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A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes
A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes
A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes
Ebook42 pages34 minutes

A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes

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About this ebook

Here you will find some of my favourite short stories that I have created and a little bit about the history behind the stories and why I wrote them. From the jarring aggression of Love Changes everything, to the poignant the weary soldier and the fascinating what’s happened to Amanda and Vision of life

PublisherDean Hodsfry
Release dateApr 27, 2012
A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes

Dean Hodsfry

Dean has been writing since he was in his late teens almost 15 years ago. Born and bred in rural South Wales. Dean would spend most of his evening's in his bedroom, creating all sorts of weird and crazy ideas both for his writing and for his hobbies. Dean left his homeland in the early Noughties, to seek better employment. On his travels he had met a young girl and decided to move to Oxfordshire to be with her. He has currently been married since 2005 to that same girl and she is fully behind him with his writing and has even started working on her own story Currently Dean is living with his wife in the lovely town of Chipping Norton, although fully employed he does dedicate his time to writing and has several projects on the go at the moment.

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    Book preview

    A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes - Dean Hodsfry

    A Compendium of Shorts and Flashes

    by Dean Hodsfry

    Published by Dean Hodsfry at Smashwords

    Copyright Dean Hodsfry 2012

    Dean Hodsfry has asserted his moral right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the copyright, Design & Publications Act 1988

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any method electrical or manual including photography or any information storage and retrieval system without express permission from the publisher or author.

    I S B N 978-1-4763-927-21

    Typeface Arial 11pt

    Table of contents

    Forward & Introduction

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder

    Undying love

    What happened to Amanda

    Love changes everything

    A vision of Life

    The weary soldier

    The harbinger chronicles

    The foggy night

    A hidden agenda: Chapter 1


    Foreword & Introduction

    Hello and welcome to my first compendium of short stories. Firstly, before I tell you about the content let me tell you a little about me.

    My name is Dean Hodsfry, I currently live in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire and for our international readers it is the UK, and for our own national readers it is on the edge of the Cotswolds. Such a cauldron of Cotswold stone bricked building plus rolling landscapes of green make the Cotswolds one of the most pretty Area of outstanding natural beauty Second only to Wales of course!

    I have been writing for nigh on over 15 years. I usually write either medieval fantasy or short ghost stories. I remember my first attempt at writing it was an attempt to write about Dungeons & Dragons that kick started my fascination into all things fantasy. I found that when I was at school, I had such an active imagination and when I finally could not imagine anymore I had to write my ideas down which was such a release. When I was down in my mother’s I came across one of my old workbooks, with comments from the teachers, that I must try harder does not have the vision to succeed well this is a two fingers up to them. That was then.

    This is now I am twenty three thousand words into my first Novel called A Hidden Agenda based in medieval times around a university drop out called Franz who ends up going on a quest with an obnoxious dwarf called Henry. If you are interested, I have put the first chapter right at the end of this book. Enjoy!

    As a side-line I am also working on a series of Novella called the Harbinger Chronicles based on an Assassin in Thebes, ancient Greece, notoriously known as The Harbinger we follow him on a quest to kill all the people who murdered his loved ones as well as

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