the baggage handlers. Cyn had actually tried to believe that, right up until she discovered the owner of those panties snuggled up in Charles’s lap two weeks later.

    That had been embarrassing.

    Charles had always hated it when she stopped at his office without warning, but he’d acted so panicky that morning when he hadn’t been able to locate his briefcase, swearing that he would lose his job if those reports weren’t turned in today

    So when Cyn had discovered it shoved half under the table in the dining room she had tried to be a good little wife and return it to him.

    After repeated calls to his office line went unanswered, she jumped into the car and rushed to the rescue.

    She should have noticed the alarm written all over the faces of Charles’s coworkers as she introduced herself as his wife and asked for directions to his office. And she should have noticed the oddly vacant desk sitting just outside the closed door of said office, where a secretary should have been waiting to greet her.

    The same secretary whose voice always answered when Cyn called Charles from home, and had always transferred her over with the sweet insincerity of a bored receptionist.

    It wasn’t until she saw Charles with his pants down around his ankles - and the soft white curves of a petite blonde clutched against him - that all the little pieces of the puzzle suddenly clicked into place for Cyn.

    Horrified, she’d dropped the briefcase and raced out of the room, but not before Charles had seen her.

    What were women supposed to do when their husbands cheated on them? Cyn hadn’t a clue, so she’d called her mother, and was told that all men cheat - it was written into their DNA.

    It’s just a fling, he’ll get over her and move on, her mother claimed. Make him dinner and pretend nothing is wrong. If anything, you’ll get a little extra attention and maybe some jewelry for helping him to hide his little indiscretion.

    Bull shit.

    Cyn had locked herself in the bathroom and bawled until she was hoarse. Then she showered, packed her bags and ran.

    Her mother scolded that Cyn should have just taken her advice. Everything would have gone much better for her and she wouldn’t have ended up living in a tiny little hole of an apartment in the business end of a miserable little city that didn’t have a single building over four stories.

    Of course, Cyn never would have survived the ordeal without Rachel.

    Rachel was everything that Cyn wasn’t. Flamboyant, spontaneous, flirtatious, and ridiculously out spoken. She had confronted the swollen eyed and recently fled Cyn on her first night alone in a new city, in a new store, and trying to figure out how the hell she was supposed to live the rest of her life.

    Cyn had stood in front of the dairy counter at the local grocery and bawled over whether she should buy a gallon of milk or one of those tiny little quart sized containers.

    Charles had always drunk a lot of milk, but Cyn didn’t think she could go through a whole gallon before it spoiled. But then there was only a few cents difference in price, so why not buy the larger container? The episode had nearly spawned full on hysteria.

    What if her mother had been right? What if she was making a huge mistake? What if she wasn’t strong enough to be alone like this? Would Charles take her back? Would he let her come home again? Would she be able to share his bed again? To pretend that nothing had happened, that everything was fine, and that their entire lives together hadn’t been one huge lie?

    Just say no, a voice piped up behind her.

    Cyn startled, not exactly sure how to handle this unexpected interruption.

    Rachel, the girl stated simply, before gesturing towards the milk. That stuff will kill you.

    Well, if anyone might have a comprehensive understanding of what might or might not kill someone, it was probably this bizarre individual.

    Cyn’s first impression was that the girl had just walked away from a stage reenactment of Beetlejuice, where she had starred as the angsty teenage daughter.

    Rachel was wearing full black from head to toe, with an odd looking black wrap around her head, which tied in the back and left cloth tails down to her waist. A braided hemp cord held a large crystal around her neck, and an odd collection of hemp braids adorned each wrist.

    She wore no makeup that Cyn could discern, but she had perfectly flawless skin, and such thick lashes and perfectly shaped brows she really didn’t need any cosmetic enhancements.

    Okay, maybe Rachel wasn’t a Beetlejuice reject, Cyn reconsidered, but the girl was odd and definitely not someone that her mother would have approved of. That last part raised her several degrees in Cyn’s opinion.

    Did you know that the human body is no longer equipped to process milk after we acquire our adult teeth? Tragically soulful brown eyes demanded. It’s true. Follow me, I’ll show you what you should be drinking.

    Rachel had then proceeded to grab a sniffling Cyn by the arm and drag her to the other end of the store where she loaded her cart with almond milk, whole grain bread, raw nuts, vegetables and fruits.

    What is this stuff? Cyn had asked, picking up a bottle of something Rachel had just plunked into the cart, and studying the ominous image of a goat printed on its label.

    This… Rachel assured her, taking the bottle out of Cyn’s hand and placing it back into the cart, Is the first day of the rest of your life. You’re going to start eating healthier, feeling better, and show that cheating bastard what a huge mistake he made in losing you.

    When Cyn’s puffy eyes had widened in horror, Rachel had just smiled and put a warm arm

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