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Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress
Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress
Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress
Ebook56 pages37 minutes

Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress

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In a series of short books, all aimed at self help for a successful career, author Tom Jones takes you on a journey into his wonderful military career and touches on the key components of workplace stress and the troubles that stress and fear has on the working class striving to succeed and achieve in the workplace.

How to use Courage when you feel like a Coward, is the first in a series of short books called "Key Battles in the War against Workplace Stress" and begins with an introduction like no other. It begins with a brief, yet descriptive walk through life in the US Military from private to military police, onto commissioned officer and then having pleasantly relived his entire military career by seeing a single photo taken of him decades earlier by his mother.

He talks about the seven fundamental values of a soldier. And these seven values don't come naturally to most. They are taught by superiors, learned over time and hopefully perfected to enhance or complete a successful career. But in my opinion, these seven fundamentals could also be practiced in every day life as well.

Some people struggle with trying to juggle private life with their work, and can't seem to focus on being the controller in the act of balancing the two very well. They worry about job security, bills, their relationships, children and finances and slowly find themselves becoming overwhelmed by the growing numbers of responsibilities that are piling up on them.

Let's face it! Not being able to control these responsibilities in the correct order of importance lures in even more problems, stress and struggles for the long term. Sometimes, living one day at a time and focusing on each task at hand individually, while keeping a keen eye on the ball, may be all it takes to help you slowly build up the courage and the confidence it takes to stand up proud with your chin up and your chest stuck out and face your problems like a captain on a troubled ship.

I think Mr. Jones does a great job in helping his readers develop the skill in determining "when" is the right time to act on a hunch and take charge of a situation or a task, when it calls for the very courage that he teaches, but no one else has. Well, if you're reading this - you are the one who needs to lead them. You are the one who needs to take charge of a failing situation and come through. Sure! You'll probably make a few of your colleagues angry or even jealous. But job security is more important right now than it has ever been. If they were truly engaged and were "focusing" like Tom tells us, and kept their eye on the ball - they'd be the ones with the new promotion, raise or accolade.

Tom knows the importance of being able to put all of your worries and doubts aside and take on challenges that arise that are either planned for or show up without warning. In the end, the results clearly detail how the challenges were handled and how the duties of a team were carried out, and how a well thought out plan was executed - or not. Without courage, a leader cannot lead, a soldier cannot defend, a game cannot be won, goals cannot be met and most often, a promotion cannot be realized.

If you are like most people, and sometimes find yourself trying to avoid confrontation or ridicule for trying new things, or face problems all of the time and aren't sure of how to handle them, maybe you just need a helping hand. Courage, when used appropriately can be a stepping stone, a courageous life that reeks of victory and success is truly a milestone.

Take the first step at being the controller of your destiny, by learning how to take control of even the smallest of situations. This book, the first of seven on helping you achieve success by learning how to battle real problems in the workplace, is the most crucial step in leading a better life for yourself by achieving and succeeding at work, while helping you sustain a better life fo...

Release dateApr 14, 2012
Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress

Tom (TJ) Jones

Here's a simple profile description for me: "A Nobody With Something to Say"! I've been helping people for years find success in their careers and it's not that I'm an expert, it's just I've been able to observe so many ways to find success, that I share it with people throughout the world. What is success? Well, it's probably not what you think it is. All of my books, programs and information is about how to deal with the challenges of the workplace to include those who want to be self employed. You'll learn strategies, techniques and just plain old "best advice" ideas to help you face them head-on and achieve success, no matter where or what you're doing.

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    Book preview

    Courage - Key Battles In The War Against Workplace Stress - Tom (TJ) Jones


    Key Battles In The War Against

    Workplace Stress


    Number 2 in the Handy Little Book Series

    Battle 1

    How to Use Courage

    When You Feel Like a Coward!

    Tom (TJ) Jones

    Career Life Publishing

    Houston, Texas

    Courage - Key Battles In The War

    Against Workplace Stress

    Tom (TJ) Jones

    Copyright Tom (Tj) Jones 2012

    Published by Career Life Publishing at Smashwords

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To the men and women of the Armed Services

    of the United States of America.

    "May we never forget the blood and courage

    of those who have gone before us.

    And of those who will dedicate

    themselves in protecting

    the freedoms and

    liberties of the

    USA in the


    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Battle One

    Chapter Two: Are you feeling like a doormat at work?

    Chapter Three: Are you feeling like you’ve been wronged on the job?

    Chapter Four: Are you feeling like you’re being overworked?

    Chapter Five: Are you feeling like technology rules your job?

    Chapter Six: Are you feeling frustrated on your job?

    Chapter Seven: Are you feeling burnt out on your job?

    Chapter Eight: Are you feeling alone on your job?

    Chapter Nine: Conclusion

    Chapter Ten: What Is Next?


    Does anyone really read the introduction? I hope so, because the introduction is where you’ll learn the purpose and value of this book. The workplace can be a very challenging place to be today and workplace stress is abundant. So my hope is you will find a spark of inspiration inside to help you find solutions to the issues you may have with workplace stress.

    In 1965, I followed in the footsteps of my late brother Jimmie. I was so proud of him as he served in the Oklahoma National Guard. When I reached the legal age to join, I was first in line. It was during the Vietnam era and if called, I was ready to go. Since I thought my future would be in law enforcement because I was a police dispatcher at a very young age in our small town where I grew up, I joined the Military Police unit in the Guard. I attended basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana and after that grueling period, I returned to my unit and became the MP assigned driver for the late General LaVern E. Weber, the adjutant general of the Oklahoma

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