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Triple Play Purchase: Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Triple Play Purchase: Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Triple Play Purchase: Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Ebook174 pages2 hours

Triple Play Purchase: Every Woman's Fantasy Series

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This exciting series is a collection of Life Stories with an explosive touch of erotica. Follow May, Celeste, Shanquelle and the others as you find one after the other - deep stroking it out on conference tables at the local college, lust filled post office pokes and hanging from storefront ceiling fans just to start out. Begin each continued story as it falls into a random period of time in the life of these very different women. After a few pages, you will find yourself engulfed in their stories of everyday life as they approach each lusty sex charged encounter. Hold on tight as you get to know how they engage in these unexpected sexual sessions. Who will you love? Who will you dare to hate? But just when you think it’s over, the next chronicle starts, picking up the connected character and begins their tale. Each story stands alone and will excite you, make you sad, pull you in, make you laugh and then leave you wanting more. Follow the whole crew as they all head for finale - The Invite. Only they know what will happen next......

PublisherRick Barry
Release dateMay 4, 2012
Triple Play Purchase: Every Woman's Fantasy Series

Rick Barry

RICK BARRY is the author of the The Methuselah Project, Gunner’s Run, Kiriath’s Quest, and hundreds of short stories and articles. He speaks multiple languages, including Russian. Fuel for his fiction has come from mountain climbing, jumping from airplanes, visiting WW II battlefields, and over 50 trips to Eastern Europe, including the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

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    Book preview

    Triple Play Purchase - Rick Barry

    The Every Woman’s Fantasy Series



    With A Touch of Erotica

    Triple Play Purchase

    Rick Barry

    Published by Rick Barry at Smashwords

    Copyright May-2011 Rick Barry

    Discover other titles by Rick Barry at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Table of Contents

    Getting The Fix - Chronicle I

    Where's My Letter - Chronicle II

    Upward Bound - Chronicle III

    Preview - A True Lie - Chronicle IV

    About the Author



    Chapter 1

    As she picks up the office telephone receiver, she squeezes it in her hand as if her hand is around someone’s neck. The poor keypad doesn’t stand a chance either as she aggressively presses down on each number until they reach their limit. She listens as the phone rings on the other end. That girl’s voice she had to suffer through when she brought this latest technology is the last sound she wants to hear once the ringing stops, but her bad luck just continues.

    Cell Phones and More, this is Kim, May I help you? Sounding like a whining rat, the girl’s voice irritates May.

    Almost mumbling under her breath, Yes, this is Ms. Baleen, I came in yesterday to have my cell phone fixed or exchanged, but there wasn’t a technician at the store, do you remember me?

    There was a slight pause on the other end and then, Oh, well, what’s your first name? the girl replies with less perk in her voice.

    It’s May, Ms. May Baleen, trying to hold back on the sass in her voice, I know you remember me, from yesterday!

    She takes a quick look around the office. Checking to see if any one of her nosey co-workers is in her business, but no one is looking. Now, May wasn’t the kind of woman that anyone could so easily forget and she knew that this Kim girl was just trying to give her a hard time.

    May holds her anger back and whispers, I’m taking my lunch in fifteen minutes, little Kim, will a technician be there to look at my phone today, or not? She grows impatient.

    May didn’t have time to be wasting with this stupid cell phone and that’s part of the reason she waited so long to get one.

    This is Mabaleen? the irritating voice questions.

    Almost talking over the girl, with an authoritative tone, Look, I’m a customer and I need to have my phone looked at, is a tech there? May forced.

    With her voice now shaking, Max, our new technician will be back from his break in fifteen minutes, ma’am. Is there something else I can help you with?

    May has a quick thought of asking her to stand very still while she taps her in the head with a hammer. Could she help her with that?

    But instead, she calmly replies, Can you let Max, or whoever, know that I’m coming down. I’ll be on my lunch break and I need to get in and right out?

    Again a pause, Yes, I will, now your name is Mabaleen, right – that’s M A B …

    Without another thought, May sends the girl the dial tone hanging up in the girl’s face just as her supervisor walks pass her desk. She still knew she was wrong for making personal calls on the job, but nevertheless, she didn’t make the kind of money where she could just let them get away with selling her this bad phone. This Max man or somebody is going to fix it or she is going to make the biggest scene they ever seen and get her money back, today!

    As she turns and looks at the clock for what seems to be the one hundredth time, May grows most impatient. She didn’t have time in her life to be wasting with this stupid cell phone. But May’s impatience wasn’t just about her cell phone. She is thirty-three now, raising three kids on her own, just got a job in her field and is starting at the bottom. Her life dream of having a loving family and a successful career wasn’t supposed to be just starting in her thirties. She had such big dreams when she was young. May knew that her gift of talk would take her to the top, if she made the right choices. Her high school guidance counselor had really helped her with direction about her future. So, her first semester in college, she read up on being a publicist and liked everything she read. Some people call them press agents, but May wasn’t concerned with titles, just that she was the best in her field. Becoming the most sought after publicist on the East Coast, having her own firm and working with some of the most important people on the planet, would be just the beginning. She often imagined herself sitting behind her big desk looking across from a major recording artist, a top ten best sellers list writer or the latest box office movie star and saying, ‘Thank you for coming in today, shall we get started on making you bigger than you already are?’

