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Zombies! Episode 2.7: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
Zombies! Episode 2.7: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
Zombies! Episode 2.7: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
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Zombies! Episode 2.7: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

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While Lance Naughton works to track down Amber Sunsweet and her alleged army of zombies, both Francis Culph and Malcolm Arrick continue their searches for the elusive John Arrick. In the subway tunnels beneath the City of New York, these people are all on a collision course toward each other, and toward the largest horde of zombies any of them has ever seen.

PublisherIvan Turner
Release dateApr 29, 2012
Zombies! Episode 2.7: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Ivan Turner

A child of the movies, I was always consumed by fantastic stories told by others and translated into adventures to be retold by me through the action figure medium. As I grew older, I put the action figures away and moved into the realm of role playing. Though I never outgrew role playing, I certainly don't have the time for it anymore. Since I was eleven years old, I've been pouring almost every ounce of creative energy I have into writing.I graduated college in 1993 with a degree in computer science. I tried my hand at programming for a couple of years and found it pretty unsatisfying. I later became a partner at a comic book store, where I spent several years. Though it wasn't a financial success, the experience I gained from running the store and the people that I met (many of whom I'm still in touch with today) was priceless. After leaving the store, I settled into a career of teaching. I still teach at a public high school in New York. Ironically, I've picked up computer programming again, which is what I mostly teach.I've been writing the whole time.I released my first book electronically in 2010. Forty Leap was a turning point for me in both style and story building. The Book of Revelations, which was written earlier but released later, was sort of a midway point between the writer I was and the writer I've become. I experimented with a very odd style and a story that employed diverse characters and controversial situations.In September 2010, I released the first installment of Zombies! Zombies! has been a tremendous success for me that came very close to being made into a television series. Since Zombies!, I have written a five part miniseries called Castes and have been working on developing tabletops games, the first of which, ApocalypZe, was published in early 2014.Now, 6 years later, a 3rd Zombies! series is due to be released in September of 2016.

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    Zombies! Episode 2.7 - Ivan Turner


    Zombies Episode 2.7: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 by Ivan Turner

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The people and events in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.


    What has come before…

    The Zombie Containment Facility is a place where people who’ve lost loved ones to the zombie plague can go and claim their family members. If the victim is in their database, the facility will handle all of the funeral arrangements and provide closure for distraught family.

    For a fee.

    At the heart of the company is a CEO with much to hide and an executive who will do her part no matter what the moral implications. When John Arrick escaped the facility, alive, he became a danger to the company and the freedom of those executives. So Albert Chatham hired Francis Culph, the zombie hunter, to find and kill him.

    Having returned to New York, Lance Naughton was quickly reinstated as a police officer and given leave to investigate his suspicions. The leads and conclusions quickly piled up. Denise Luco, who went to Atlanta to continue her work fighting the zombie plague, found some startling information in Rudolph Ludlow’s notes. There was a zombie whose system had completely assimilated the bacterium. The man was not a zombie.

    This man was John Arrick.


    Laying in a strange bed and staring at a strange ceiling, Malcolm Arrick considered the events that had led him to this point. Eliminating the circumstances that had brought him to the United States in the first place, he supposed he had been fortunate. He had managed to find a place to live, had turned up several good leads on the whereabouts of his brother, and scored a lady friend.

    Is something wrong? his lady friend, laying next to him in the bed, asked.

    You’re exceptionally loud, he replied.

    It makes Jack jealous, she answered.

    I’m not quite sure how I feel about being used to make your husband jealous.

    It turns you on.

    Oh, that’s right, he said as if he had forgotten.

    They lay there for another few minutes, she playing with the hairs on his chest and he staring up at the ceiling.

    You know what? he said. I’m very thirsty. Do you think you could fetch me something?

    She laughed. She loved it when his accent got really thick. Quite, dear.

    Getting out of the bed, she walked out the door. She didn’t even bother to put something on. That was the thing about Beatriz. She had no shame whatsoever. Malcolm considered that her biggest flaw.

