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Army Beasts Resurrection
Army Beasts Resurrection
Army Beasts Resurrection
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Army Beasts Resurrection

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In the eyes of his friends--his team--he was dead. But Stavros escaped the explosion they thought claimed his life, just barely. The scars on his face and body told of the horror and pain he has faced since then. He was always told a wounded tiger walks out into the wild to die. He did that, not wanting his friends to see him slowly waste away. She wouldn’t let him. Amari Montgomery took care of him and protected him even from himself. She didn’t blink an eye at his scars and pushed him to contact the only family he ever knew, The Army Beasts. In the cold harsh lands of Alaska, in her arms, he found serenity and passion. Until one night she was taken and he needed his friends to help him find the woman he now called his mate. If he had to die to save her, he would without question. She was his reason for living.

PublisherDahlia Rose
Release dateApr 22, 2012
Army Beasts Resurrection

Dahlia Rose

Dahlia Rose is the USA Today best-selling multi genre author from Urban fantasy to Romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on the island of Barbados and now currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her life revolves around her family and her grandson who she’s fondly nicknamed ‘the toddler overlord, long may he reign.” She has a love of dark fantasy, crazy sci-fi B-movies, and delving into the unknown. Dahlia writes from romance to suspense, giving her characters the voices they deserve, if she doesn’t, they surely won’t let her sleep. With over seen dozen books published, Dahlia has become a reader favorite. Not only because of her writing but her vivacious attitude in talking to her fans online and at various events. Being a BIPOC, author of color, her books feature strong heroines with a Caribbean or African American culture, that is showcased in the vibrancy of her words. Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes to open your imagination to the beauty of possibilities between the pages of her books. LinkTree:

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    Book preview

    Army Beasts Resurrection - Dahlia Rose

    Army Beasts Resurrection: Stavros Returns

    By Dahlia Rose

    Published by Dahlia Rose at Smashwords

    Copyright © April 2012 Dahlia Rose

    Cover Art by Mina Carter

    ISBN 978-1-936668-79-3

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Casey sighed. Zane, take command of the unit. Nia… Tell her I love her so damn much and I will watch over her…

    "I got this man. It’s good, you can step back," Stavros said. It was a lie, but of course he couldn’t tell Casey that. His best friend needed to go home to Nia, and Stavros was going to make sure that she wouldn’t grieve for her man.

    Casey moved, letting out a long sigh of relief, but then horror filled his voice. Well thank god for that…fuck, Stavros. What did you do?

    Zane ran into the building at that time and stopped short. What did you do? Shit, Stav. Why do you always have to be the brave one?

    "Because you idiots have women who love you to go home to. Stavros sighed and ran his hands over his face tiredly. I never expected to live as long as I have, I always knew I would die on the job. You guys are my family, I would do anything to protect you."

    "What the fuck did he do?" Camden’s voice broke in on all their headsets.

    "I wish people would stop asking that," Stavros said with a shaky laugh.

    "He has the wire secured by holding the lynch pin in place, Zander replied. You crazy son a bitch, we’d have figured something out."

    "I love you too, Zander, but you know we don’t have the time, Stavros said with some humor. Take Casey and get the hell out of here. This thing is slipping, I can feel it. He grimaced. You guys are the best and, Nia, when you transcribe this, I love you too. Take care of Casey."

    "I’m not leaving you, man. Not like this… He heard the grief in Casey’s voice. His best friend began to fight. Let me go you bastards. I’m not leaving him in there! God, I can’t leave him in there!"

    Of course he wouldn’t, Casey would have held the wire with him if he could. They had been so close for so long. Along with Zane they were like brothers. What better way to go that protecting your brothers?

    "Bye, my friends," Stavros said.

    He watched them pull Casey from the room even though he fought like a madman. His friend’s shift to his beast rippled across the muscles of his face. Stavros ripped off his headset and closed his eyes and let the string slip from his hand. Nothing happened, and he opened his eyes in wonder.

    Taking no chances, he stepped away and gave a little laugh. Thank God for shitty insurgent bomb makers.

    He spoke too soon, because he heard the tick of a secondary bomb, and then another, and the sound sped up rapidly. He knew that sound all to well it was a Bouncing Betty, a landmine that was filed with shrapnel for maximum damage. Stavros began to run, but a hidden door in the floor popped open and he felt a hand grab his leg. Kicking wildly, he got whoever it was in the face and flipped easily. He came face to face with an insurgent. The man’s bloody face was clean-shaven and he wore an American uniform. Jesus, they were going to use him to get on base, Stavros thought. The instinct to survive kicked in, and just as he pulled the man from his hiding place, the bomb exploded. The first wave of heat him as he rolled into the small crawlspace and pulled the trap door down.

    He heard the screams of the insurgent as the shrapnel hit him. Pieces of metal tore through the floor and hit Stavros, searing into his flesh. The second wave destroyed the Afghani citizen. Stavros knew nothing could stand up to that kind of explosion. Heat bit at him as he tried to curl into a small ball to protect himself. It didn’t stop the pain as hot metal rained into his hiding place and the house crumbled around him. A sharp pain went though his head, and he opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out. The combination of smoke, dust and heat choked him. Stavros felt himself slip into blackness and thought this was the end of his life. Only thing left was silence as he welcomed the darkness.

    * * * *

    Pain, Pain, Pain… He didn’t know if it was the sensation or the thought that woke him. Still, he was pulled out of the dream and he sighed gratefully while he lay in bed. The dull aching throb of his left side let him know he was still alive and kicking. If you could call what he was doing living.

    A year later and he was not completely healed. He’d spent weeks in his shift, hoping it would help him heal him more quickly. But even after that was accomplished his body was scarred: down his left arm, burns on his face

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