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Forever Across the Stars
Forever Across the Stars
Forever Across the Stars
Ebook206 pages3 hours

Forever Across the Stars

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Femwar Feather Ravoko has won her final battle, but her trainer, Irikii Drader, refuses to claim her, as is his right. Hurt and confused, she chooses Elatia, the famed pleasure planet, for her furlough. There, she discovers the cruel twist to her prize. Welcomed by fellow czwars, she struggles with her emotions and lack of purpose, but her one comfort is Ymien, a male Adamo who begins his seduction of her.

Irikii gives up everything to follow Feather across the stars, but when he’s enslaved by Cezzmots, he finds himself thrown into a plot to conquer Elatia. Fearing for Feather and the Elatian people, Irikii wins the commander’s trust and forms a plan to thwart him—a plan that might end Irikii’s life.

Wooed by Ymien and pining for Irikii, Feather must fight her feelings for both men, but when an explosion lights up the city skyline, she’s thrust into a battle of life and love.

Release dateApr 24, 2012
Forever Across the Stars

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    Book preview

    Forever Across the Stars - Azura Ice

    Forever Across the Stars

    Elatia Series


    Azura Ice

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 by Azura Ice

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-276-4

    Cover art by Mina Carter

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement (including infringement without monetary gain) is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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    Decadent Publishing Sci-Fi Romance

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    Also by Azura Ice

    Absinthe Flames

    Absinthe Forever

    Lace, Lightning and Multiple Orgasms

    With Maria Moonstar

    Conquering Venus


    For Heather Bennett


    Secpoc: Elatia uses Elatians only as security or police in the cities. Small secpoc outposts are in rural areas. The secpocs wear black suits. Minnica bands are used to arrest and secure those who cause trouble or do crimes.

    Daimi: A male or female who oversees the household and makes sure everything runs smoothly from checking in with childcare employees to monitoring servants, kitchen help, etc. Usually only wealthy Elatians will employ a daimi. Other household employees answer to the daimi first and then the head of the family.

    Gecbagas: universal money that takes the form of transferable credits on high-tech worlds or traditional coins for non-tech planets of a valuable purple, iridescent ore found in moderate amounts on many planets throughout this solar system.

    Worth: count by tens. One large gecbaga coin is $10K American or the equivalent in English pounds. Smaller coins descend in worth by size.

    UT – Universal Tongue Words and Phrases

    Atova: thank you.

    Dotchk: you are welcome or my pleasure

    Finiota: I am sorry

    Finiota Kai: My sincerest apology OR to express severe regret (used for serious matters).

    Ovopa: It is forgiven or you’re forgiven OR it is in the past and forgotten.

    Matishma: An Elatian endearment for a loved one, male or female, or an affectionate label for those many years younger. For example, an elderly woman would call a young woman matishma like we would say honey or sweetheart.

    Wemotich: the UT term for saying ‘wench’ or if said with disdain or nasty sarcasm it’s interpreted as ‘bitch.’ Most commonly used with female slaves.

    White gifts: blessings

    Star’s speed: quick, safe journey.

    Adamo Levels

    Echelon one – novice, just starting out in the arts of pleasure.

    Echelon two – established, knows enough to be paid for various services in their field of study.

    Echelon three – experienced, and now working toward becoming a Master or Mistress, if they so desire to go that route.

    Echelon four (commonly called Master/Mistress Adamo) – those who oversee their field of expertise and aide/teach the lower echelons. Masters and Mistresses are recognized by splotches of bright color at each temple that often resemble stars, leaves, or flower blossoms of varying colors. This is only achieved once he or she takes the position of Master or Mistress and by taking eletin intravenously—the only time it’s taken in this manner—once it has been processed into a powder and then liquefied. It’s a drug reaction in the skin that is irreversible.

    Chapter One

    Dark blood dripped off Feather’s long, curved blade. Spectators roared in approval, their cheers, shouts, and claps reverberating throughout the domed battle chamber. Feather raised her axe in victory, keeping her face stoic. She lowered her weapon, stooped, and wiped first one side of the blade and then other across the frost beast’s thick, ebony coat. Its blood oozed from several wounds, but the gaping cut across its throat had been its ultimate demise.