    He jumped up and went straight to the dresser. There was a cabinet on the bottom where she kept her work bag. He already knew that there was something inside that he wanted to see. He’d caught a glimpse of it at dinner. Her phone had gone off and she’d scrambled to get into her bag, get the phone out, and answer it. It had raised a red flag with him. Beatriz never scrambled to do anything. As he got the bag out onto the bed, he opened it quickly and dumped its contents.

    And there they were.

    ZCF Incorporated was a well funded, high tech facility. Beatriz Huang was a well paid, top level executive. What she was doing with a sheaf of hand written notes in her bag was curious at the very least. As Malcolm scanned through them, he found them to be much much more than that.

    To backtrack, Malcolm had started dating Beatriz for two reasons. The first was that she was a sexy woman who had come on to him. What made her sexy, at least to Malcolm, wasn’t necessarily the way she looked but, rather, the way she carried herself. There was something about the confidence she exuded that he found irresistible. The second reason was that she worked for the company that claimed to have no knowledge of the whereabouts of his brother. Abby Benjamin had told him that she had found John Arrick in ZCF’s database, but Malcolm had been unable to do so. According to ZCF, Abby Benjamin was mistaken. Worse than that, they’d labeled her a crackpot. Over the last couple of weeks, Malcolm had caught snippets of conversation that led him to believe that Beatriz Huang and her boss, who Malcolm had never met, were working to perpetuate that theory. All of this had sent up a red flag as far as Malcolm was concerned. If anyone was lying, he guessed, it was ZCF. Now he had the proof.

    Just what the hell are you doing?

    Malcolm looked up casually, the damning papers in his hand. Beatriz was standing naked in the doorway, a glass of water in her hand. Their eyes locked for a second before she stormed in, set the glass on the dresser, and snatched the papers from Malcolm’s hand. That was Beatriz displaying more of that sexy confidence. But Malcolm was beyond the spell at this point. His focus was on John and he wanted those papers back. With his left hand, he grabbed her by her right bicep. With his right hand, he grabbed her by the throat. Forcing her down onto the bed, he straddled her, tightening his grip as he did so.

    If you don’t answer all of my questions, I’ll kill you.

    Let go of me, she choked. I’ll scream.

    He laughed a pitiless laugh. Your husband will probably thank me for killing you and help me get rid of the body.

    That wasn’t as far from the truth as it sounded. Despite their occasional sexual encounter, Ms. Huang was an albatross that Jack desperately wished he could exorcise from his life. If someone else was willing to commit the murder, he might very well be willing to turn the other cheek.

    Get off, she hissed.

    You hired a hunter, he hissed. You hired someone to find and kill my brother.

    Go to hell.

    He squeezed harder, this time cutting off her air entirely. Only when her cheeks had begun to turn blue and her eyes had begun to roll did he ease up. He waited several seconds for her brain to begin processing again before speaking.

    "I’m not joking with you, Beatriz. I will kill you."

    Your brother’s already dead, she whispered. He’s a zombie.

    "He can’t be a zombie. He’s immune to the disease. Or didn’t you already know that?"

    She didn’t. He could see that she didn’t.

    Where’s this hunter, now? he asked.

    How should I know?

    I’m a speed reader, Beatriz. You hired a psychopath to hunt down and kill my brother. It’s important enough that your boss wrote the whole thing down by hand. If you’re not keeping tabs on the hunter, then you’re a fool. And you’re no fool.

    At the moment, she would dispute that assertion. But he was right about her keeping tabs on the zombie hunter. She’d given him a phone with a GPS chip that she could track even if the phone was off. He’d been told never to turn the phone off.

    Ease up, she said. I’ll tell you what you want to know.

    He eased the tension on her throat but he didn’t get off of her. He didn’t like the position he was in. Not too long before, he’d been naked on top of her and in a completely different frame of mind.

    I’ll need to get my phone.

    Later, he said. First tell me about John.

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