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Steel Vengeance: Steel Warfare, #3
Steel Vengeance: Steel Warfare, #3
Steel Vengeance: Steel Warfare, #3
Ebook49 pages1 hour

Steel Vengeance: Steel Warfare, #3

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STEEL VENGEANCE is the story of a World War II tank commander in the British 8th Army. The story pick up where book two, STEEL QUEEN, ended, and we follow him through the Italian campaign in 1944 and 1945.

Tommy Fletcher is a cousin of Carl Johnsen, the main character in book one, STEEL ARMAGEDDON.

Book four, STEEL TREK, takes us to Korea in 1950 where the two cousins meet for the first time.

Book five, Steel Menace takes us to Hungary in 1956. It will be published in April/May.

Each book can be read independently, or as a series

The description of the tank battles and types of tanks used are accurate in all the stories. The story should appeal to all who enjoy WW II adventure stories and have an interest in tank warfare.

PublisherJorgen Flood
Release dateMay 5, 2012
Steel Vengeance: Steel Warfare, #3

Jorgen Flood

Jorgen Flood resides in West Chester PA, with his family. He is a member of Brandywine Valley Writers Group. A writer of several magazine articles, he has pubished two books about the Viking age: "Twilight of the North" and "To Live and Die in 1030." Last mentioned book is not yet available as e-book. "Armageddon Coming" is the first of five adventure stories dealing with Tank Warfare in WW 2 and following conflicts. Book two in this series, "Steel Queen," can be downloaded for only $0.99.

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    Steel Vengeance - Jorgen Flood


    Tank Battles, Love and Survival in World War II


    Published by Jorgen Flood at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012, Jorgen Flood

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold, copied or given away to other people without the authors consent. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

    Books by Jorgen Flood:



    - To Live and Die in 1030

    - The Twilight of the North


    20th. CENTURY


    - Steel Armageddon

    - Steel Queen

    - Steel Vengeance

    - Steel Trek

    - Steel Menace




    Jorgen Flood


    ITALY 1944


    The girl was rough looking, marked by her profession. The gestures were universal. Some cigarettes, food and nylon stockings, and she would be his. For half an hour or so. He waved her off in equally universal gestures, and received what were obviously Italian obscenities in return, followed by insulting hand signals. The girl walked away looking for better customers. They would not be difficult to find, hundreds of soldiers had descended on the village.

    Remarkable how easy it is to manage without a common language he said quietly, more or less to himself. The insults did not affect him. He had seen and heard worse.

    It was getting hot and he took another drink from his ‘secret’ canteen as he called it. Not that it was very secret, nor was he the only one to carry some liquid energy, the pundits name for alcohol. While his normal canteen had water, the small bottle of Scotch was from time to time a life saver, and now he needed both of them badly. The southern sun burned down, and like many other crew members he had sought refuge in the shadow of the tank. HQ had ordered them to halt their advance while waiting for further orders, and the troops were taking full advantage of this unexpected, and short, respite. Some of the infantry soldiers were also relaxing, but most of them had spread out in the little town, benefiting from their short lived hero status. They were busy enjoying the victor’s spoils, wine and women. He did not fancy joining them; the mental wounds from his North African adventures were still too deep. Not that he had any moral or other misgivings, it was just he could not do it. Instead he had taken to drinking, and got in trouble for it. He would have been a Major by now had it not been for his drinking issues.

    The four crew members of his Churchill Mk VII tank, plus the crews of the other eight Churchill tanks, pretended not to notice Captain Tommy ‘Fletch’ Fletcher’s unsocial behavior. He was not a loved commander, actually a bit disliked. He preferred to stay aloof, and to the rank and file he seemed ‘arrogant.’ It was easier that way he felt. Losses, unavoidable as they were, did not become so personal. Despite this there was no lack of men that wanted to be in his crew. He was a survivor. In fact he was the only officer left in his original platoon. Just yesterday Major Hawkens had been killed, leaving Fletch as the senior officer.

    Sicily and Italy was not the ‘easy’ campaign the press portrayed it to be. Winston Churchill’s speech about the ‘soft’ underbelly of Europe was showing itself to be somewhat premature. The further north they came the more Fletch and the troops realized they were in fact facing some tough old guts.

    It was becoming too hot to sit still, even in the

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