    With a proud expression, the High Trainer, Irikii Drader, strode out into the sandy arena. The winds sweeping into it tossed his long, dark blond hair around his shoulders and swung his suede robes around his boot tops. He smiled at Feather as he approached, his short beard stretching and the scars crisscrossing his face crinkling with the action. His expression of pride and approval pleased Feather. She fought the urge to grin back at him. It wouldn’t be appropriate for her to show emotion, but having just won her final battle, it was difficult not to reveal her pleasure.

    Gripping her bloody hand, Irikii held it up in the air. At his touch, a strange, tight sensation wriggled through Feather’s abdomen.

    Your favorite and the new czwar, Feather Rovako of Stell-Ery has won her final battle! he yelled to the onlookers.

    The crowd cheered, many leaping to their feet. Others tossed her namesake down into the arena, the array of down and feathers both colorful and festive.

    Your top warrior will choose one onlooker to receive her last battle weapon as a special gift. Keeping hold of Feather’s hand, he tugged her around to face the crowd behind them. She will accept this frost beast’s pelt as part of her prize, but her ultimate reward is her choice of furlough, a purse worth one hundred gecbagas, and the right to claim a mate!

    Whistles and congratulatory screams flew around the dome like loud, frightened birds.

    Irikii stared down into her eyes and smiled again, but this time the action was softer, intimate. His pupils widened, the blue of his eyes deepened, and something deep within Feather tightened in response. Unnerved by the sensation, she focused on his next words.

    You have fought well and deserve your reward. His gaze shifted briefly to the yelling throng. The feast for your final victory will be a grand one. It has been too long since a femwar has earned the title of czwar.

    Three large, bare-chested men jogged out to the center of the arena with a large wooden cart that rattled and cracked as it passed. They began the chore of loading the frost beast’s body.

    Come, Feather, her trainer said, his voice low for only her.

    He put his arm around her sweaty, blood-spattered shoulders. At his touch, Feather relaxed against Irikii and allowed him to lead her out of the arena to the dark stone corridors beneath the stands.

    Go to the baths, and I will meet you there to discuss your furlough, he stated, releasing her.

    Will you not check my body for injuries? she asked, strangely disappointed. You always see to my wounds.

    With a final smile, he said nothing and strode away down one of the many tunnels.

    Feather watched him go, her mind in turmoil and an odd sense of dismay weighing on her chest. Other than the occasional excited whoop, the cries of the spectators now sounded like the rush of distant water. Standing with her ax clasped loosely in one hand, Feather contemplated her victory. Every femwar dreamed of reaching the final round of beast battles, but only a few achieved such a victory. Now she was one of the special ones, a czwar.

    She had no idea what place to choose for her furlough. She’d only lived in two homes her entire life, the first being her birth planet, Stell-Ery, where she resided with her mother until she was five star cycles old. However, since she was female, her father shipped her to Viktari. Only women purchased for wives were permitted on Stell-Ery, so returning to see her mother was out of the question.

    Since she was very young, Feather had been taught the arts of self-defense and methods of killing. She’d ascended the ranks of femwars, and now, with her final fight behind her, she was free to enjoy a furlough on the world of her choice and to pick a mate, if it pleased her to do so.

    She started down the long tunnel past storage rooms and weaponry vaults, her boots crunching on the pebbles strewn on the floor. A mate? She stopped in the corridor. What did she know of love? It was a myth. And the act of mating eluded her as well. Femwars were never allowed to couple with anyone. The pent-up sexual frustration gave them more fighting power, so sex was strictly taboo until the femwar was released from her battle bond, or until she won her victory fight.

    Shrugging, she continued on her way. Perhaps Irikii would suggest a world for her to visit. Later, when she returned to Viktari, she would worry about choosing a mate.

    The scuff of a boot against the grainy floor brought her to a halt. Her senses were always attuned to anything out of the ordinary, whether in or out of the ring, and this sound had been stealthy.

    She slowly turned and looked up the corridor. Nothing.

    Feather filed the incident away for later contemplation and continued on her way. At the armory, she handed over the battle axe.

    Congratulations, Feather, said the young man in charge of the facility. Where will you take your victory furlough?