    May laid down her short term goals and started right out of high school. Straight to community college, made her studies priority, studied hard and got all good grades, that first year. Although she made great plans for her career, she wasn’t as professional with her personal life and that proved to be her big mistake. Now May would never say that her unplanned children were a mistake, but she knew deep inside that the timing was just all wrong.

    May and James met in high school. His real name is Wayne James Waters, but everyone called him James and he was something else. May’s first love, he was on the basketball team and of course, May just happened to be at every game with her friends. They sat and watched every move the boys made. Making comments to each other on things like; how big this one’s muscles were and how cute that one’s butt was. And don’t forget the occasional loud noise or laugh every now and then, just to make sure the guys knew they were there. It wasn’t long before May realized that James had his eye on her. And she kind of liked him to or at least what he looked like out on the court.

    Back then, May wasn’t the type of girl the basketball guys usually asked to be their girlfriends. Now don’t misunderstand, May knew she wasn’t the ‘ugly girl’ in the group though, but far from it. As a matter of fact, her beauty stood out amongst the crowd. Brown skinned, sparkling brown eyes, long silky black hair and that million dollar smile was how May had all the boys looking at her. It was only everything else that the boys liked, that May lacked. She wasn’t developed liked the other girls and she was the shortest. The growth of her breasts could only be seen by herself when she was naked looking in the mirror. Her tiny rear end didn’t seem like it was growing either. So May would push it out, as she walked around the school, from time to time.

    He was about five-eight, slender and light skinned. He kept his black hair cut short, she liked that and although his head was kind of small, he had a cute little baby face. May remembers after a tough game, James came over where she and the girls were sitting.

    Looking right at May, he said, Hey, what’s up?

    She looked up at him with his full lips and that was it for her. She couldn’t wait until he kissed her with those lips and one day he did. That was the beginning. They began to date and shortly after, he made her endless promises of marriage and a long happy life together. May was pleased with James. And as time passed, she didn’t listen to her family or friends that warned her over and over again about them moving so fast. May just knew she wasn’t going to get pregnant or that James was holding her back. Their last year of high school, James started to change. Because he was popular at school, he wanted the same out in the streets. Although May didn’t like what she watched James turning into, they kept doing what felt good and soon she did get pregnant, not once, but over and over and over again. All of a sudden, she had a baby daddy, no career and not the kind of family she dreamt of at all. Of course, he kept reminding her of his word promises year after year, but offered no action to support his words. Just as May watched her body change from having each child, she watched James spend more time in the streets and how it changed him. Finally, she knew she only had her hopes to count on.

    Without fail, the streets caught up with him and he’ll be in jail for at least the next ten years. She warned him that she wouldn’t be there for him if he ended up going to jail behind some street mess. Despite loving him, she kept her word and refused to ‘do time’ with him. There would be no letters, long drives with the children for visits, pictures or even collect calls. Like it should be, she holds him responsible for the choices he made that left her and the children without him. It’s been a year and half since he went in and May has made some big changes in her life.

    Between taking care of the children and working full time, she had little time to even consider being in a relationship, but that was the only reason. May wasn’t going to sit around, like she’d seen so many other women do and watch her years past never moving on with her life. So, if in the last year, some nice guy would have ask her out or just showed some interest, she would have loved the attention.

    Now May is still retaining a few left over pounds since having the children. Yes of course, in the stomach area and she considers it most unattractive. Although for May, pregnancy did have its advantages also. After her second child, her body filled in wonderfully. Not only is she average height now, but she also has all the curves in the right places. Yeah, May remembered how her friends use to describe her back in high school. No longer is she flat chest or ass deprived for sure. Full bodied, thick or shapely is how she describes herself. Now when the men’s heads turn, she knows it’s not just because of her pretty face. Every now and then, a guy will be looking at her from across a room, but of course, he’d remind her of the jailbird and she’d quickly turn away. She has had her full of guys like that. Like many women, she finds herself asking, ‘Where’s all the nice guys?’

    Chapter 2

    Finally it’s time! May grabs her pocket book, keys and of course that useless cell phone and quickly rushes out of the office. Making her way out to her car, she climbs in and throws her bag into the passenger seat. As it lands, she notices the invite she’d received in the mail a few days ago lying on the seat. She reaches over and pulls it out from under her bag. It’s for a big birthday bash for a guy she doesn’t really know, but she’s still happy she got it anyway. May met him at the children’s school during open house earlier this year. Richard was his name and he wrote a self-help book that they ended up chatting about. They had had a good conversation about life, love and happiness. He seemed genuine in his beliefs and May liked that. He had given her his email address and a website for his book. Later, May checked the book out on his site and they shot a few emails back and forward about it a few times.

    Glancing at the invite, she isn’t sure if she is going to go, but she wants to. Normally, she doesn’t get much nightlife in due to the children, but strangely enough, it is on September third of next year! Of course, she doesn’t have any plans now for next year, so she decides right then, she will go. Between now and then, if she didn’t get asked out at least she’ll have this night on the town. She makes a mental note to get a dress and throws the invite into her bag.

    As she drove the fifteen blocks to the cell phone store, she was sending her prayers up that there wouldn’t be a bunch of customers already waiting. She had waited almost twenty minutes just to buy this stupid non-working phone. She couldn’t stand for waiting around again, not today. She pulled into the parking lot and parked in the closest space, grabbed her stuff and jumped out of the car and quickly walked up to the storefront doors. As she pulls the door open, she is peeking through the glass to see just

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