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Recovery of Agent M
Recovery of Agent M
Recovery of Agent M
Ebook73 pages59 minutes

Recovery of Agent M

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Book 1 – Jeff Ivanov Series

Sea/Air/Land Commandos – Navy SEALS

Navy Seals do not quit, ever. They do not leave people behind. Part of their Creed says, "My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day…"

Covert Operative Jeff Ivanov is working in Colombia for the Special Activities Division, or SAD, utilizing asymmetrical or unconventional tactics. New intel, however, will change everything.

The United States Special Warfare Command via DevGroup recovers HVI, or High Value Intelligence, from the private yacht of a Russian-Chechen narco trafficker off the coast of Venezuela, named Nikolai Markovich. The new intelligence indicates that CIA Operative Lida M. was not killed in Tehran, but moved to a small island off the Northern coast of Venezuela.

The hostage is in critical condition, and another top priority operation may well jeopardize this one. The President orders boots on the ground ASAP.

Jeff Ivanov is called to lead his previous team, SEAL Team 7, and brings along two 'brothers' from the Colombian Special Forces. The team HALO jumps into the area to conduct a stealth mission in the heart of a terrorist compound, employing the latest and most advanced technology. The "package," Lida M., may be in critical condition, and as a Muslim woman, might not want to survive this ordeal and face dishonor afterwards. But Seals do not leave people behind, and Ivanov sees saving his sister agent as an all-in mission.

PublisherJeff Ivanov
Release dateApr 30, 2012
Recovery of Agent M

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    Recovery of Agent M - Jeff Ivanov


    ROAM–Recovery of Agent M

    Intelligence Report- Tango Juliet-Operational Intel Brief (OIB)

    Location:Small Venezuelan Island situated between the islands of La Tortuga and Isla Margarita, approximately 150 Miles from Caracas, Venezuela.

    Aircraft Type:Gulfstream G950 with SOF Modifications

    Origination Location:Bogota Eldorado International Airport, 0200 Hours

    Deployment Altitude:25,000 feet HALO JUMP

    SF Operators:SEAL TEAM 7, JEFF IVANOV Requested

    Extraction Point:Echo Potomac

    Extraction Team:US NAVY STEALTH HELICOPTER from the USS Independence Littoral Ship.

    Package to be Recovered:CIA Special Agent Lida M., who was kidnapped by the QUDS forces in Tehran, transferred from Tehran to Damascus, Syria, and then flown to Caracas. From Caracas we believe she was taken by small sea worthy craft to Island of interest.

    Condition of Package:Unknown

    Operational Assignment:Deploy to QUDS controlled island, and recover High Value Package- HVP. This is a PR mission.

    Rules of Engagement ROE-Retrieve package, neutralize RF Reactionary Force. Anticipating hot extraction zone.

    Target Terrorist:QUDS Forces

    Language Of Terrorist:FARSI

    Combat Proficiency:HIGH

    Country of Origin:IRAN


    Principle:Supreme Leader

    Regional Terror Associates:Narco-terrorist organization, known as‘Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia’(Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, orFARC).

    Call Signs

    Navy SEALS

    Sea/Air/Land Commandos

    Joint Navy SEALs and CIA operations began in Vietnam and continue today in operations such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Jeff Ivanov –‘Vodka’. His mother is from Volgograd, Russia. Father was a US Naval Submarine Captain. He can drink vodka with no intoxication. CIA Clandestine Operative who served as a commando with SEAL Team 7. Works in counter-terrorism. Fluent in Spanish, Russian, and Farsi.

    SEAL Commando Ashmore – ‘Havana’. Smokes cigars before every mission, just in case he is killed. The mission execution commando. Fluent in Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi. Wife is of Iranian descent.

    SEAL Commando Miramontes – ‘El Camino’. He drives an old El Camino and listens to low rider music. The sniper element. Fluent in Spanish, French, and German.

    SEAL Commando Bernard – ‘ZZ Top’. He wears a long beard and can find a way to blow up anything. The explosives element or EOD comm.ando. Fluent in Spanish, German, and Hindi.

    SEAL Commando Dupey – ‘Professor’. Has a master’s degree from Santa Clara University in clinical psychology, and is the corpsman, or medical element.

    Fluent in Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Tagalog.

    SEAL Commando Cuellar – ‘Santana’. The gadget guy, the drone guy, and the electronics warfare specialist. Listens to Carlos Santana music. The electronic warfare element. Fluent in Spanish, French, and Arabic.

    SEAL Commando Lohner – ‘Ozzie’. Acts like Ozzie Osbourne, and can drink anybody under the table. During SEAL BUDS training normal recruits are Tadpoles, but if you are require a lot of attention, you’re a Banana. This name stuck with Lohner, so he’s called Ozzie and Banana. Fluent only in English.

    SEAL Commando Clements – ‘Tex’. 6’4", big Texan redneck, nicknamed ‘Tex’ because he was a rodeo jock. Fluent in Tex-Mex, Redneck, and a little German.


    Date unknown

    Location unknown

    "Move, move, move!"

    She heard the words in English and then realized, no, it was Farsi.

    The man screamed again, yanking her to her feet. Move!

    It seemed they were moving her again. She still hadn’t figured out where they were. It was a lost cause by now.

    Lida tried to keep up with the two men pulling her, but she could hardly feel her legs. One leg wouldn’t move at all, so she tried to hop on the other one as they drug her down a dark hallway. One of men grabbed her hair and screamed at her more. "You are worthless! You are dead! Traitor!" He shook her by the hair.

    She knew to look away from his eyes. Go blank. She couldn’t give in to any emotion.

    Maybe she was already dead in some sense. Even the overwhelming pain shooting through her body was far off, surreal.

    The hallway led to a loud engine noise of some kind.

    She squinted and thought she saw an airplane outside, but the light was so bright it blinded her.

    One of the men shoved a rough cloth bag down over her head so she couldn’t see as they boarded. Another hallway. Another tiny room.

    The door shut and she pulled the bag from her head. It was pitch black inside the room so she felt around to get her bearings. There wasn’t anything but four walls. She sank to the floor, very careful not to hurt herself any more. Then she wondered if it mattered.

    The door opened and someone entered through the brightness. She prayed they were there to kill her this time.


    US Embassy, Bogota, Colombia

    30 April 2011

    We are here to discuss the effectiveness of this joint task force. Almirlante Ortiz opened the five-person meeting in English, but with a heavy Colombian accent. As always, Ortiz wore his dress uniform, and he wore it with pride.

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