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Upward Bound: Chronicle III - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Upward Bound: Chronicle III - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
Upward Bound: Chronicle III - Every Woman's Fantasy Series
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Upward Bound: Chronicle III - Every Woman's Fantasy Series

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E.W.F.S. / Chronicle III - Continuing with Shanqelle - She doesn't care what you or anyone thinks about her - She’s got attitude, willing to fight and stands on her own two feet. When old-time sweet talking Alfred spreads her wide across the school's conference table, to Shanqelle's surprise, he quickly proves his steady deep stroke can tame any beast. Dropping out of school to raise her children, she finds her life at a crossroad just as her path crosses with Alfred. Qwana, Alfred and Lisa take Shanqelle to places she would have never expected, but this is her life and she's going to be the one to make it change. Lies, threats, new experiences and new revelations bring about a new attitude in Shanqelle. With her mind made up, she forges her way through all obstacles to prove to herself, the courts and her children that the only direction she'll be going in is - upward bound.

PublisherRick Barry
Release dateMay 4, 2012
Upward Bound: Chronicle III - Every Woman's Fantasy Series

Rick Barry

RICK BARRY is the author of the The Methuselah Project, Gunner’s Run, Kiriath’s Quest, and hundreds of short stories and articles. He speaks multiple languages, including Russian. Fuel for his fiction has come from mountain climbing, jumping from airplanes, visiting WW II battlefields, and over 50 trips to Eastern Europe, including the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

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    Upward Bound - Rick Barry



    Published by Rick Barry at Smashwords

    Copyright December 2011 Rick Barry

    Discover other titles by Rick Barry at

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    Part of the

    Every Woman’s Fantasy Series



    With A Touch of Erotica


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Preview of Chronicle IV - A True Lie

    About the Author


    Upward Bound succeeds Where’s My Letter and continues on in the Every Woman’s Fantasy Series as the third chronicle. Enjoy, as the characters live and explore to find themselves in awkward positions, sometimes literally and unforeseen situations that can be unexpected or even out of their control.

    Chapter 1

    As we head to the doors, I can’t believe that fake, made-up bitch got me thrown out of the post office. I can’t stand uppity bitches. Walking one step behind us, the security guard is watching us like a hawk.

    Um, rent-a-cop, we know the way out, thank you very much!

    I know he don’t think he’s scaring us. He’s a little bony guy and beating him to a pulp isn’t a problem for me. Reaching the outer doors, I see him stop and watch us go outside. Stopping about ten feet out, I turn around and give him an angry stare and wait for him to say something. I hope he gets the message. Yes, we are going to wait right out here until that chick comes out and he isn’t going to do anything about it. I roll my eyes at him and start to pace back and forward, which makes Qwana follow in suit.

    Qwana is my main friend, if I can call her that. If nothing else, she’s a good follower, that I can admit. I really don’t let many people get close to me, because most of them are just bull shitters. So, when I have simple places to go, like the post office, I let her tag along for company. It’s getting hot out here and I start looking around at the people coming and going as they pass us.

    What? What you looking at? I bark at a couple coming out the post office.

    Yeah, you heard her, what you looking at? Qwana repeats my words to the couple.

    Looking at her, "I think they heard me Qwana! OMG, why you keep saying what I say?

    What you mean? Is all she ever replies with.

    You don’t have any of yo own words to say? I question, but I’m sure she didn’t have an answer.

    So we gonna wait and get that bitch soon as she comes out right? Qwana tries to change my focus.

    What you gonna do to her? Nothing! I snap at her. Just watch me and echo my words? Or jump in front of me and talk shit, you ain’t gonna do nothing, shut up! I speak harshly to her.

    Why you talking like that? What I do?

    This is Qwana’s favorite question of all times. What I do? I am so tired of hearing it, so I just ignore again. I may have looked stupid because of how I was acting or what I said inside the post office, but listening to Qwana made me feel good about myself. She was dumb because she loved acting stupid all the time, which made me feel like a genius because I knew better. Lucky was I that I could turn ‘project’ on and off, but poor Qwana was stuck on project.

    We both grew up in the projects right around the corner from here, but unlike me, she was lost in the lifestyle. Project life ain’t no joke, its tuff and lots of people get lost in it, for their whole life. And that’s the story of my family

    Come on Qwana, I’m ready to leave. She ain’t comin outta that post office. She know better!

    Yeah, you right, she ain’t coming out. Qwana repeats, as usual.

    Yep, I’m feeling kind of stupid pacing out front, I knew it was time to go. This two sizes too small turquoise t-shirt that can hardly hold my boobies in and was letting my stomach fall out at the bottom, is starting to show my sweat. I have to admit, I am on the rather big girl side of sizes. This red mini-mini skirt I have on, that looked good on a hanger but more like a rag wrapped around my bottom, isn’t so easy on the eyes for many. Although I ignore most of the people that glare at me, I can tell they have some ugly thoughts as I pass by. But this was the standard look for us projects girls, so I go along with it. Big or not, I still get my male attention though. There are plenty of men out here that like big woman, I get my share of compliments every day. Even though I’m caring a few extra pounds, I still consider myself sexy and attractive. Being five feet and six inches tall help with the weight and the thirty or forty extra pounds are spread out nicely over my body. So my gut to butt ratio is on point. Big and shapely is what I am. Brown eyes and smooth caramel color skin with a pretty smile makes the men accept what I call my left over baby weight. I only wear make-up now and then and that’s just some eye liner, lip liner or some soft lipstick.

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