    I know not, she replied. I will have to ask for suggestions.

    Wherever you go—he placed the axe on a table—you deserve a long period of relaxation.

    "tova, young sir, she thanked him. You are very kind."

    He lifted a large sack full of something that clinked softly. Choose a number bead from the bag. Whichever onlooker has this spot in the stands will be the one to receive your axe.

    She pushed her hand deep into the sack and withdrew a bead.

    He accepted it and then waved to her as he reached for an oiled cloth to clean her weapon. Feeling happy, Feather left the armory and headed for the baths. There, young servant girls aided her in stripping off her garments and removed the feathers from her long braid.

    Now that your fighting days are over, you may grow out the rest of your hair, the blond youth said.

    Will you still wear your feathers? the other girl asked.

    I haven’t given it much thought, Feather answered, running her hand over the short fuzz that lined either side of her skull. I suppose I will so it will grow evenly like other women wear their hair.

    She stepped down into the steaming, sunken tub. The young women washed the blood from her body and then tended to her bruises, abrasions, and cuts. They had just finished when Irikii entered the misty chamber.

    Leave us, he ordered.

    Quickly, the attendants hurried out of the basin. With their garments dripping, they left the bathing room.

    Feather met her trainer’s gaze. Something she’d never seen before shone in his eyes. What is it, Irikii?

    He shrugged out of his robes and tossed them over a large, ornate chair. Feather couldn’t help but stare at him. She’d always admired Irikii whenever he sparred in only his boots and breeches, but this was the first time she’d seen him nearly nude. His bare chest boasted muscles honed by swordplay and his torso tapered to slim hips. He tugged off his boots and stripped off his pants. More hard muscles roped his arms and legs, and a thin layer of dark hair coated his chest and forearms. At the sight of him, Feather experienced a moment of confusion, her heart rate jumping.

    In only a loincloth, Irikii entered the bath. Feather passed him a soap root, and he began quietly washing himself.

    Again, she detected a sound that sent a tremor of unease through her. Irikii paused in scrubbing. He turned his head toward the main entrance.

    You heard it, too? she whispered.

    Silently, he left the water. Soap dribbled down his back to settle in the tapering grooves of his waist. He looked around the corner into the main entrance, shook his head, and then did the same at the back way.

    Whatever we heard is gone now, he replied. He descended into the basin and resumed bathing, his face stoic.

    Something is on your mind, Irikii. After working together so closely for nearly three star cycles, she often sensed when he was troubled. I know you too well, so do not tell me it is nothing.

    He remained silent and dunked under the water, rinsing away the bubbles. When he surfaced, he faced Feather with an expression she couldn’t identify.

    Recite the four laws of the final victory. What is the first law?

    A femwar who wins the final battle is recognized as a full czwar and receives a furlough on the world of her choice.

    His eyes still shone with an odd light. What is the second commandment?

    She blinked, wondering what purpose he had for making her say the laws. The czwar’s trainer may claim her for her first coupling. This is his reward for training a prime warrior. The third law is that the czwar may choose a mate after her trainer has claimed her for the first time.

    And the last and final law? he prompted softly.

    The czwar learns of the fourth law when she is on furlough. This commandment reveals the path for her new life.

    Irikii drew in a deep breath, held it, and then released it slowly. Moving gracefully through the water, he stood in front of her and smoothed strands of her long hair back over her shoulders. Are you ready for me to take you?

    She looked deeply into his eyes, marveling at the strange emotion she saw twinkling within them. Two thick, jagged scars, given to him by an escaped Vik lizard, traced a path from his temple and curved back to his right ear. Femwars and their trainers were not permitted to show emotion, but now that her battles were over, she supposed those rules no longer applied to them. Gingerly, she reached out and traced the tip of her index finger along the old wounds.

    His eyes darkened to midnight. Feather?

    I do not know how to be ready, she replied. I know only what it is to be a femwar.

    Disappointment flickered over his face. Of course. He sighed as if something weighed heavily on his mind. I will do my best to show you. Do you trust me?

    Always. You are High Trainer, Irikii Drader of Viktari, one of the Coveted Twelve trainers.

    He shook his head. "No, not anymore, Feather. Now I am only a

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