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A weekend in Barcelona
A weekend in Barcelona
A weekend in Barcelona
Ebook35 pages22 minutes

A weekend in Barcelona

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About this ebook

Samantha, a 40 something research pharmacist needs a break. Over worked and career orientated she never had the time or the desire to discover herself sexually. She consider's herself unatractive but discover's she was wrong. A stay in her favourite Hotel, El jardin del Presidente in Barcelona over a hot and humid august weekend does it for her. Samantha opens a Pandora's box that she will never want to close.

Release dateMay 1, 2012
A weekend in Barcelona


Born on the 2 June 1971 in Donetsk , Ukraine. Sheherezade is only my pename. I am a singer and singing teacher. I have appeared in many Opera's from Macbeth, La Traviata ( my favorite) Nabucco and Aida. Studied music and languages at the State University of Minsk , currently living in France with my English husband. I am blonde! I enjoy fine food and wine,music,fishing,writing and travelling. We have between us a very large family!

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    Book preview

    A weekend in Barcelona - Sheherezade

    A weekend in Barcelona

    by Sheherezade

    Smashwords Edition

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    Table of Contents

    Story One

    The End

    Story One

    Samantha was at last feeling that the stress of work was behind her. She paid the taxi driver and thanked him as he handed her the small overnight bag from the boot of his car.

    The hotel appeared to be a private residence, set in a luxurious semi tropical garden. Samantha could feel the humidity within the dense foliage of the hotels garden's as she walked through to the entrance. Highly polished brass and glass revolving doors opened onto a spacious lobby. The Jardin del Presidente hotel had existed since before the civil war. El Jardin as it was called by regular clients, past and present, offered a level of service that even the Palace hotels of London, New York, Paris or Rome envied. El Jardin was not referenced, never advertised and had the luxury of being able to choose its guests.

    Samantha's father had been a very young American journalist at the outbreak of the Spanish civil war. He had found himself within a group of foreign , mainly left wing, reporter's who had made El Jardin their canteen. They were made welcome by the anti Franco owner's who had surprisingly survived the war. The hotel was still in the same family's hands, and the reason Samantha was always welcome.

    At the desk she was greeted by Enrico, the concierge.

    Enrico was in his late 50's, slim and tanned as one would expect he might be living and working in Barcelona.He knew all the hotels client's, at least visually but more often by name as soon as they crossed the threshold. Enrico did not need to use a computer or a card system to recall

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